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UP FRONTThursday 26 November 2015

Obama grants reprieve to turkeys “Honest” and “Abe”

National Turkey Federation Chairman Jihad Douglas watches at right as President Barack        ond bird who was on the           turkey, though stories of
                                                                                              grounds but off camera.           spared turkeys date back
Obama pardons National Thanksgiving Turkey Abe, during a ceremony in the Rose Garden of       Both turkeys will get a re-       to Abraham Lincoln’s presi-
                                                                                              prieve from the oven and          dency. The National Turkey
the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015. This is the 68th anniversary of the  will spend their remaining        Federation is the turkey
                                                                                              days living it up on a near-      supplier for the event. The
National Thanksgiving Turkey presentation. 			               (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)            by Virginia farm. Both birds      trade group and others
                                                                                              hail from California, are 18      have been providing tur-
KEVIN FREKING                  continuing a White House      National Thanksgiving Tur-       weeks old and weigh in at         keys for the First Family go-
Associated Press               tradition that provides a     key, during a ceremony           about 42 pounds each. The         ing back to President Harry
WASHINGTON (AP) “ Presi-       refreshing sense of amuse-    Wednesday in the Rose            names of the turkeys were         Truman, though not all of
dent Barack Obama              ment and bipartisan cheer     Garden. He gobbled right         chosen from submissions           the birds provided during
spared two turkeys named       no matter how troubled        on cue as Obama finished         entered by school children        the years shared a similar
for one of the nation’s        the times. Obama par-         his absolution. Don’t fret for   in California. Honest has a       reprieve from the White
most admired presidents,       doned “Abe,” the 2015         “Honest,” though, the sec-       red face and neck, while          House dinner table.
                                                                                              Abe’s crown features more         Obama was accompa-
                                                                                              extensive blue splotches.         nied at the event by his
                                                                                              Obama referred to Abe as          daughters, Malia and
                                                                                              TOTUS, or Turkey of the Unit-     Sasha. They didn’t look
                                                                                              ed States. “America is af-        thrilled at last year’s turkey
                                                                                              ter all a country of second       pardoning, and Obama
                                                                                              chances and this turkey has       thanked them for once
                                                                                              earned a second chance            against standing with him.
                                                                                              to live out the rest of his life  “They do this solely be-
                                                                                              comfortably on 1,000 acres        cause it makes me feel
                                                                                              of open land complete             good, not because they
                                                                                              with a barn called the ‘the       actually think that this is
                                                                                              White House on Turkey             something I should be do-
                                                                                              Hill,’ which actually sounds      ing,” Obama said.
                                                                                              pretty good,” Obama said.         After the ceremony, the
                                                                                              George H.W. Bush was the          Obama family is volunteer-
                                                                                              first president to formally       ing at a community service
                                                                                              pardon a Thanksgiving             project in Washington.q

Cheap gas fueling expanded US Thanksgiving travel day 

J. PRITCHARD                   from Dallas. The family was   Security personnel watch as travelers walk past at LaGuardia Airport in New York, Wednesday,
Associated Press               planning on driving to the    Nov. 25, 2015. An expanded version of America’s annual Thanksgiving travel saga was
LOS ANGELES (AP) — An          mountain resort of Red Riv-   under way Wednesday with gas prices low and terrorism fears high. An estimated 46.9 million
expanded version of the        er, New Mexico to revive a    Americans are expected to take a car, plane, bus or train at least 50 miles from home over the
annual  Thanksgiving  travel   family  Thanksgiving  tradi-  long holiday weekend, according to the motoring organization AAA. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)
saga in the U.S. has begun     tion.
with gas prices low and        “My parents warned us         has the world’s best avia-       flying from Arizona to West       win,” she said.
fears of an attack by ex-      about the travel warning      tion security and assured        Virginia to see family gave       Airfares have increased just
tremists high.                 so we decide to get start-    the public that TSA is “tak-     her pause, but in the end         69 cents on average since
An estimated 46.9 million      ed early,” Fanni Farago.      ing every measure to pro-        she decided she had to            last year, according to the
Americans are expected         “And since it’s so cheap      tect the millions of air trav-   go.                               Airlines Reporting Corp.,
to take a car, plane, bus or   to drive, we are going to     elers in the coming weeks.”      “I’m not going to let the         which processes ticket
train at least 50 miles from   rent a car to go up to Red    At the Phoenix airport, Teri     terror alerts and things stop     transactions for airlines and
home over the long holi-       River.”                       Robert said the notion of        me, because then they             travel agencies.q
day weekend, according         Anyone trekking to a ma-
to the motoring organiza-      jor airport should factor
tion AAA. That would be        in 50 extra minutes on the
an increase of more than       road, according to the
300,000 people over last       traffic data company INRIX
year, and the most travel-     — and that’s just getting
ers since 2007.                to the airport, never mind
Among the reasons given        getting through security.
for the increase: an im-       Though there have been
proving economy and the        no changes to the na-
cheapest gasoline for this     tion’s terror alert status,
time of year since 2008.       the recent attacks in Paris,
On Tuesday, some travel-       West Africa and elsewhere
ers were gearing up for an     prompted the U.S. State
early exit.                    Department to warn Amer-
Fanni Farago, 26, of Tem-      ican travelers about the
pe, Arizona, sat in the Al-    risks overseas.
buquerque, New Mexico,         On Tuesday, the head of
airport with her sister Flora  the Transportation Security
Farago, 30, while waiting      Administration, Peter Nef-
for their parents to arrive    fenger, said that the U.S.
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