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U.S. NEWS Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
Mitch McConnell: ‘America is not going to default’
By ADAM BEAM with U.S. Treasury Secretary event. But in response to a enough money to pay its makers did not increase
Associated Press Steven Mnuchin. It was one question about where he bills until Sept. 29. After that, the borrowing limit.
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — Sen- of McConnell’s first public gets his news, McConnell Congress would have to “Let me just add, there is
ate Majority Leader Mitch appearances since Presi- said he reads a variety of give permission for the gov- zero chance, no chance,
McConnell says there is dent Donald Trump public- sources, including The New ernment to borrow more we won’t raise the debt
“zero chance” Congress ly criticized him for failing to York Times. money to meet its obliga- ceiling,” McConnell said.
will allow the country to de- pass a repeal and replace- “My view is most news is tions, including Social Secu- “America is not going to
fault on its debts by voting ment of former President not fake,” McConnell said, rity and interest payments. default.”
to not increase the borrow- Barack Obama’s health which appeared to be a McConnell sought to calm Addressing the country’s
ing limit. care law. subtle rebuke of one of a crowd of nervous busi- borrowing limit will be the
McConnell’s comments McConnell did not mention Trump’s favorite phrases. ness leaders by interjecting most pressing issue when
came Monday during a Trump in his remarks, and “I try not to fall in love with at the end of Mnuchin’s lawmakers return to Wash-
joint appearance in his he did not take questions any particular source.” answer to a question about ington following their Au-
home state of Kentucky from reporters after the The government has what would happen if law- gust recess. q
Trump’s neo-Nazi rally comments thrust GOP doubts into open
By JULIE PACE en months in office.
BILL BARROW Business leaders have bolt-
Associated Press ed from White House coun-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- cils, wary of being associ-
dent Donald Trump’s ra- ated with the president.
cially fraught comments Military leaders distanced
about a deadly neo-Nazi themselves from Trump’s
rally have thrust into the assertion that “both sides”
open some Republicans’ — the white supremacists
deeply held doubts about and the counter-protesters
his competency and tem- — were to blame for the
perament, in an extraordi- violence that left one pro-
nary public airing of worries tester dead. And some
and grievances about a members of Trump’s own
sitting president by his own staff were outraged by his
party. Behind the high-pro- combative assertion that
file denunciations voiced there were “very fine peo-
this week by GOP senators ple” among those march-
once considered Trump ing with the white suprem-
allies, scores of other, influ- acists, neo-Nazis and KKK
ential Republicans began members. Importantly, the
to express grave concerns Republicans interviewed
about the state of the did not line up behind some
Trump presidency. President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump wear protective glasses as they view the course of action or an or-
In interviews with Associ- solar eclipse, Monday, Aug. 21, 2017, at the White House in Washington. ganized break with the
ated Press reporters across (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) president. Some expressed
nine states, 25 Republi- Virginia, said Republicans Cantor said. Chip Lake, a is sustainable under a four- hope the recent shakeup
can politicians, party offi- signaled this week that Georgia-based GOP oper- year period,” Lake said. of White House advisers
cials, advisers and donors Trump’s handling of the ative who did not vote for Trump’s handling of the might help Trump get back
expressed worries about Charlottesville protests was Trump in the general elec- protests in Charlottesville, in control of his message
whether Trump has the self- “beyond just a distraction.” tion, raised the prospect of Virginia, has shaken his and the GOP agenda.
discipline and capability to “It was a turning point in the president leaving office presidency unlike any of Still, the blistering and blunt
govern successfully. terms of Republicans being before his term is up. the other self-created cri- statements from some Re-
Eric Cantor, the former able to say, we’re not even “It’s impossible to see a ses that have rattled the publicans have marked a
House majority leader from going to get close to that,” scenario under which this White House during his sev- new phase. q
Paul Ryan: Leaders must push beyond ‘passions of moment’
By ALAN FRAM The written statement by for equating the two sides. entrusted with the privilege But it is not the end of the
Associated Press Ryan, R-Wis., came six days Many Republicans’ com- to serve and represent the story. We can and must do
WASHINGTON (AP) — The after Trump used a news ments have focused on American people have an better.”
nation’s leaders “have an conference to say “both condemning the views of obligation to challenge us Ryan also seemed eager
obligation” to steer the sides” were to blame for the white supremacists with- to push beyond the pas- to prevent the dispute
country past “the passions Charlottesville violence, in out specifically faulting the sions of the moment.” from becoming a political
of the moment,” House which neo-Nazis and other president for what he said. Ryan called the issue “a weapon either party might
Speaker Paul Ryan said right-wing groups clashed In a written statement Mon- test of our moral clarity.” He wield against the other.
Monday in remarks that with counter-protesters. day, Ryan did not mention added, “The words we use “This is not a legislative is-
didn’t explicitly criticize Trump said there were Trump by name. and the attitudes we carry sue,” he said. “And it cer-
President Donald Trump’s “very fine people” in each Saying the chase for equal- matter.” tainly isn’t a political one.
handling of this month’s group. ity sets the U.S. apart, Ryan He called the episode “a Let’s not just reduce this to
deadly clash in Charlottes- Trump’s remarks have said, “This goes especially disheartening setback in one of the partisan squab-
ville, Virginia. drawn bipartisan criticism for our leaders. Those of us our fight to eliminate hate. bles of the day. q