Page 15 - Aruba Today
P. 15
Thursday 26 November 2015
Continued from page 13
Local Diva Jaja showed
how to belt out the very
same favorite to thunder-
ous applause.
A lively dancing show
to vocalist Annalise Osu-
na singing “All I want for
Christmas is You” had the
audience tapping their
toes and drew big smiles
from everyone. Of course,
no end of the season pro-
gram on Aruba would be 50 shops that offer won- prichio; shops stay open al-
complete without a rousing derful gift ideas and gor- most every evening until 10
session with a local Gaita geous holiday ensembles, pm. Even your four legged
band, and Gaita group like the elegant outfit worn friend can be beautifully
“Tradishon” delivered. by Candy, courtesy of Ka- outfitted at Maxi-Pet!q
Both islanders and vaca-
tioners of all ages from North
and South America found
the annual Paseo Herencia
tree-lighting ritual a delight-
ful evening and the perfect
way to welcome the sea-
son. Visit their Facebook
page to see great pictures
from the event, and check
regularly for many special
promotions they will be
featuring over the coming
month. The mall has over