P. 12

                 Tuesday 22 augusT 2017

            Chile court rules in favor of abortion in some cases

            By EVA VERGARA                                                                                                      Those  who  can  afford  to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    sometimes  seek  abortions
            SANTIAGO,     Chile   (AP)                                                                                          in  neighboring  Argentina
            —  Chile’s  Constitutional                                                                                          or beyond.
            Court  on  Monday  upheld                                                                                           “Chile  has  finally  moved
            a measure that would end                                                                                            one step closer to protect-
            the country’s absolute ban                                                                                          ing  the  human  rights  of
            on abortions.                                                                                                       women and girls,” said Er-
            The  court’s  6-4  vote  ac-                                                                                        ika Guevara-Rosas, Ameri-
            cepted the constitutional-                                                                                          cas  Director  at  Amnesty
            ity of a measure to legalize                                                                                        International.
            abortions  when  a  wom-                                                                                            “This  victory  is  testament
            an’s life is in danger, when                                                                                        to  the  work  of  millions  of
            a fetus is not viable and in                                                                                        women  across  the  Ameri-
            cases  of  rape.  President                                                                                         cas  and  the  world  who
            Michelle Bachelet has said                                                                                          fight  against  draconian
            she  will  sign  the  measure                                                                                       laws  that  punish  women
            that  passed  Congress  this                                                                                        and push them to seeking
            month.                                                                                                              clandestine  and  danger-
            It  will  end  Chile’s  stance                                                                                      ous abortions, putting their
            as the last country in South                                                                                        health and lives at risk.”
            America  to  ban  abortion                                                                                          The  bill’s  passage  comes
            in all cases.                                                                                                       as  views  continue  to  shift
            “Today,    women      have                                                                                          on social issues once con-
            won, democracy has won,      A woman, her body painted with a message that reads in Spanish: “In the 21st century others   sidered taboo in the heav-
            all of Chile has won,” said   are still making decisions about my body”, celebrates after learning that Chile’s Constitutional   ily Roman Catholic nation
            Bachelet, a physician and    Court will uphold a measure that would end the country’s absolute ban on abortions, in Santiago,   that  only  began  to  allow
            former head of U.N. Wom-     Monday, Aug. 21, 2017.                                                                 divorce in 2004.
            en.                                                                                         (AP Photo/Esteban Felix)  Congress  recognized  civil
            Court  secretary  Rodrigo  carrying        anti-abortion  hailed the court’s decision  Women  found  guilty  of  unions  for  same-sex  cou-
            Pica said details of the de-  banners  who  embraced  as a “historic moment that  having         abortions   now  ples in 2015.
            cision,  which  cannot  be  in  tears  after  the  decision  marks  a  before  and  after  face prison terms of up to  Chile  is  one  of  four  coun-
            appealed,  would  be  re-    was announced.               for Chilean women.”          five years.                  tries that currently prohibit
            leased  on  Aug.  28.  Dem-  Conservative    lawmakers  Chile  legalized  abortion  Still,  thousands  of  illegal  abortion  in  all  cases,  ac-
            onstrators in favor of thera-  had  filed  an  appeal  with  for  medical  reasons  in  abortions  are  performed  cording  to  the  New  York-
            peutic  abortion  celebrat-  the  court  to  halt  the  law,  1931,  but  the  procedure  every  year.  Most  involve  based  Center  for  Repro-
            ed  outside  the  courtroom  arguing  it  was  unconstitu-  was  then  banned  under  black-market     purchases  ductive  Rights,  though  a
            in  the  Chilean  capital,  tional.                       all  circumstances  in  1989  of  the  drug  misoprostol  few others have rules so re-
            while  opponents  protest-   The  Chilean  reproductive  during  the  dictatorship  of  to  end  first-trimester  preg-  strictive  that  they  amount
            ed,  including  two  women  rights  organization  Miles  Gen. Augusto Pinochet.        nancies.                     to de facto bans.q

            Colombia offers asylum to ousted Venezuela prosecutor

            CARACAS,        Venezuela                                                              Santos  said  Ortega  is  be-  denounce  corruption  by
            (AP) —                                                                                 ing  protected  by  Colom-   members of his inner circle.
            Colombian President Juan                                                               bian authorities and if she  Venezuelan  Foreign  Min-
            Manuel  Santos  on  Mon-                                                               chooses  to  request  asy-   ister  Jorge  Arreaza  re-
            day  offered  asylum  to                                                               lum, he will grant it.       sponded  via  Twitter,  call-
            Venezuela’s  ousted  chief                                                             Ortega  has  not  spoken  ing Santos’ decision “cyni-
            prosecutor,  who  fled  to                                                             since her arrival to Colom-  cal”  and  saying  Bogota
            the country last week.                                                                 bia’s capital.               has become the center of
            Luisa Ortega arrived in Co-                                                            But  before  leaving  Ven-   “conspiracy  against  de-
            lombia  on  Friday  with  her                                                          ezuela,  she  said  the  ac-  mocracy  and  peace  in
            husband  German  Ferrer                                                                cusations against her hus-   Venezuela.”
            after  Venezuelan  authori-                                                            band  were  payback  for  Ortega’s  removal  by  the
            ties  ordered  his  arrest  for                                                        her decision to break with  pro-government  constitu-
            allegedly  running  an  ex-  The ousted chief prosecutor fled to Colombia with her husband   President  Nicolas  Madu-  tional  assembly  has  been
            tortion ring out of the pros-  German Ferrer, on Friday, Aug. 18, 2017, a day after the Supreme   ro’s  increasingly  authori-  denounced  by  dozens  of
            ecutor’s office.             Court ordered his arrest.          (AP Photo/Fernando Llano)  tarian  government  and  foreign governments.q
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