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WORLD NEWSThursday 26 November 2015

Outgoing Argentine president says she’s not going away                                                                                                         Two massacres in
                                                                                                                                                               12 hours leave 15
PETER PRENGAMAN                ing the presidency, Fernan-    Congress.                      erful force as opposition                                         dead in Honduras 
Associated Press               dez was a central figure as    But Fernandez will also        leader than as a former
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina        first lady in the administra-  face fierce competition. A     president who had to play                                        ALBERTO ARCE
(AP) — When Argentines         tion of her late husband       principal adversary will be    nice with the new party                                          Associated Press
chose a new president in       and predecessor, Nestor        Sergio Massa, a former Fer-    standard-bearer.                                                 MEXICO CITY (AP) — Two
recent elections, many         Kirchner, and as a senator.    nandez Cabinet chief who       In the days after Scioli’s                                       massacres that killed 15
voters seemed more con-        “Know this,” Fernandez         broke with the president       worse-than-expected                                              people in less than 12 hours
cerned about what would        told thousands of support-     to form his own political      showing in the first round of                                    rocked Honduras and left
happen with the old one.                                                                                                                                      the country’s top police of-
Such is the hold of out-       Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez waves to supporters after inaugurating medical services                               ficial in tears Wednesday.
going President Cristina       at a public hospital in Moron, on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Wednesday, Nov. 25,                                Police said seven victims
Fernandez on the public        2015. The South American leader steps down Dec. 10 after eight years in the presidential office.                               were shot in the capi-
imagination in this South      Fernandez, 62, has said little about her future, other than repeatedly promising not to go away.                               tal of Tegucigalpa early
American country, where                                                                                                                                       Wednesday, while eight
the telegenic, combative                                                                                                          (AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan)  bus drivers were killed in
and polarizing leader steps                                                                                                                                   the northern city of San Pe-
down Dec. 10 after domi-       ers late last month. “I won’t  movement. Massa got 21         the election, speculation of                                     dro Sula late Tuesday.
nating the political land-     be president Dec. 10, but I    percent of the vote in the     a rupture between him and                                        Police commissioner Leo-
scape during eight years       will always be there for the   first round of presidential    Fernandez was so intense                                         nel Sauceda gave a news
in office. Fernandez, who      people when I’m needed.”       voting last month, appeal-     that Scioli felt compelled to                                    conference where bodies
was constitutionally barred    But the lack of clarity over   ing to dissident Peronists     come out and dispel what                                         were found after the at-
from running for a third       her future has not stopped     frustrated by Fernandez’s      he said were unfounded                                           tack in the capital, where
consecutive term, leaves       speculation.                   administration.                rumors.                                                          six of the victims were
with high approval ratings     In the short-term, Fernan-     “Peronism is entering a        In Fernandez’s first com-                                        pulled from their homes
despite myriad economic        dez will try to keep control   process of rupture and         ments after the first found,                                     and killed. People could
problems and the cloud of      of the Peronist Party, which   change,” said Roberto          she spoke for two hours,                                         be heard crying in the
several alleged corruptions    maintains a majority in the    Bacman, director of the        touting her record, remi-                                        background when a re-
scandals.                      Senate, the largest bloc in    Center for Public Opinion      niscing about her late hus-                                      porter asked the police
Perhaps most significantly,    the lower house and gov-       Studies, a South American      band and promising to de-                                        chief how he felt.
she’ll be leaving after a      ernorships of 15 out of 24     research firm. “The fight is   fend the power couple’s                                          “I can’t feel anything other
major political defeat: Her    provinces.                     to see who will be its leader  accomplishments. She nev-                                        than pain, sadness, much
chosen successor, Daniel       She’ll have some powerful      over the next four years.”     er mentioned Scioli.                                             sorrow for what happened
Scioli, lost Sunday’s presi-   allies, including son Maximo   One common theory, flatly      Raul Aragon, director of                                         ... It hurts to see a scene
dential election to Mauricio   Kirchner, who leads large      rejected by her supporters,    consulting firm Raul Ara-                                        like this,” said Sauceda,
Macri, who campaigned          political youth movement       is that Fernandez want-        gon and Associates, says                                         breaking into tears. “But it’s
on free-market ideas as        called La Campora, and         ed Scioli to lose, and thus    Fernandez’s chances of                                           not time to drop our guard.
well as promises to roll       outgoing Economy Minister      didn’t campaign hard on        returning to power have                                          It’s time to keep fighting for
back many of Fernandez’s       Axel Kicillof.                 his behalf. The logic is that  been hurt by the success of                                      the welfare of Honduras
left-leaning policies and      Both have been elected to      she could be a more pow-       Maria Eugenia Vidal. q                                           and this family that is suffer-
distance the country from                                                                                                                                     ing.” He said the manner of
Venezuela.                                                                                                                                                    the attack suggests an at-
“It’s unlikely that Fernandez                                                                                                                                 tack by gangs, who battle
goes quietly into the night,”                                                                                                                                 for territory to charge ex-
said Jason Marczak, dep-                                                                                                                                      tortions and sell drugs. The
uty director of the Atlantic                                                                                                                                  same morning, investiga-
Council’s Adrienne Arsht                                                                                                                                      tors found a voodoo doll
Latin America Center. “But                                                                                                                                    stuffed with needles and
her concrete plans post-                                                                                                                                      bearing Sauceda’s face at
election? Your guess is as                                                                                                                                    one of the crime scenes.
good as mine.”                                                                                                                                                In the other massacre, six
Fernandez, 62, has said lit-                                                                                                                                  men in flak jackets and ski
tle about her future, other                                                                                                                                   masks got off a bus at a
than repeatedly promising                                                                                                                                     terminal outside the city of
not to go away. It’s hard to                                                                                                                                  San Pedro Sula on Tuesday
imagine anything less from                                                                                                                                    and shot eight bus drivers
Argentina’s most important                                                                                                                                    one by one. Transport di-
female political figure since                                                                                                                                 rector Geovanny Dubon
Eva Peron, the country’s                                                                                                                                      said the attack should be
iconic first lady from the                                                                                                                                    classified as “terrorism.”q
1940s. Even before assum-
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