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                                                                                                                              Monday 11 January 2016

Pop Life:

     A Tribe Called Quest: A look back and looking ahead 

MESFIN FEKADU                       Jimmy Fallon.”                  DJ/Producer Ali Shaheed Muhammad, rapper Jarobi White, and Phife Dawg (Malik Isaac Taylor)
AP Music Writer                     “These are my brothers. I       of the hip-hop group A Tribe Called Quest pose for a photo at SiriusXM studios in New York. A Tribe
NEW YORK (AP) — A Tribe             know nothing but them. I        Called Quest celebrated the 25th anniversary of its debut album, “People’s Instinctive Travels and
Called Quest celebrated             only wanna work with them       the Paths of Rhythm,” in November by re-releasing the album with remixes helmed by Pharrell,
the 25th anniversary of its         ... in terms of going on tour,  CeeLo Green and J. Cole. The group said more re-releases will be issues for its other albums.
debut album, “People’s              I wanna go on tour with
Instinctive Travels and the         them,” Phife Dawg said.                                                                                                      (Photo by Brian Ach/Invision/AP)
Paths of Rhythm,” in No-            White chimed in: “And we
vember by re-releasing              always have fun together.”      reach out to people and          CURRENT STATE OF HIP-HOP          the future everybody can’t
the album with remixes              Muhammad added that             there are some people            Tribe is easily one of the        sound like Future. Like, ev-
helmed by Pharrell, CeeLo           it’s exciting to see “a         that call you right back         most respectable acts in          erybody sounds like Future.
Green and J. Cole.                  15-year-old now discover-       and there are some peo-          the history of hip-hop. As        Like, I don’t know even
The re-release is the first         ing A Tribe Called Quest 25     ple who you got to chase,”       for today’s generation, the       know who’s who outside of
of several planned by the           years later” at a concert.      he said. “And you would          veterans are hoping to see        Future,” Phife Dawg said.
group.                              “The spirt of the music and     think that with a legacy         more individuality.               Muhammad said contem-
“We have a 25th for ‘The            the feeling and the love is     project and a group that I       “Just a lot of laziness, where-   porary rap needs more bal-
Low End Theory,’ we have            strong. It’s bigger than us.”   think stood for a lot for hip-   as back when we were do-          ance.
a 25th for ‘Beats, Rhymes           Muhammad also shut              hop and music, you know,         ing it everybody had their        “You had N.W.A., you had
and Life,’ we have a 25th           down any rumors about           bridging jazz to hip-hop,        own lane. Nowadays it’s           the Geto Boys, you had
for ‘Midnight Marauders,’           tension between the             bridging so many different       one on top of the other.          Tribe Called Quest, you had
which all are pretty monu-          bandmates.                      genres that people would         ‘Oh, this sold three million      Brand Nubians ... Sir Mix-A-
mental moments for us per-          “If there was tension you       be scratching to be a part       with that style. Let me du-       Lot; they’re worlds apart,
sonally as well,” Q-Tip said.       would feel it. Do you feel      of this celebration.”            plicate that style and run        but there was balance and
In a recent interview with          tension? So there it is,” he                                     with it.’ In order for us to see  you felt it globally. q
The Associated Press, the           said in a room with White
group — including Phife             and Phife Dawg.
Dawg, Ali Shaheed Mu-
hammad and Jarobi White             CALLING ON THE YOUTH
— talked about celebrat-            On Tribe’s new anniversary
ing 25 years in music, a            album, Pharrell remixed
possible tour, a Tribe biopic       the classic “Bonita Apple-
and more.                           bum”; Green worked his
                                    magic on “Footprints”;
25 YEARS LATER                      and Cole remixed “Can I
Q-Tip says one word de-             Kick It?” Muhammad said
scribes Tribe reaching 25           the band reached out to
years in music: humility.           a number of younger hip-
“You go back and you look           hop acts to re-work Tribe’s
at everything and you’re            music but not everyone
kind of like, ‘Wow, I lived         was rushing to work with
through a few lives’ and it         them.
just happened so fast. It’s         “We reached out to many
somewhat overwhelming,”             people. And I will go on
he said. “Not trying to be          record and say — and it
egotistical or braggado-            might not be the most fa-
cios, it has nothing to do          vorable thing to say — you
with that, but it’s like ... a lot
of people don’t get to see          Rhythm and blues singer Otis Clay dies at age 73 
25 in life.”

RE-GROUP                            JOHN O’CONNOR                   The one-time Grammy              as strong in the past five        Mulvehill said. His latest al-
Ask Phife Dawg, Ali Sha-            Associated Press                nominee received two             years ... For that reason, he     bum is called, “Truth Is.”
heed Muhammad and                   Hall of fame rhythm and         nominations for May’ 37th        was an icon for a lot of us       But Clay, who moved to
Jarobi White if they want           blues artist Otis Clay, known   Blues Music Awards — for         who work in this genre.”          Chicago in 1957, was much
the group to hit the road           as much for his big heart       Soul-Blues Male Artist and       European music enthusi-           more than a talented musi-
again and they’ll say yes.          and charitable work in Chi-     Soul-Blues Album for “This       asts and record-collectors        cian. A resident of Chica-
Asking Q-Tip will get you a         cago as for his singing, has    Time for Real,” his col-         flocked to Clay’s music           go’s West Side, he was ac-
different answer.                   died. He was 73.                laboration with Billy Price,     because of its spare, “un-        tively involved in charitable
“I don’t know. ... I really, I      The Mississippi-born Clay —     Clay’s manager Miki Mul-         varnished” style wrought          work, including assisting
don’t know brotha. I mean,          whose gruff tenor-tinged        vehill said. “Otis was the last  of the 1960s soul scenes in       development of the Harold
who knows?” said Q-Tip,             voice on blues songs such       standard-bearer for deep         Memphis, Tennessee and            Washington Cultural Cen-
who was interviewed sep-            as “Trying to Live My Life      southern soul music, the re-     Muscle Shoals, Alabama,           ter. Tankson, a Chicago
arately because he was              Without You” varied from        ally gospel-inflected music      Price said.                       special education teacher
running late.                       his haunting but hopeful        that was in its heyday in the    A 2013 Blues Hall of Fame         whose pupils include autis-
When asked if he was open           baritone on gospel stan-        late ‘60s and early and mid      inductee, Clay had just           tic children, said her father
to the idea of touring, he          dards like “When the Gates      ‘70s,” Price told The Asso-      begun planning a gospel           gave little thought to what
said: “Everybody makes it           Swing Open” — died sud-         ciated Press on Saturday.        tour of the U.S., followed by     benefit he’d get from per-
look like it’s me that’s not        denly of a heart attack on      “These styles change, and        a summer European tour            forming and held nothing
open to (it).”                      Friday, said his daughter,      different styles are in the      and, later, the Legendary         back, even when appear-
Tribe recently performed            Ronda Tankson.                  forefront, but Otis was just     Rhythm and Blues Cruise,          ing for her students.q
on “The Tonight Show with
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