P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 22 augusT 2017

            US and South Korean troops start drills amid North Korea standoff

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM                                                                                                    out its fifth and biggest nu-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    clear test to date.
            SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)                                                                                          Last  month  North  Korea
            —  U.S.  and  South  Korean                                                                                         test-launched  two  ICBMs
            troops  kicked  off  their  an-                                                                                     at highly lofted angles, and
            nual  drills  Monday  that                                                                                          outside  experts  say  those
            come after President Don-                                                                                           missiles  can  reach  some
            ald  Trump  and  North  Ko-                                                                                         U.S.  parts  like  Alaska,  Los
            rea  exchanged  warlike                                                                                             Angeles or Chicago if fired
            rhetoric in the wake of the                                                                                         at normal, flattened trajec-
            North’s  two  intercontinen-                                                                                        tories. Analysts say it would
            tal ballistic missile tests last                                                                                    be  only  a  matter  of  time
            month. The Ulchi Freedom                                                                                            for the North to achieve its
            Guardian  drills  are  largely                                                                                      long-stated goal of acquir-
            computer-simulated     war                                                                                          ing  a  nuclear  missile  that
            games held every summer                                                                                             can strike anywhere in the
            and have drawn furious re-                                                                                          United States.
            sponses from North Korea,                                                                                           Earlier this month, President
            which  views  them  as  an                                                                                          Donald  Trump  pledged
            invasion  rehearsal.  Pyong-                                                                                        to  answer  North  Korean
            yang’s state media on Sun-                                                                                          aggression  with  “fire  and
            day called this year’s drills a   In this March 12, 2016 photo, Marines of the U.S., left, and South Korea wearing blue headbands on   fury.”  North  Korea,  for  its
                                         their helmets, take positions during joint military exercise in Pohang, South Korea. U.S. and South
            “reckless” move that could   Korean troops kicked off their annual drills Monday that come after President Donald Trump and   part, threatened to launch
            trigger the “uncontrollable   North Korea exchanged warlike rhetoric in the wake of the North’s two intercontinental ballistic   missiles  toward  the  Ameri-
            phase of a nuclear war.”     missile tests last month.                                                              can  territory  of  Guam  be-
            Despite  the  threat,  U.S.                                                            (Kim Jun-bum/Yonhap via AP)  fore  its  leader  Kim  Jong
            and  South  Korean  militar-  repeated  provocations  by  weapons tests and a string  listic missile that flew about  Un  backed  off  saying  he
            ies  launched  this  year’s   North Korea.                of belligerent rhetoric. Dur-  500  kilometers  (310  miles)  would  first  watch  how
            11-day  training  on  Mon-   North  Korea  typically  re-  ing  last  year’s  Ulchi  drills,  in the longest flight by that  Washington  acts  before
            day  morning  as  sched-     sponds  to  South  Korea-    North  Korea  test-fired  a  type of weapon. Days after  going ahead with the mis-
            uled. The exercise involves   U.S.  military  exercises  with  submarine-launched  bal-  the drills, the North carried  sile launch plans.q
            17,500  American  troops
            and  50,000  South  Korean
            soldiers,  according  to  the   Abu Sayyaf kills 9, wound 16 in Philippine village
            U.S.  military  command  in
            South  Korea  and  Seoul’s   ZAMBOANGA,  Philippines  a  militiaman.  Government  Uy said. Regional Gov. Mu-        ers  have  pledged  alle-
            Defense  Ministry.  No  field   (AP)  —  Abu  Sayyaf  mili-  militiamen  were  surprised  jiv  Hataman  condemned  giance to the Islamic State
            training  like  live-fire  exer-  tants  killed  nine  people  by  the  dawn  attack  but  the attack, saying the mili-  group  and  were  involved
            cises or tank maneuvering    and wounded 16 others in  later  managed  to  put  up  tants  wanted  to  divert  the  in a bloody siege in south-
            is involved in the Ulchi drills,   an  early  morning  attack  resistance with extra troops  military’s focus from an on-  ern  Marawi  city  which  has
            in which alliance officers sit   Monday on a southern Phil-  and  drive  the  attackers  going  offensive  by  attack-  left  more  than  750  people
            at  computers  to  practice   ippine  village  which  may  away  after  two  hours  of  ing  even  children,  women  dead, mostly militants, and
            how they engage in battles   have been in retaliation for  heavy  fighting,  the  military  and  the  elderly.  “They  are  has dragged on for nearly
            and  hone  their  decision-  a series of battle setbacks,  said. The militants fled and  cowards   because   they  three months. President Ro-
            making capabilities. The al-  officials said.             were  being  pursued  by  couldn’t  face  their  military  drigo  Duterte  has  placed
            lies have said the drills are   At least 20 Abu Sayyaf mili-  government forces.       adversaries,”    Hataman  the  southern  third  of  the
            defensive in nature.         tants opened fire on villag-  The  Abu  Sayyaf  “must  said.  The  group  has  been  largely  Roman  Catholic
            South  Korea’s  President    ers and burned five houses  have been hit hard by our  blacklisted  by  the  United  nation  under  martial  law
            Moon Jae-in said Monday      and  a  village  hall  in  the  operations  over  the  week-  States  and  the  Philippines  to  deal  with  the  Marawi
            that North Korea must not    attack  on  Tubigan  village  end  and  opted  to  attack  as  a  terrorist  organization  crisis and prevent the Abu
            use  the  drills  as  a  pretext   in  Maluso  town  on  Basilan  communities  which  they  for  ransom  kidnappings,  Sayyaf and other extremist
            to  launch  fresh  provoca-  island,  military  and  police  know  are  not  supportive  beheadings,    bombings  groups  from  staging  other
            tion,  saying  the  training  is   officials  said.  Among  the  of  them,”  Basilan  military  and  other  violence.  Some  major attacks elsewhere in
            held  regularly  because  of   dead  were  villagers  and  commander  Col.  Juvymax  Abu  Sayyaf  command-          the volatile region. q
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