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A Good Day
                                                                                      September 10, 2020
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                                Page 10
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                                                    EyEs widE opEn

               Trump and Biden run vastly different pandemic campaigns

            Supporters of Democratic presidential candidate former Vice President Joe Biden wait outside of the AFL-CIO headquarters in Harrisburg, Pa., Monday, Sept. 7, 2020.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press.
            By Z. MILLER and A. JAFFE           flouting public health guidelines at  know,  grab  hands  and  shake  health  officials  while  Trump  rails
            Associated Press                    Tuesday's  event.  "I  really  believe  hands,"  Biden  recently  told  sup-  against restrictions that he argues,
            WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — North  that these crowds are bigger than  porters. "You can't do that now."       without  evidence,  are  politically
            Carolina caps outdoor gatherings  they were four years ago."            With less than eight weeks until the  motivated.
            at 50 people to prevent the spread  A  day  earlier  in  Pennsylvania,  Nov.  3  election,  Trump  and  Biden  "By the way, your state should be
            of the novel coronavirus, but don't  Trump's  Democratic  challenger,  are  taking  diametrically  opposite  open," the president said  in North
            tell that to President Donald Trump.  Joe  Biden,  held  a  socially  dis-  approaches  to  campaigning  dur-  Carolina,  where  he  has  feuded
            He  basked  in  a  largely  maskless  tanced  meeting  in  a  backyard.  ing a pandemic — and the differ-    with Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper
            crowd  of  several  thousand  sup-  His team has been so attentive to  ences  amount  to  more  than  po-    over Trump's abandoned plans to
            porters during a campaign rally in  local  regulations  that  some  staff-  litical theater. The candidates are  hold the Republican National Con-
            this critical state.                ers have left the room if they risked  effectively staking out different vi-  vention in Charlotte.
            "As far as the eye can see," Trump  breaking the rules on crowd limits.   sions for the country. Biden empha-
            said, reveling at the sight of people  "I  really  miss  being  able  to,  you  sizes guidelines supported by local         Continued on Page 2
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