P. 2

                 Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
            Navy chief orders probe into Pacific fleet after collisions

            By LOLITA C. BALDOR          were  evacuated  by  a  Sin-  insula, is one of the world’s  guided  missile  destroyer  or left rear, in the 5:24 a.m.
            ANNABELLE LIANG              gaporean  navy  helicopter  busiest ports and a U.S. ally,  and  the  183-meter  (600-  collision about 4.5 nautical
            STEPHEN WRIGHT               to  a  hospital  in  the  city-  with its naval base regularly  foot)  Alnic  MC  ripped  a  miles  (8.3  kilometers)  from
            Associated Press             state for treatment of non-  visited  by  American  war-  gaping hole in the destroy-  Malaysia’s  coast  but  was
            SINGAPORE (AP) — The U.S.                                                                                           able  to  sail  on  to  Singa-
            Navy  ordered  a  broad  in-                                                                                        pore’s  naval  base.  Malay-
            vestigation  Monday  into                                                                                           sia’s Maritime Enforcement
            the    performance     and                                                                                          Agency said the area is at
            readiness  of  the  Pacific-                                                                                        the  start  of  a  designated
            based  7th  Fleet  after  an                                                                                        sea  lane  for  ships  sailing
            early  morning  collision  be-                                                                                      into  the  Singapore  Strait,
            tween the USS John S. Mc-                                                                                           one of the world’s busiest.
            Cain  and  an  oil  tanker  in                                                                                      A photo tweeted by Malay-
            Southeast Asian waters left                                                                                         sian navy chief Ahmad Ka-
            10  U.S.  sailors  missing  and                                                                                     marulzaman Ahmad Bada-
            others injured.                                                                                                     ruddin showed a large rup-
            It  was  the  second  ma-                                                                                           ture  in  the  McCain’s  side
            jor  collision  in  the  last  two                                                                                  near  the  waterline.  Janes,
            months  involving  the  Na-                                                                                         a  defense  industry  publi-
            vy’s 7th Fleet. Seven sailors                                                                                       cation,  estimated  the  hull
            died in June when the USS                                                                                           breach  was  3  meters  (10
            Fitzgerald and a container                                                                                          feet) wide.
            ship  collided  in  waters  off                                                                                     Another  U.S.  naval  vessel,
            Japan.                                                                                                              the amphibious assault ship
            Navy  Adm.  John  Richard-                                                                                          USS America, arrived in Sin-
            son,  the  chief  of  naval                                                                                         gapore and deployed Os-
            operations,  will  call  for  a                                                                                     prey aircraft and Seahawk
            pause  in  operations  and                                                                                          helicopters.  It  was  help-
            seek a deeper look at how    Damage to the portside is visible as the Guided-missile destroyer USS John S. McCain (DDG 56)   ing  with  damage  control
            the Navy trains and certifies   steers towards Changi naval base in Singapore following a collision with the merchant vessel   on  the  McCain  and  with
            its  forces  that  are  operat-  Alnic MC Monday, Aug. 21, 2017. The USS John S. McCain was docked at Singapore’s naval base   the  search  for  the  missing
            ing around Japan, Defense    with “significant damage” to its hull after an early morning collision with the Alnic MC as vessels   sailors. It also will feed and
                                         from several nations searched Monday for missing U.S. sailors.
            Secretary Jim Mattis said.                                                        (Joshua Fulton/U.S. Navy photo/AP)  house sailors from the strick-
            “He  has  put  together  a                                                                                          en ship.
            broader  inquiry  to  look  life threatening injuries, the  ships.                     er’s hull.                   One  of  the  injured  sailors,
            into  these  incidents,”  Mat-  Navy said. A fifth was taken  The  McCain  had  been  The  Navy’s  7th  Fleet  said  Operations  Specialist  2nd
            tis said, referring to the two  to  the  hospital  by  ambu-  heading   to   Singapore  “significant  damage”  to  Class Navin Ramdhun, post-
            recent  collisions  and  other  lance  after  the  destroyer  on  a  routine  port  visit  af-  the  McCain’s  hull  resulted  ed  a  Facebook  message
            accidents  at  sea.  Mattis  arrived in Singapore under  ter  conducting  a  sensitive  in the flooding of adjacent  telling family and friends he
            spoke  to  reporters  in  Am-  its own power, the Maritime  freedom-of-navigation  op-  compartments       includ-  was  OK  and  awaiting  sur-
            man,  Jordan,  where  he  is  and Port Authority of Singa-  eration last week by sailing  ing  crew  berths,  machin-  gery for an arm injury.
            traveling.                   pore said.                   near  one  of  China’s  man-  ery  and  communications  He  told  The  Associated
            Vessels  and  aircraft  from  There  was  no  immediate  made  islands  in  the  South  rooms.  A  damage  control  Press  in  a  message  that
            the  U.S.,  Indonesia,  Sin-  explanation  for  the  colli-  China Sea.                response prevented further  he couldn’t say what hap-
            gapore  and  Malaysia  are  sion.                         The  collision  east  of  Singa-  flooding, it said.      pened.  “I  was  actually
            searching  for  the  missing  Singapore, at the southern-  pore between the 154-me-    The  destroyer  was  dam-    sleeping  at  that  time.  Not
            sailors.  Four  other  sailors  most tip of the Malay Pen-  ter   (505-foot)   destroyer  aged  on  its  port  side  aft,  entirely sure.”q

