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                                                                                                                                                                     Tuesday 26 January 2016

Exhibit of Jewish artists’ Holocaust works opens in Berlin

K. GRIESHABER                    the Yad Vashem memo-            Artist Nelly Toll poses between two of her paintings during the                 Not all the works show an
Associated Press                 rial in Jerusalem has been      exhibition ‘Art from the Holocaust - 100 Works from the Yad                     escape into a happy imag-
BERLIN (AP) — Nelly Toll was     shown outside Israel.           Vashem Collection’ at the German Historic Museum in Berlin,                     ination. Some artworks are
8 years old when she and         The exhibition includes         Germany, Monday, Jan. 25, 2016.                                                 shocking in their depictions
her mother went into hiding      work by Jewish artists in hid-                                                                                  of life in the ghetto, daily
in 1943 in Poland to escape      ing, in concentration and                                                              (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)  discrimination and fear of
the Nazis’ death camps.          labor camps, and in ghet-                                                                                       being killed by the Nazis.
The Jewish girl spent long       tos. Of the 50 artists fea-     ated art while being sur-     imaginary places of beau-                         Halina Olomucki’s 1939
hours in her tiny hideaway       tured, 24 were killed by the    rounded by death, fear        ty and happiness.                                 pencil work, “After the
at a Christian family’s home     Nazis. Alongside the mostly     and suffering, painting was   “I would have conversa-                           Shearing of the Beards,”
writing stories, keeping a di-   unknown names are ac-           a way for Toll to break free  tions with the characters in                      shows two orthodox men
ary and creating wonder-         claimed artists such as Fe-     and escape from the Ho-       my paintings for hours,” Toll                     with bandages around
ful, bright paintings of a lost  lix Nussbaum and Ludwig         locaust’s harsh reality to    remembered.                                       their heads after their
world.                           Meidner.                                                                                                        beards had been torn or
Today, her art is on display     Toll is the only artist repre-                                                                                  burned off by Germans in
in the center of Berlin at       sented in the show who is                                                                                       the Warsaw ghetto.
a special exhibition of Art      still alive. One of her paint-                                                                                  Leo Haas’ “Transport from
from the Holocaust that          ings, “Girls in the Field,”                                                                                     Vienna” shows the arrival
opened at the German             shows two girls, dressed in                                                                                     of a train full of elderly
Historical Museum on Mon-        bright blue, red and yel-                                                                                       Jews at the Theresienstadt
day.                             low-dotted dresses walking                                                                                      ghetto in 1942. Painted in
“I hope that generations to      across a sunny lawn con-                                                                                        dark, monochrome India
come will look at this and       fined by lush green trees.                                                                                      ink, people with faces like
know what atrocities made        “I made 60 paintings while                                                                                      hollow skulls can be seen
me do this,” Toll told The As-   in hiding and all of them                                                                                       tumbling out of cattle cars,
sociated Press at the open-      express happiness,” said                                                                                        many lying lifeless on the
ing.                             Toll, who lost her father and                                                                                   ground as a soldier keeps
Toll’s paintings are among       brother in the Holocaust.                                                                                       pulling more people off the
100 artworks created by          She emigrated to the Unit-                                                                                      train.
Jewish artists during the Ho-    ed States with her mother                                                                                       The show’s curator, Yad
locaust on display, the first    after the war.                                                                                                  Vashem’s Eliad Moreh-
time the collection from         Like many Jews who cre-                                                                                         Rosenberg, called the
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