Page 11 - Aruba Today
P. 11

                                                                                                                   Thursday 26 November 2015

Vanishing China execs a vexatious mystery for HK market 

KELVIN CHAN                    declined further comment.        executives this year:           why.                                                 away, without disclosing
Associated Press               Such cases would be highly       — Waste disposal compa-         — Shopping mall and de-                              further details.
HONG KONG (AP) — The           unusual for other global fi-     ny Dongjiang Environmen-        partment store operator                              —  China  Aircraft Leasing
chairman of the Hong Kong      nancial centers, but have        tal Co. last month suspend-     Century Ginwa Retail Hold-                           Group said in June it was
arm of one of China’s big-     become commonplace               ed its shares from trading      ings said in September that                          not able to reach its CEO,
gest securities companies      in Hong Kong, where the          because it couldn’t reach       its chairman, Wu Yijian, who                         Mike Poon, after he sub-
goes missing. The head of      city’s stock exchange al-        Chairman Zhang Weiyang          went missing in mid-May,                             mitted his resignation while
another firm resurfaces af-    lows international investors     before a scheduled board        had resurfaced and gone                              he was in the middle of his
ter months incommunica-        to access an increasing                                                                                               annual vacation. The com-
do. An executive at a film     number of mainland Chi-          In this Nov. 4, 2015 photo, Yim Fung, chairman and chief execu-                      pany said Poon didn’t give
studio is detained for alleg-  nese companies.                  tive of Guotai Junan International Holdings Ltd., the Hong Kong                      any reason for his depar-
edly taking bribes.            They highlight some              unit of a Chinese securities company, attends an event in Hong                       ture in his resignation letter.
They’re not plot outlines for  of the risks of investing        Kong. The company said it was unable to reach Yim since Nov.                         Nor did he make any ref-
crime novels but real life     in  China’s  public compa-       18, 2015, sending its shares plummeting 12 percent. Speculation                      erence to news reports in
cases lifted from the nor-     nies, which operate in an        swirled in local media that his disappearance was related to a                       Hong Kong and mainland
mally dry Hong Kong stock      opaque political and legal       recently launched investigation into a senior official at China’s                    Chinese that said he might
exchange filings of Chinese    system, and face addition-       securities regulator.                                                                be caught up in a Chinese
companies over the past        al uncertainty because of                                                                                             government investigation
year.                          President Xi Jinping’s ongo-                                                                    (Apple Daily via AP)  into  China  Southern Air-
The latest example came        ing and wide-ranging as-                                                                                              lines, which is a customer
Monday when Guotai Ju-         sault on corruption.             meeting. The company            back to work. He explained                           of China Aircraft Leasing.
nan International Holdings     “It shows on one level that      said it later found out from    to the company that he                               Aside from disappearing
Ltd., the Hong Kong unit of    investing in some of these       Zhang’s family that he was      was “assisting the relevant                          executives, much more
a Chinese securities com-      companies is quite risky,”       being investigated “by the      department” of the Chi-                              clear-cut announcements
pany, said it was unable       said Jamie Allen, secre-         relevant authority” in  Chi-    nese government with an                              of alleged wrongdoing are
to reach its chairman and      tary general of the Asian        na, although it didn’t say      investigation while he was                           a recurring theme at Hong
chief executive Yim Fung       Corporate Governance                                                                                                  Kong-listed Chinese com-
since Nov. 18, sending its     Association. “It also says a                                                                                          panies.
shares plummeting 12 per-      lot about the legal and po-                                                                                           Among the slew of cases
cent.                          litical system in  China.  Chi-                                                                                       this year, Alibaba Pictures
Speculation swirled in lo-     na  doesn’t have a system                                                                                             Group Ltd., the film arm of
cal media that his disap-      of law like Hong Kong.                                                                                                the Chinese e-commerce
pearance was related to a      In  China  you can disap-                                                                                             giant, said one of its direc-
recently launched investi-     pear.”                                                                                                                tors, Patrick Liu Chunning,
gation into a senior official  Hong Kong is a former Brit-                                                                                           was detained by the Public
at  China’s  securities regu-  ish colony that’s now a spe-                                                                                          Security Bureau in connec-
lator. That probe is part of   cially administered Chinese                                                                                           tion with an investigation
a broad crackdown on           region with legal and finan-                                                                                          into the “alleged receipt of
the finance industry follow-   cial systems that are sepa-                                                                                           bribes” while Liu worked at
ing  China’s  stock market     rate from mainland  Chi-                                                                                              Internet company Tencent
meltdown over the sum-         na’s.                                                                                                                 Holdings. The company
mer. The company said it       Among the Hong Kong-                                                                                                  said the charges were un-
would appoint temporary        listed Chinese companies                                                                                              related to his employment
replacements for Yim but       that have reported missing                                                                                            at Alibaba. q

India soldiers kill 3 rebels who attack army camp in Kashmir 

AIJAZ HUSSAIN                  place close to the heavily       gar. The camp houses the        There also was no confir-                            competing claims to Kash-
Associated Press               militarized line of control di-  Indian army’s headquarters      mation of an earlier report                          mir since they won inde-
SRINAGAR,  India  (AP) —       viding Kashmir between In-       in the frontier region.         that an oil depot inside the                         pendence from Britain in
Three heavily armed rebels     dia  and Pakistan, said an-      A reinforcement of army         camp had caught fire dur-                            1947, and each country
stormed an army camp in        other officer, who spoke         commandos led the coun-         ing the incident.                                    administers part of the re-
the Indian portion of Kash-    on condition of anonymity        terassault, and the intense     Rebels have been fighting                            gion.
mir on Wednesday and           because he was not autho-        exchange of gunfire left        against Indian rule since                            India  accuses Pakistan of
were killed in a fierce gun-   rized to talk to reporters.      some barracks and a vehi-       1989.                                                arming and funding the
battle with soldiers, the      He said the militants used       cle on fire, the officer said.  More than 68,000 people                              rebels. Islamabad denies
army said.                     grenades and gunfire to          There was no independent        have been killed in the up-                          the accusation and says
A civilian worker with the     attack the camp, located         confirmation of the inci-       rising and Indian military                           it provides only moral and
army also was killed and an    about 150 kilometers (95         dent. No rebel group fight-     crackdown.                                           diplomatic support to
army officer was wounded       miles) northwest of Indian       ing Indian rule immediately     India  and Pakistan have                             separatists.q
in the fighting, which took    Kashmir’s main city of Srina-    issued any statement.           fought two wars over their
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