P. 8
A8 world news
Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
Barcelona fugitive shot dead had knives, wore fake bomb belt
and friends made up the seen by The Associated
rest of the 12-man extrem- Press showed his bloodied
ist cell, along with an imam face, bearing several days’
who police said died in a stubble on the chin.
botched bomb-making With Abouyaaqoub’s
operation. After four days death, the group responsi-
on the run, Abouyaaqoub ble for last week’s fatal van
was spotted outside a train attacks has now been bro-
station about 52 kilometers ken, Trapero said.
(33 miles) west of Barcelo- “The arrest of this person
na on Monday afternoon. was the priority for the po-
A second witness told po- lice because it closed the
lice she was certain she detention and dismantling
had seen the man whose of the group that we had
photo has gone around identified,” he said.
the world as part of an in- Four are under arrest, and
ternational manhunt. Two eight are dead: five shot by
officers found him hiding police in the seaside town
in a nearby vineyard and of Cambrils, where a sec-
asked for his identification, ond van attack left one pe-
according to the head destrian dead early Friday;
of the Catalan police. He two others killed on the eve
was shot to death when he of the Barcelona attack in
opened his shirt to reveal a botched bomb-making
Armed policemen walk on a road near Subirats, Spain, during an operation Monday, Aug. 21,
2017. The lone fugitive from the Spanish cell that killed 15 people in and near Barcelona was shot what looked to be explo- operation; and Abouy-
to death Monday after he flashed what turned out to be a fake suicide belt at two troopers who sives and cried out “Allah aaqoub. The Islamic State
confronted him in a vineyard just outside the city he terrorized, authorities said. is great” in Arabic, regional group has claimed respon-
(AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti) police chief Josep Luis Tra- sibility for both the Cambrils
By JOSEPH WILSON he flashed what turned out 22, drove the van that pero said. A bomb disposal and Barcelona attacks.
ARITZ PARRA to be a fake suicide belt barreled through Barce- robot was dispatched to Roser Ventura, whose fa-
LORI HINNANT at two troopers who con- lona’s crowded Las Ram- examine the downed sus- ther owns a vineyard be-
Associated Press fronted him in a vineyard blas promenade, killing 13 pect before police deter- tween the towns of Sadurni
SUBIRATS, Spain (AP) — The just outside the city he ter- people on Thursday, then mined the bomb belt was d’Anoia and Subirats, said
lone fugitive from the Span- rorized, authorities said. hijacked a car and fatally not real, Trapero said. A she alerted the regional
ish cell that killed 15 people Police said they had “sci- stabbed its driver while bag full of knives was found Catalan police when they
in and near Barcelona was entific evidence” that making his getaway. with his body, police said. spotted a car crossing their
shot to death Monday after Younes Abouyaaqoub, Abouyaaqoub’s brother A police photo of the body property at high speed. q
French police rule out terror in van’s fatal bus stop hits
By MARGAID QUIOC treated for psychological people. The Islamic State of France’s second-largest van had been stolen.
Associated Press problems, a Marseille po- group claimed responsibil- city and held for question- A man was injured at the
MARSEILLE, France (AP) — lice official said. “The ter- ity for the double attacks. ing. BFM-TV said a witness first bus stop in a working
A van rammed into two rorist motive is completely It was the second time in noted the van’s license class northern district filled
bus stops in the French port rejected,” the official, who a week in which a driver in plate number and was with housing projects, Da-
city of Marseille on Mon- spoke on condition of an- France with mental health able to give it to police, vid-Olivier Reverdy of the
day, killing one person and onymity in keeping with problems allegedly killed a allowing them to make Alliance police union said.
injuring another, but inves- French law enforcement person with a vehicle and the arrest. Nearly an hour The van later rammed into
tigators ruled out terrorism practice, said. The colli- was thought by authorities passed between when the another bus stop in a sec-
as a motive, police said. sions at the bus stops about to have acted deliberately, first bus stop was slammed ond neighborhood, killing a
The driver of the van, ar- 5 kilometers (3 miles) apart but without terrorist intent. into and the second, the woman. The driver steered
rested in a third location, came days after back-to- The Marseille driver, who police official said. She onto the curb to crash into
was a 35-year-old from the back van attacks in Bar- has not been identified could not confirm reports the glass-sided bus shelter
Grenoble region in east- celona and Spanish resort by name, was arrested in in the regional newspaper then sped away, one wit-
ern France who was being town of Cambrils killed 15 the scenic Old Port area La Provence that the white ness said.q