Page 16 - Aruba Today
P. 16
LOCALThursday 26 November 2015
One more week of skating at MooMba!
MOOMBA BEACH - Ow- weekends from 6 - midnight tional until Sunday, Novem-
ing to glowing revues and you can have winter fun on ber 27. Skate rental is just
happy faces, the artificial the ice. And not only that, Afl 5 (or just under $3).
skating rink at MooMba will you can drink hot choco- Chill, Frico and Frisian Flag
be ready for more fun for a late, gluhwein, pea soup are the sponsors of the
few more days. The perfect or eat fondue afterwards. unique event. So put on
little rink is open for every- MooMba’s dinner specials your skates and try skating!
one who wishes to put on will reflect the wintery at- Photos show the unique
skates and swirl around. mosphere in the tropics. phenomenon of skating in
From 6 - 10 pm and in the The skating rink is opera- the tropics.q