Page 5 - Aruba Today
P. 5
Thursday 26 November 2015
Protesters to target Chicago shopping area on Black Friday
DON BABWIN Lamon Reccord, second from right, yells at a Chicago police officer “Shoot me 16 times” as he leging a pattern of “dis-
Associated Press criminatory harassment”
CHICAGO (AP) — Small and others march through Chicago’s Loop Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2015, one day after murder against black people.
groups of demonstrators The Rev. Jesse Jackson, a
gathered again Wednes- charges were brought against police officer Jason Van Dyke in the killing of 17-year-old Laquan prominent civil rights ac-
day to protest the death tivist, said other officers
of a black teen shot by a McDonald, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast) involved in McDonald’s
white police officer, and death should be fired or at
they urged supporters to nationwide “Black Lives added that police officers shoppers traditionally flock least suspended. He also
join them in trying to shut Matter” movement, push- across the country are do- to stores to take advan- wants a special prosecu-
down Chicago’s famous ing the issue to prominence ing their duty honorably tage of discounts. He said tor appointed to the case,
Michigan Avenue shop- in the midst of the 2016 “without resorting to un- protesters also planned to complaining that Cook
ping district on Black Fri- presidential campaign. necessary force.” target the Board of Trade County State’s Attorney
day, one of the busiest Democratic presidential One of Clinton’s rivals, Sen. and other landmarks in the Anita Alvarez took too long
shopping days of the year. candidate Hillary Rod- Bernie Sanders, said in his coming days. to bring a murder charge
About two dozen pro- ham Clinton weighed in own statement that all Carter and others want the in the shooting, which hap-
testers gathered outside Wednesday, saying Mc- Americans “should be sick- Department of Justice to pened 13 months ago.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s Donald’s family and Chi- ened” by the video. investigate the Chicago For months, city officials
City Hall office on the day cago residents “deserve Activist Mark Carter called Police Department and its and community leaders
after authorities released a justice and accountabil- on people to “rise up” and history of covering up bad had feared that the re-
graphic squad-car video ity.” shut down the Magnificent behavior. lease of the dash-cam vid-
showing the officer shoot- Clinton, who made the Mile shopping area on Fri- The Urban League of Chi- eo could provoke the kind
ing 17-year-old Laquan comments Wednesday day — the day after the cago joined in the call for of turmoil that occurred
McDonald 16 times. The of- in an emailed statement, Thanksgiving holiday when a federal investigation, al- in cities such as Baltimore
ficer, Jason Van Dyke, was and Ferguson, Missouri, af-
charged with first-degree ter young black men were
murder. slain by police or died in
The group held banners police custody.
showing photos of other The relevant portion of the
black people fatally shot footage runs for less than
by police in Chicago and 40 seconds and has no au-
elsewhere. Several protest- dio. McDonald swings into
ers said they were parents view on a four-lane street
of black men who were where police vehicles are
killed by Chicago officers. stopped in the middle of
“You cannot kill our chil- the roadway. As he jogs
dren and expect us to be down an empty lane,
quiet any longer,” protest- he appears to pull up his
er Quovadis Green said. “It pants and then slows to a
is unacceptable.” brisk walk, veering away
A number of police killings from two officers who are
of black men over the past emerging from a vehicle
year have given rise to the and drawing their guns.q
At funeral for slain Minneapolis man, vow to keep protesting
Associated Press of a smiling Jamar Clark applause. The service also with officers responding to aftermath of killings in Fer-
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Hun- included a slideshow of an assault of a woman in guson, Missouri, South Car-
dreds of people filled a adorned the program for pictures of Clark as he grew which he was a suspect. olina and in New York City.
north Minneapolis church up. Several members of Some community mem- Bishop Richard Howell
on Wednesday to pay their his funeral at the cavernous Clark’s family wore white T- bers who say they saw the praised protesters for pres-
respects to a man whose shirts that read, “I matter,” incident allege Clark was sure that he said helped
death in a confrontation Shiloh Temple International on the front with Clark’s pic- handcuffed when he was get a federal civil rights in-
with police sparked more ture on the back. “I’m still shot, which police have vestigation and the names
than a week of ongoing Ministries. Inside, his obituary hurt,” said his sister, Sharice disputed. A state criminal of the officers involved.
protests, as charges were Burns. “I’m still suffering. We investigation and a federal Howell said what’s needed
pending against four men said the 24-year-old man need justice sooner rather civil rights probe are under- now is a special state legis-
suspected in a melee that than later.” Clark, who was way. Police treatment of lative session to address the
left five protesters with gun- “liked to swim, fish, listen to black, died Nov. 15 in what black men has become a needs of Minnesota’s mi-
shot wounds. A picture police say was a scuffle major issue in the U.S. in the nority community.q
music, play basketball, be
with family and take trips to
Charlotte, North Carolina.”
Impassioned speeches
from his relatives and pas-
tors were occasionally in-
terrupted by shouts and