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PEOPLE & ARTSMonday 11 January 2016

TV Critics Watch:

     ABC Family network prepping to become Freeform network 

DAVID BAUDER                 ing a heart transplant be-     winter hiatus, said Paul Lee,   Freeform network on Tues-          up.
AP Television Writer         fore it comes back on ABC.     president of the ABC Enter-     day.
PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — A    The network had high           tainment Group.                 Most attention has been            BOTTOMS UP
roundup of news Saturday     hopes for the adult-orient-    “We didn’t quite feel it had    paid to the removal of             Actress Alexis Carra is mov-
from the Television Critics  ed comedy featuring the        the joy, the laughter and       “Family” in the name               ing directly from “Mixol-
Association winter meet-     famed puppets on its fall      the heart that we were          change. “Family” was               ogy,” a short-lived ABC
ing, at which TV networks    schedule,                      hoping for,” Lee said.          deemed unhip for the               sitcom whose setting is one
and streaming services are   but it fell flat. Co-creator   BUCK’S BACK                     Disney-owned network               night in a Manhattan bar,
presenting details on up-    Bob Kushell has been re-
coming programs:             placed by a new back-
                             stage chief, Kristin New-
PUPPETRY                     man, and it is being re-
“The Muppets” is undergo-    vamped for its return after a

                                                            Actors Dominic Sherwood, from left, Katherine McNamara, left, and Emeraude Toubia participate
                                                            in the “Shadowhunters” panel at the Freeform 2016 Winter TCA on Saturday, Jan. 9, 2016, in Pasa-
                                                            dena, Calif.

                                                                                                                                                             (Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP)

                                                            Makers of the upcoming          that is focused on reach-          to a new series for the Free-
                                                            ABC comedy “Uncle Buck”         ing women aged 18 to 34,           form network about trying
                                                            brushed aside concerns          or the group in between            to overcome substance
                                                            that the series could make      “their first kiss and first kid,”  abuse.
                                                            some black viewers un-          said network chief Tom As-         Carra said that she at-
                                                            comfortable about stereo-       cheim.                             tended Alcoholics Anony-
                                                            typing.                         The sense of discovering           mous meetings to prepare
                                                            The series, due on ABC          something new on their             for her work in “Recovery
                                                            sometime this spring, is a      own is important to people         Road,” which premieres
                                                            remake of the 1989 movie        in this age group, and hav-        Jan. 25.
                                                            of the same name. The late      ing a well-known brand like        The actress and some oth-
                                                            John Candy starred in the       ABC or Disney in the name          ers involved in “Recovery
                                                            film as a lazy, hustler-type    plays against that instinct,       Road” purposely didn’t
                                                            character called on by his      he said.                           drink while the series was
                                                            more responsible brother        With an eye to the future,         made, she said, adding
                                                            to take care of his kids in an  Ascheim said he doesn’t            that she does like to have
                                                            emergency. ABC’s remake         necessarily want the Free-         an occasional glass of
                                                            has an all-black cast, with     form brand associated just         wine.
                                                            Mike Epps featured in the       with a television network.         “A few of us were more
                                                            lead role.                      In focus groups, consum-           successful than others,”
                                                            “Believe it or not, there’s an  ers were asked what they           Carra said.
                                                            Uncle Buck in every race,”      thought of the name if it
                                                            Epps said.                      was tied to a clothing line        SCREAM TIME
                                                            The series has two white ex-    or streaming service, for ex-      Film producer J.J. Abrams
                                                            ecutive producers, Steve        ample.                             isn’t likely to forget his visit
                                                            Cragg and Brian Bradley.        The name change is ush-            with writer Stephen King in
                                                            Bradley said more than          ered in with a marathon            Maine.
                                                            half of the series’ staff is    of episodes of “Pretty Little      After dinner, the celebrat-
                                                            composed of minorities.         Liars,” ABC Family’s most          ed horror writer suggested
                                                            FREEFORM                        popular show, and a new            they go see a horror mov-
                                                            The ABC Family network is       episode on Wednesday.              ie, said Abrams, who has
                                                            pointedly getting rid of the    Ascheim said the network           just made an adaptation
                                                            “ABC” in its name when it       is also working with pop           of King’s novel “11.22.63”
                                                            makes the transition to the     star Nicki Minaj on a com-         for the Hulu streaming
                                                                                            edy about her life growing         service.q
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