            Putin appoints Antonov as new Russian ambassador to US

            By V. ISACHENKOV                                                                       Kremlin’s decision to sharp-  of  the  ministry’s  security
            Associated Press                                                                       ly  cut  the  U.S.  diplomatic  and  disarmament  depart-
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  A  ca-                                                                personnel in Russia.         ment in 2004. As part of his
            reer Russian diplomat, who                                                             He succeeds Sergei Kislyak,  job, he led negotiations on
            gained  the  reputation  of                                                            who  found  himself  in  the  various international agree-
            a  hawk  during  his  earlier                                                          center of controversy amid  ments,  including  the  2010
            tenure at the Defense Min-                                                             claims  of  Russia’s  interfer-  New  START  nuclear  arms
            istry,  was  named  the  new                                                           ence  in  the  U.S.  presiden-  reduction treaty signed by
            ambassador  to  the  United                                                            tial vote. Kislyak’s contacts  the United States and Rus-
            States on Monday.                                                                      with  members  of  Trump’s  sia.
            The  62-year  old  Anatoly                                                             team  have  been  part  of  In  2011,  Antonov  left  the
            Antonov was appointed to                                                               congressional  and  FBI  in-  Foreign Ministry to become
            the job by President Vladi-                                                            vestigations  into  possible  a  deputy  defense  minister
            mir Putin’s order, according                                                           collusion  between  Trump  in  charge  of  international
            to the Kremlin.                                                                        campaign and Russia. Rus-    ties.
            Antonov takes the job at a   In  this  photo  taken  on  Friday,  Oct.  7,  2016,  Russian  Deputy   sia has denied any interfer-  The  job  raised  Antonov’s
            time  when  U.S.-Russia  rela-  Defense  Minister  Anatoly  Antonov  smiles  at  a  briefing  in  the   ence in the U.S. election.  profile  as  he  regularly  de-
            tions are badly strained fol-  Defense Ministry in Moscow, Russia. Antonov, who has gained   Antonov joined the Foreign  livered the Russian military’s
            lowing  the  approval  of  a   the reputation of a hawk during his earlier tenure at the Defense   Ministry in 1978 and gradu-  statement  to  international
            new wave of U.S. sanctions   Ministry, was named the new Russian ambassador to the United   ally  rose  through  the  ranks  media  and  foreign  military
                                         States on Friday.
            against  Moscow  and  the                                    (AP Photo/Ivan Sekretarev)  to take the job of the chief  attaches.q
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