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WORLD NEWSThursday 26 November 2015
Supreme leader says US using money, sex to infiltrate Iran
ALI AKBAR DAREINI about “infiltration” seri- TV. sue” and misusing Khame- rapprochement between
Associated Press ously and political factions His comments appeared nei’s warnings as an excuse Tehran and Washington
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) Iran’s top should not use the issue to lend support to a recent for the detentions. that would undermine and
leader said Wednesday the against each other. wave of arrests of pro-West- The recent arrests of pro- ultimately end the Islamic
United States is using “mon- “The enemy sets up a net- ern writers and journalists, Western writers, journalists Republic.
ey and sexual attractions” work within a nation and which hard-liners in the ju- and filmmakers are widely Khamenei, who has the
to try to infiltrate the Islamic inside a country mainly diciary and security servic- seen as part of a backlash final say on all matters of
Republic and warned Irani- through the two means of es have said is necessary to by hard-liners in the wake state, said that “if some are
ans not to fall into the “en- money and sexual attrac- prevent Western infiltration. of the landmark nuclear making factional use of this
emy’s trap.” tions to change ideals, be- Iran’s moderate Presi- agreement reached with (infiltration), it’s a mistake.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei liefs and consequently the dent Hassan Rouhani criti- the U.S. and five other But these words should not
told Revolutionary Guard lifestyle,” he said in com- cized the arrests earlier this world powers last summer. lead to ignoring and for-
commanders that authori- ments posted on his web- month, saying hard-liners Hard-liners fear the deal getting the main issue of
ties should take concerns site and broadcast on state are “exaggerating the is- could lead to a broader infiltration.”q
IS claims Tunisia attack, suspected bomber’s body found
A man walks past the bus that exploded Tuesday in Tunis, Wednesday Nov.25, 2015. Tunisia’s it, it is the latest of several around 20 “apostates.”
president declared a 30-day state of emergency across the country and imposed an overnight major attacks in Europe Earlier this year, the country
curfew for the capital Tuesday after an explosion struck a bus carrying members of the presiden- and the Mideast seeding suffered two major attacks
tial guard, killing at least 12 people and wounding 20 others. terror well beyond its base by Islamic extremists that
in Syria and Iraq. targeted tourist sites.
(AP Photo) Tunisian authorities discov- The blast on a tree-lined
ered the body of a 13th avenue in the heart of Tunis
B. BEN BOUAZZA and the Islamic State group 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of person in the bus, believed is a new blow to a country
Associated Press military explosives, the Inte- to be the “terrorist who that is seen as a democrat-
TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — The claimed responsibility rior Ministry said. caused the explosion,” the ic model for the region. It
body of a suspected sui- The blast rattled the coun- Interior Ministry said in a came days after authorities
cide bomber was found at Wednesday for the attack try after a particularly vio- statement Wednesday. visibly increased security in
the scene of an attack on lent year. If the Islamic State Ministry spokesman Walid the capital and deployed
Tunisia’s presidential guard, that left 13 people dead. group was indeed behind Louguini told The Associ- security forces in unusually
ated Press on Wednesday high numbers.
Tuesday’s attack on a bus that the 13th body couldn’t The U.S. State Department
be identified by fingerprints denounced the attack
carrying Tunisia’s presiden- because no fingers were and the U.N. Security Coun-
found. The ministry said a cil pledged support for Tu-
tial guards involved about DNA analysis of the body is nisia’s young democracy.
underway. Iyad Madani, secretary
The government declared general of the Organization
the blast a terrorist attack of Islamic Cooperation—
and imposed a 30-day na- the world’s largest bloc
tionwide state of emergen- of Muslim-majority coun-
cy, with troops fanned out tries— strongly condemned
across the capital. the attack. In a statement
The Islamic State group is- Wednesday, Madani ex-
sued a statement posted pressed his solidarity with
online Wednesday saying Tunisia and said such acts
a militant it identified as of terrorism are seeking to
Abu Abdullah al-Tunisi car- alter the country’s “moder-
ried out the attack after in- ation and tolerance-driven
filtrating the bus and killing model of society.”q