P. 16
Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
Culinary Secrets by Hadicurari
PALM BEACH - Twelve different er Pepia Est is getting its best wines with the cheeses will be a fun exer- enough to get the tasting of a
cheeses, all delicious are present- from its cellars to present a mem- cise. Don’t miss this! lifetime! Culinary Secrets by Had-
ed during a 3-course wine pairing orable pairing. As the taste buds You can already make your res- icuri is a monthly surprise event
event. start working overtime, it is party ervations: reserve your table in at Hadicurari to which everyone
time! advance, as no walk-ins are ac- may look forward with loads of
On Friday, August 25, wine import- Mixing and matching the wines cepted. Forty guests will be lucky anticipation.q