Page 34 - ARUBA BANK
P. 34

              Diaranson 10 Januari 2018

              “Bou di alanan di Dios mi ta sigur”
              Abo ku ta biba bou di amparo di Altisimo, ta
              hospedá den sombra di Dios Omnipotente,                                The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
              bisa Señor:                                                            He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he
               “Mi refugio, mi forti, mi Dios, den kende mi                          leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my
                                                                                     soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
              ta                                                                     for his name’s sake.  Psalm 23
              pone mi konfiansa”
              Salmo 91:1-2                                                           With great sorrow but greatful for everything he
                                                                                     did for us, we announce the passing of our loving father and Dr. :
              Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero conforme cu
               boluntad di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento di:
                                                                                              Dr. Roberto B.  Bryson
                                                                                                         widower of Mrs.Christa Bryson
                                                                                                           *23-10-1941 - †03-01-2018
                                 Angelo Romelli                                      Left to mourn are:

                                   *24-05-1959 - †06-01-2018                         Daughter:
                                                                                     Charlene Bryson & Gregory Rasmijn
                                                                                     Sisters:                           Related Families: Arrindell, Barry, Bli-
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues                               †Eunice Bryson                     jden,  Brooks, Brown, Bryson, Brison,
                                                                                     †Josita Lake Bryson                Carty, Davis, Every, Flanders, Gomez,
                                                                                                                        Hassell, Hazel, Milton, Nedd, Rom-
                                                                                     Nephews & Nieces:                  ney, Peters, Sommerville, Mathew,
                                                                                     Minolva Doran & Family in The      Chittick and Rasmijn.
                                                                                     Bernice Lake & Family              Close friends: Dr. Francis de Windt,
                                                                                     Charles Lake & Family in The Neth-  Sheldon Toppenberg, Myrna, Ramphis
                                                                                     erlands                            and Myrlene Tromp, Steven Valois
              “ Pasombra mi ta convensi cu ni morto, ni                              Rafael Bryson & Bernice Dennis     Smith, Anselmo Mathew, Yubi Top-
              bida, ni angelnan, ni cosnan presente, ni cosnan                       Errol Bryson & Indra Busby         penberg, Family Toppenberg, Sylves-
              futuro lo por separanos di e amor di Dios”                             Ruben Bryson                       ter Paul & Family, Peter Simmons,
                                                                                                                        Family Martijn, Harold Jackson and
              Cu inmenso tristeza na nos curazon, pero                               Cousins:                           Spouse, Dr. Sykes, Erwin Tujeehut,
                                                                                     Marjorie  Hamlet Bryson & Family in
                                                                                                                        Basil Schmidt, Aldrick Arends & Ilse
              conforme cu                                                            the USA                            de Cuba, Roderick & Yvonne Lee, Dr.
               boluntad di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento                         Cynthia Martinez Bryson & Family in   Rajnherc and Spouse, Dr. Petronilia,
              inesperadamente di:                                                    the USA                            Dr. Reuben Tjon-Sie-Fat & Spouse,
                                                                                     Belinda Bryson & Family in the Neth-  Family Murray, Family Kelly, Ru-
                                                                                     erlands                            pert Richards, Mr. Henson, Marlene
                             Robert James Zara                                       Olivia Bryson & Family in the Neth-  George-Gumbs & Family, Ralph Yar-
                                                                                                                        zagaray, Evelyn Brown, Edwin Lopez.
                                  Mihor conoci como “Robby”                          Mabel  Maduro Bryson & Family
                                   *15-08-1961 - †07-01-2018                         Edgard Bryson & Family             Special thanks to: his Godchild Jurima
                                                                                     Roberto C. Bryson & Family         Bryson, Dr. van Trigt, Dr. Romeo
              Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues                               Felicita Bryson & Family           Kock, Dr. Choudhry, Dr. Fingal, Dr.
                                                                                     Patricia Paul Bryson & Family      Lacle, Dr. Ponson, Dr. Wills, Dr.
                                                                                     James Bryson & Family in the Neth-  Garcia, Dr. Cheng, and his pediatrician
                                                                                     erlands                            colleagues, Nurses of the 2nd Floor,
                                                                                     Rose-Marie Nedd Bryson & Family    Nurses of the 4th Floor, Nurses of the
                                                                                     Gloria Passape Bryson & Family in   CCU, Nurses of the Kinderafdeling,
                                                                                     Guadaloupe                         Verloskamer & Kraamafdeling, Rona
                                                                                     Roland Bryson                      Coster, Bishop Brooks and members
                                                                                     †Francisco Bryson in St. Maarten   of the Holy Cross Anglican Church,
                                                                                     Roberto A. Bryson & Family in St.   members of the Rotary Club of Aruba
              Mi Dios, Mi Señor, Mi Salbador Cu Bo amor                              Maarten                            and members of the Rotaract Club of
              infinito tenemi den Bo braza Ya no tin scuridad                        Grace Bryson in St. Maarten        Aruba.
              Unicamente Bo Luz briyando                                             Antonio Bryson & Family
              Cu dolor na nos curason pero conforme cu bo-                           Mercedes Brooks and Family in Cu-  There is opportunity for condolences
              luntad di Dios nos ta participa fayecimento di:                        racao                              and viewing on tuesday january 9th
                                                                                     Charlise Vialle  Bryson & Family in   2018 from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Au-
                                                                                     The Netherlands                    rora Funeral Home.
                                                                                     Laurencia Duzant Bryson & Family in
                                                                                     the USA                            The funeral will take place on wednes-
                 Jeane Clemence Trimon-Angela                                        Oleana Bryson & Family in the USA  day january 10th  from 1:00 pm to 3:00
                                                                                                                        pm followed by a memorial service at
                                                                                     Thaddeus Bryson & Family in the
                                  Cariñosamente jama Jeannie                         USA                                Aurora Funeral Home. The burial will
                                   *28-07-1949 - †07-01-2018                         Hyacynth Richardson Bryson & Family  proceed at Cemetery in Sabana Basora.
                                                                                     in the USA                         Please accept our apologies, if in this
              Ta invita demas famia y conocirnan pa asisti na e acto di entierro cual lo   Ruth Bryson in the USA       time of sorrow we have omitted some
              wordo anuncia despues.                                                 Inez Bryson in the USA             one.
                                                                                     Gloria Bryson & Famila
                                                                                     Antonio Bryson & Family            Instead of flowers there will be a
                                                                                     Olivia Bryson & Family  Gerardo    donation box for the restoration of the
                                                                                     Bryson & Family                    rectory of the Holy Cross Anglican
                                                                                     Norma Jacobs & Family              Church.
                                                                                     Theresita Bryson & Family
                                                                                     Maria van Valderen & Spouse
                                                                                     Irma Bryson & Family
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