P. 13

                                                                                                                           Tuesday 22 augusT 2017

                                                                                 Under Pressure

                                                                      sexual  workplace  harass-
                                                                      ment laws also require that
                                                                      employers  provide  harass-
                                                                      ment  free  workplaces.  In
                                                                      Brazil,  sexual  harassment
                                                                      can be a crime for the em-
                                                                      ployer who commits it, but
                                                                      it’s  only  a  civil  matter  for
                                                                      the employer.
                                                                      Looking  at  the  Caribbean
                                                                      we  see  that  in  Aruba  37
                                                                      percent  of  the  employ-
                                                                      ees  don’t  feel  safe  at
                                                                      their  workplace,  for  Cura-
                                                                      cao this is 33 percent and
                                                                      above  50  percent  claims
                                                                      to report incidents of sexu-
                                                                      al  harassment  because  of
                                                                      the  lack  of  trust  and  con-
                                                                      fidence. Research of AWH
                                                                      (About  Workplace  Harass-
                                                                      ment 2015-2017).             all  workplaces  in  order  to   ronment free from (sexual)
                                                                                                   achieve  a  safe,  healthy   harassment.
                                                                      Male Victims                 and productive work envi-     “Protection from sexual
                                                                      The  number  of  male  vic-  ronment. And that includes    harassment and an en-
                                                                      tims  of  sexual  workplace   having  a  well  implement-  vironment that allows an
                                                                      harassment  is  growing  an-  ed harassment policy and     employee to work with
                                                                      nually. “The more informa-   of  course  enforcement.      dignity are universally
                                                                      tion  people  have  about    We cannot deny by the in-     recognized as a basic
            ORANJESTAD - For her, it all   harassment  according  to   the  topic  and  its  causes   creasingly level of publica-  human right.”
                                                                                                   tions  –worldwide-  that  the
            started with a personal ex-  the  report  working  condi-  and  consequences,  the     current approach of creat-   As we know physical work-
            perience of (sexual) work-   tions  survey  by  RAND  ex-  more likely it is that people   ing a workplace free from   load or PSC (Physical Safe-
            place harassment. The pe-    posed in the beginning of    will report an incident as vi-  any  form  of  harassment  is   ty  Climate)  is  associated
            riod  of  isolation  in  which   August 2017.             olent  or  (sexual)  harassing   that effective.          with  bullying,  (sexual)  ha-
            the harassment took place    According to the FRA (Eu-    behavior.  Tolerating  and                                rassment  and  in  turn  psy-
            and  the  emotional  roller-  ropean  Agency  of  Fun-    covering up violent behav-   So  how  do  we  approach    chological health. This must
            coaster  you  suddenly  find   damental  rights)  33  per-  ior can for multiple reasons   (sexual) workplace harass-  motivate   governments
            yourself  within  when  you   cent  of  the  employees  in   lead  to  lower  levels  of  re-  ment?  For  rooting  out  ha-  and  employers  to  high-
            speak-up drove her to her    European  Union  countries   porting.”                    rassment in the workplace    level  support  on  this  topic
            goal:  to  step  up  for  other   experiences   unwanted   “A precondition for this    we need to realize that it’s   in law, policy and enforce-
            victims.                     sexual  advances,  physical   sustainable employment      a shared responsibility. We   ment, because sustainable
                                         contact  or  other  form  of   (work-life balance), which   need  laws  and  enforce-  is  the  ‘magic’  word  for  all
            Karin   Bosman,    founder   harassment at work. FRA in-  we want to achieve is a      ment,  we  need  policy      those  looking  for  change
            of  the  foundation  About   vestigated sexual violence   work environment free        that’s  well  implemented    and improvement.
            Workplace      Harrasment    against women in 28 coun-    from (sexual) harassment.”   but  most  of  all  we  need
            (AWH),  and  an  interna-    tries of the European Mem-                                awareness,  which  starts    Taylor Swift
            tional  speaker  about  the   ber States.                                              with   acknowledgement.      With  the  increasing  cases
            topic,explains  to  Aruba    In Latin America generally,   Developing  a  good  men-   Due  to  the  attention  for   of  sexual  workplace  ha-
            Today  that  discussion  and                              tal  health  is  important  for   sustainable   employment   rassment  by  both  male
            political  debate  need  to                                                            AWH  sees  an  opportunity   and  female  it’s  good  to
            raise the necessary aware-                                                             to  create  that  awareness   see  that  more  and  more
            ness  thus  are  essential  to                                                         on a new perspective. Be-    people    are   willing   to
            break  the  taboo  that  still                                                         cause the neglect of men-    share  their  story,  like  Tay-
            rests  on  sexual  workplace                                                           tal  health  and  psychical   lor Swift recently. We need
            harassment.                                                                            factors  at  the  workplace   to  speak-up  about  it,  we
                                                                                                   is  not  detrimental  to  the   need  this  for  sustainable
            Around the World                                                                       individual worker, it also di-  change and performance
            Nearly  one  in  five  Ameri-                                                          rectly  affects  productivity,   improvement.But  we  all
            can workers were subject-                                                              efficiency  and  the  output   have a shared responsibil-
            ed to some form of verbal                                                              of any organization. A pre-  ity  that  starts  with  aware-
            abuse,  unwanted  sexual                                                               condition  for  this  sustain-  ness and there is no time to
            attention, threats or humili-                                                          able  employment  (work-     waste.
            ating  behavior  at  work  or                                                          life  balance),  what  we  try   www.aboutworkplaceha-
            to  physical  violence,  bul-                                                          to  achieve  is  a  work  envi-
            lying, harassment or sexual
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