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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 10 sepTember 2020
            Norwegian lawmaker nominates Trump for Nobel Peace Prize

            By JAN M. OLSEN                                                                                                     Last  year,  Trump  predict-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ed  he  would  win  the  No-
            COPENHAGEN,       Denmark                                                                                           bel Prize "for a lot of things
            (AP)  —  An  anti-immigrant                                                                                         if  they  gave  it  out  fairly,
            Norwegian  lawmaker  said                                                                                           which they don't."
            Wednesday  that  he  has                                                                                            The   Norwegian     Nobel
            nominated  U.S.  President                                                                                          Committee doesn't public-
            Donald Trump for the Nobel                                                                                          ly  comment  on  nominees.
            Peace Prize for his efforts in                                                                                      Under its rules, the informa-
            the Middle East.                                                                                                    tion  is  required  to  be  kept
            Christian   Tybring-Gjedde,                                                                                         secret for 50 years.
            a  member  of  the  Norwe-                                                                                          Tybring-Gjedde  has  been
            gian  parliament  for  the                                                                                          a  member  of  the  Storting,
            populist Progress Party, said                                                                                       the Norwegian parliament,
            Trump  should  be  consid-                                                                                          since 2005. He is known for
            ered  because  of  his  work                                                                                        being pro-Israel and for op-
            "for  a  peace  agreement                                                                                           posing immigration policies
            between  the  United  Arab                                                                                          that  he  thinks  have  been
            Emirates  and  Israel  which                                                                                        too welcoming.
            opens  up  for  possible                                                                                            The  lawmaker  has  often
            peace in the Middle East."                                                                                          demanded      that   immi-
            Israel and the United Arab                                                                                          grants adjust to Norwegian
            Emirates agreed last month                                                                                          society.  He  called  Muslim
            to  a  historic  deal  normal-                                                                                      headscarves  an  "Islamic
            izing  relations  and  are   In this May 5, 2019 file photo, Norway Member of Parliament Christian Tybring-Gjedde gestures,   uniform"  and  compared
            scheduled to sign it at the   during the election at FrP's national meeting 2019, in Gardermoen, Norway.   Associated Press.  them  to  robes  worn  by
            White House on Sept. 15.                                                                                            members  of  the  Ku  Klux
            "No matter how Trump acts  to  the  Norwegian  No-        ceived 318 nominations for  someone  for  the  Nobel  Klan.
            at home and what he says  bel  Committee  by  Feb.  the  Nobel  Peace  Prize,  of  Peace Prize.                     In 2006, he nominated Ay-
            at  press  conferences,  he  1,  meaning  the  deadline  which  211  are  individuals  Former U.S. President Barack  aan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch-Ameri-
            has  absolutely  a  chance  to  nominate  people  for  and 107 are organizations.      Obama  was  awarded  the  can activist, writer and poli-
            at getting the Nobel Peace  this year's peace prize has  Tybring-Gjedde was one of  prize  in  2009  only  months  tician  critical  of  Islam,  for
            Prize," Tybring-Gjedde, told  passed.                     two  Norwegian  lawmakers  into  his  first  term,  a  move  the Nobel Peace Prize.
            The Associated Press.        Nominations can be made  who  nominated  Trump  for  many  felt  was  premature.  The process of considering
            He  said  he  nominated  by a select group of people  the  Nobel  Peace  Prize  in  The Norwegian committee  candidates  and  award-
            Trump  on  Wednesday  for  and  organizations,  includ-   2018 for efforts to bring rec-  said it honored Obama for  ing  the  Nobel  Peace  Prize
            the 2021 prize, adding that  ing  national  lawmakers,  onciliation  between  North  his  commitment  to  "seek  is  done  in  Norway,  in  con-
            "Donald  Trump  meets  the  heads of state and certain  and South Korea. Any law-      the peace and security of  trast  to  the  other  Nobel
            criteria."                   international  institutions.  In  maker serving in a national  a  world  without  nuclear  Prizes,  which  are  awarded
            Nominations  must  be  sent  2020,  the  committee  re-   legislature  can  nominate  weapons."                     in neighboring Sweden.q

            German officials: 1,000s of extremists joined virus protest

            By FRANK JORDANS             despite advance warnings  bols and slogans they were
            Associated Press             that extremists might try to  carrying.
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Thousands  enter the Reichstag.          He said there were "doubt-
            of  far-right  and  anti-gov-  A preliminary review of im-  less"  also  people  in  the
            ernment  extremists  were  ages  from  the  protests  in-  crowd  with  an  affinity  for
            among the crowds at dem-     dicated that "at least 2,500  extremist  ideologies  but
            onstrations against Germa-   to 3,000 right-wing extrem-  "who  couldn't  be  identi-
            ny's  coronavirus  restrictions  ists and Reich Citizens took  fied as right-wing extremists
            last month that culminated  part  in  the  protests,"  the  or Reich Citizens based on
            in  attempts  by  some  pro-  head  of  Berlin  state's  intel-  their outer appearance."
            testers to storm parliament,  ligence  service,  Michael  Following  the  main  rally,
            German  security  officials  Fischer,  told  lawmakers  in  which  police  estimated
            said Wednesday.              the  capital's  regional  as-  drew  almost  40,000  par-
            The  incident  was  con-     sembly.                      ticipants, up to 500 people
            demned  across  much  of  The so-called Reich Citizens  gathered in front of the par-
            the  political  spectrum  in  movement, which disputes  liament  building,  including
            Germany,  with  the  presi-  the legitimacy of the post-  "violence-prone  neo-Nazis   Police  officers  push  away  a  crowd  of  demonstrators  from  the
            dent  and  other  senior  offi-  World War II German Con-  and  conspiracy  theorists   square  'Platz  der  Republik'  in  front  of  the  Reichstag  building
            cials describing the rush on  stitution  and  by  extension  from  the  so-called  QAnon   during a demonstration against the Corona measures in Berlin,
            parliament as an assault on  the  current  government,  spectrum," Fischer said.       Germany, Saturday, Aug. 29, 2020.
            the  heart  of  democracy.  has  caused  growing  con-    Fischer acknowledged that                                            Associated Press.
            But  some  lawmakers  also  cern  among  security  offi-  authorities  received  infor-  meeting  two  days  before  The  events  of  Aug.  29
            criticized  the  police  han-  cials in recent years, in part  mation  in  advance  of  the  the event.             showed  how  compatible
            dling  of  the  Aug.  29  dem-  due to its ties to the far right.  protests  about  some  peo-  He said officials hadn't fore-  the  positions  of  some  of
            onstrations  and  that  there  Fischer said those counted  ple  calling  for  the  storm-  seen that protesters would  the  anti-mask  protesters
            were only a handful of of-   so  far  were  identified  as  ing  of  the  Reichstag  and  actually  go  through  with  are with those of anti-gov-
            ficers  to  stand  in  the  way  right-wing extremists based  that  security  officials  had  the  plan  and  called  it  a  ernment  extremists,  Fischer
            of  hundreds  of  protesters  on the clothing, flags, sym-  discussed  the  threat  at  a  "spontaneous" incident.  said. q
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