P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                 Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
            Texas college could influence other Confederate statue moves

            By JIM VERTUNO                                                                                                      the 14-campus University of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Texas  System  and  Fenves’
            AUSTIN,  Texas  (AP)  —  The                                                                                        boss,  supported  moving
            University  of  Texas’  abrupt                                                                                      the  statues  and  said  they
            decision  to  remove  Con-                                                                                          are better suited for a histo-
            federate statues in the mid-                                                                                        ry  museum.  He  also  noted
            dle  of  the  night  after  the                                                                                     the  potential  for  violence
            violence  in  Charlottesville,                                                                                      as  the  national  debate
            Virginia, raises the question                                                                                       over Confederate memori-
            of whether other public uni-                                                                                        als intensifies.
            versities,  cities  and  towns                                                                                      “The safety of our students
            across  the  state  will  follow                                                                                    and  a  higher  learning  en-
            its lead.                                                                                                           vironment  that  promotes
            Texas wasn’t the first promi-                                                                                       civility,  unity  and  diversity
            nent  school  to  take  down                                                                                        must  prevail,  and  the  re-
            such  monuments  —  Duke                                                                                            moval  and  relocation  of
            University removed a dam-                                                                                           the statues is an important
            aged  Confederate  Gen.                                                                                             step  forward,”  McRaven
            Robert  E.  Lee  statue  Sat-                                                                                       said.
            urday  —  but  its  stature  as                                                                                     The  Texas  A&M  University
            one  of  the  country’s  larg-                                                                                      System, which includes the
            est public universities could                                                                                       historically   black   Prairie
            influence  others.  And  in   A  statue  of  Confederate  Gen.  Robert  E.  Lee  is  removed  from  the  University  of  Texas  campus,   View  A&M  University,  will
                                         early Monday morning, Aug. 21, 2017, in Austin, Texas. University of Texas President Greg Fenves
            a  state  that  has  the  most   ordered the immediate removal of statues of Robert E. Lee and other prominent Confederate   review  its  history  artifacts,
            Confederate  symbols  ex-    figures from a main area of campus, saying such monuments have become “symbols of modern   Chancellor   John   Sharp
            cept  for  Virginia,  accord-  white supremacy and neo-Nazism.”                                                     said. However, he and Tex-
            ing to the Southern Poverty                                                                     (AP Photo/Eric Gay)  as A&M University President
            Law  Center,  a  movement  a  catalyst  for  his  Sunday  mer  Gov.  James  Stephen  symbolize,”  Fenves  said.  Michael  K.  Young  insisted
            to  get  similar  symbols  re-  night order to move statues  Hogg,  whose  likeness  will  “Erected during the period  that  the  statue  of  former
            moved could gain momen-      of  Lee,  Confederate  Gen.  be placed in another spot  of Jim Crow laws and seg-      school   president,   Texas
            tum.                         Albert  Sydney  Johnston  on campus.                      regation,  the  statues  rep-  governor  and  Confeder-
            University  of  Texas  Presi-  and Confederate Postmas-   “The historical and cultural  resent  the  subjugation  of  ate Gen. Lawrence Sullivan
            dent  Greg  Fenves,  who  ter  John  H.  Reagan  from  significance of the Confed-     African-Americans. That re-  “Sul” Ross — the oldest one
            said such monuments have  a  main  area  of  the  Austin  erate  statues  on  our  cam-  mains  true  today  for  white  on the flagship  campus  —
            become “symbols of mod-      campus to a history muse-    pus — and the connections  supremacists who use them  will remain.
            ern  white  supremacy  and  um. Crews had them down  that  individuals  have  with  to  symbolize  hatred  and  Dedicated  in  1918,  the
            neo-Nazism,”    cited   the  in just a few hours and also  them — are severely com-    bigotry.”                    Ross statue is considered a
            Charlottesville  violence  as  removed  a  statue  of  for-  promised  by  what  they  Bill McRaven, chancellor of  good luck charm. q

                                                                                                   Feds: Texas man tried planting
                                                                                                   bomb on Confederate statue

                                                                                                   By JUAN A. LOZANO            ate statue resulted in three
                                                                                                   Associated Press             deaths,  and  the  removals
                                                                                                   HOUSTON  (AP)  —  A  Hous-   of  other  statues  nation-
                                                                                                   ton  man  has  been  arrest-  wide,  including  at  Duke
                                                                                                   ed  after  he  was  allegedly  University and late Sunday
                                                                                                   caught  trying  to  plant  ex-  evening at the University of
                                                                                                   plosives on a Confederate  Texas at Austin.
                                                                                                   statue  at  a  Houston  park,  Schneck was charged with
                                                                                                   authorities said Monday.     attempting  to  maliciously
                                                                                                   Prosecutors allege 25-year-  damage or destroy proper-
                                                                                                   old  Andrew  Schneck  was  ty  receiving  federal  finan-
                                                                                                   caught  on  Saturday  eve-   cial  assistance.  He  made
                                                                                                   ning near a statue of Rich-  his initial court appearance
                                                                                                   ard Dowling, a lieutenant in  on Monday and was to re-
                                                                                                   the  Confederate  army.  A  main in federal custody un-
                                                                                                   Houston park ranger found  til  a  detention  hearing  on
                                                                                                   Schneck holding two boxes  Thursday.
                                                                                                   with  duct  tape  and  wires  Philip  Hilder,  Schneck’s  at-
                                                                                                   as  well  as  a  bottle  and  torney,  declined  to  com-
                                                                                                   a  small  tube  containing  ment Monday.
                                                                                                   compounds that tests later  The  statue  in  Houston,  lo-
                                                                                                   revealed  were  explosive  cated  in  Hermann  Park,  is
                                                                                                   materials,  according  to  a  of Richard W. “Dick” Dowl-
                                                                                                   criminal complaint.          ing,  an  Ireland-born  Hous-
                                                                                                   Schneck’s arrest comes af-   ton saloon owner. His Con-
                                                                                                   ter events in Charlottesville,  federate  unit  defeated
                                                                                                   Virginia, where a white su-  a  Union  invasion  force  at
                                                                                                   premacist  rally  over  the  the Battle of Sabine Pass in
                                                                                                   removal  of  a  Confeder-    1863. q
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