P. 18

                 Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
                 AP source: NFL, Goodell working on 5-year contract extension

            By The Associated Press                                                                                             , NFL revenues have been
            Commissioner         Roger                                                                                          steadily  on  the  rise  dur-
            Goodell is on track to main-                                                                                        ing  Goodell’s  tenure,  $13
            tain his prominent place at                                                                                         billion  at  last  report.  New
            the table for the next round                                                                                        stadiums,  with  significant
            of  collective  bargaining                                                                                          public  contributions,  have
            between  NFL  owners  and                                                                                           continued  to  open  across
            players,  a  process  that’s                                                                                        the league.
            sure to be contentious.                                                                                             Though  conflict  has  sur-
            The league is working on a                                                                                          faced  at  times  with  indi-
            five-year  contract  exten-                                                                                         vidual   owners,   notably
            sion  for  Goodell,  a  person                                                                                      New  England’s  Bob  Kraft
            with  knowledge  of  the                                                                                            in response to discipline for
            negotiations  told  The  As-                                                                                        Patriots  quarterback  Tom
            sociated Press. The person                                                                                          Brady for the deflated foot-
            spoke to the AP on condi-                                                                                           balls scandal, Goodell has
            tion of anonymity Monday                                                                                            clearly  overseen  enough
            because  the  deal  is  not                                                                                         success  to  gain  the  trust
            complete.  Sports  Business                                                                                         of  the  clubs.  The  move
            Journal  first  reported  the                                                                                       toward  this  extension  sig-
            contract negotiations.                                                                                              naled  as  much.  There’s
            Goodell’s  contract  is  up                                                                                         another  labor  feud  loom-
            after  the  2019  season.                                                                                           ing,  with  the  potential  for
            The  new  deal  would  go    This Aug. 14, 2017, file photo shows NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell talking with Arizona Cardi-  a lockout or a strike in 2021
            through  2024.  The  cur-    nals football team season ticket holders at University of Phoenix Stadium, in Glendale, Ariz.   ,  so  the  owners  will  need
            rent  collective  bargaining                                                                       Associated Press  faith in their leadership.
            agreement  expires  after                                                                                           While Goodell’s job comes
            the 2020 season.             son, down from about $34  sioner’s  salary  is  no  longer  million.                   with a natural dose of divi-
            Goodell  replaced  Paul      million in 2014. Because the  required to be made pub-    Though  TV  ratings  were    siveness,  he  has  become
            Tagliabue as commissioner    league  office  is  no  longer  lic  through  tax  filings.  In  down  8  percent  last  year   the face of player discon-
            in 2006. He earned just over   classified  as  a  tax-exempt  2013, he made $35 million.  and  concerns  about  con-  tent  with  the  league’s  dis-
            $31 million for the 2015 sea-  organization , the commis-  In 2012, he collected $44.2  cussions have not subsided   cipline system. q
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