P. 21
SPORTS Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
Snell shuts down Mariners; Rays hit 2 homers in 3-0 win
ST. PETERSBURG, Florida three New York hits and signed by the Twins. The
(AP) — Blake Snell allowed won his fourth straight start. 44-year-old righty became
only two hits in seven in- Three relievers provided a the 18th pitcher in major
nings for his second con- perfect inning apiece. league history to defeat all
secutive win following a Sonny Gray (7-8) gave up 30 teams.
long drought, and Tampa two runs in five innings and Arizona lefty T.J. McFar-
Bay blanked Seattle. failed to strike out a batter land, making his first start
Kevin Kiermaier hit a lead- for the first time in his ca- since July 2014, was chased
off homer and Adeiny reer. He lost for the fourth after getting only one out
Hechavarria had a two- time in five starts and fell to and allowing run-scoring
run shot for the Rays, who 1-6 in nine road starts this hits to Byron Buxton, Jorge
snapped a four-game skid season. Polanco, Max Kepler and
and won for the first time ANGELS 5, ORIOLES 4 Chris Gimenez. McFarland
in six tries against the Mari- BALTIMORE (AP) — Pinch- (4-5) was charged with
ners this season. hitter Cameron Maybin seven earned runs, raising
Snell (2-6) ended a streak singled home the tiebreak- his ERA in August to 14.34.
of 16 winless starts with a ing run in the eighth inning, The score was 5-0 when
victory Tuesday at Toronto. Kole Calhoun and Andrel- McFarland gave way to
This time, the left-hander ton Simmons homered and Braden Shipley, just called
retired 12 straight during the surging Los Angeles An- up from Triple-A Reno. Bri-
one stretch. He gave up gels beat Baltimore. an Dozier worked his sec-
just a leadoff single to Nel- The Angels took advan- ond walk of the inning to
son Cruz in the second in- tage of nine walks to win load the bases for Rosario,
ning and another single the deciding matchup of a who homered on an 0-2
to Robinson Cano in the three-game series in which pitch to make it 9-0. It was
eighth. they hit 11 home runs. Los the third time in team his-
Snell struck out eight and Angeles has won nine of 11 tory the Twins scored nine
walked two, winning con- to move four games over runs in the opening inning.
secutive starts for the first .500 (64-60) for the first time Gimenez and Dozier add-
time in his career. Alex Co- since April 11. ed solo homers in the fifth.
lome earned his 36th save. Maybin missed the first two Minnesota won its fourth
Yovani Gallardo (5-9) gave games of the series with consecutive game overall
up three runs and five hits a sore knee and was in a and eighth straight against
in 6 1/3 innings. 5-for-27 funk since coming National League oppo-
RED SOX 5, YANKEES 1 off the disabled list Aug. 7. nents. Arizona lost for the
BOSTON (AP) — Jackie Cam Bedrosian (3-2) Tampa Bay Rays starting pitcher Blake Snell delivers to the Se- fifth time in six games.
attle Mariners during the first inning of a baseball game, Sunday,
Bradley Jr. tripled in two worked a hitless inning and Aug. 20, 2017, in St. Petersburg, Fla. Before J.D. Martinez hom-
runs and singled home an- Bud Norris got three outs for Associated Press ered in the fourth, the Dia-
other, and Rick Porcello his 19th save. mondbacks had allowed
pitched six innings of a Brad Brach (3-4) took the 25 unanswered runs in the
combined three-hitter to loss. Chris Davis homered finally got their bats going ished 8-3 on their four-city series.
help AL East-leading Bos- for the Orioles, who have after scoring just once in road trip. ATHLETICS 3, ASTROS 2
ton extend its margin over lost eight of 12. the first two games of the TWINS 12, DIAMONDBACKS HOUSTON (AP) — Marcus
New York to five games. ROYALS 7, INDIANS 4 series. Kansas City piled up 5 Semien wound up with a
The Red Sox won for the KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP) 12 hits and six runs off start- MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Eddie Little League home run
14th time in 17 games, tak- — Cheslor Cuthbert hom- er Danny Salazar (5-6), and Rosario hit a grand slam in when Houston kept throw-
ing two of three from New ered and drove in three finished with 15 hits for the a nine-run first inning and ing the ball away, Jharel
York for the second week- runs, Alcides Escobar also day. Minnesota routed Arizona Cotton pitched well into
end in a row. had three RBIs and Kansas Jason Hammel (6-9) al- to complete a three-game the seventh inning and
The archrivals meet again City defeated Cleveland lowed three runs in six in- sweep. Oakland edged the Astros.
in the first week of Septem- to avoid a three-game nings to win for the second Bartolo Colon (5-10) al- A day after the AL West-
ber for a four-game series sweep. time since June 19. lowed four runs over six leading Astros turned six
at Yankee Stadium. Cam Gallagher also drove Francisco Lindor homered innings for his third win in double plays, their defense
Porcello (8-14) allowed all in a run for the Royals, who for the Indians, who fin- five decisions since being quickly fell apart.q
Froome takes Spanish Vuelta lead as Nibali wins 3rd stage
ANDORRA LA VELLA, An- stage from Prades to An- of lot of hard work from my Froome is trying to become chasing pack.
dorra (AP) — Vincenzo Ni- dorra La Vella. Froome teammates as well. They the third rider to complete Yves Lampaert of Belgium,
bali of Italy won the third ended third, behind David did a fantastic job on the the Tour-Vuelta double in who was wearing the lead-
stage of the Spanish Vuelta De La Cruz of Spain. final climb. To be in this the same season. He has er’s red jersey after winning
and Tour de France cham- The British rider has a two- position is something I’ve never won the Vuelta, fin- Sunday’s flat second stage,
pion Chris Froome took the second overall lead over thought about for a long ishing second three times, finished only 163rd, drop-
overall lead after a strong three riders: De la Cruz, time, and I worked really including last year. ping to 147th overall.
run in the first mountain Nicolas Roche of Ireland, hard after the Tour.” He led the way at the end Three-time Vuelta winner
stage on Monday. and Tejay Van Garderen of Nibali moved to fifth overall, of the final climb with about Alberto Contador, who is
Froome was ahead with the U.S. 10 seconds behind Froome. eight kilometers (five miles) retiring from cycling after
about half a kilometer to go “I didn’t expect to get the “It was a difficult stage be- to go, but lost time through the race, finished 37th to
but Nibali made a charge red jersey so early in La cause of the heat,” Nibali a technical winding de- move to 30th overall, more
in the final sprint to clinch Vuelta. It’s a great surprise,” said. “The pace was very scent to the finish, eventu- than three minutes from
the 158-kilometer (98-mile) Froome said. “It’s the result fast.” ally being caught up by the the lead.q