Page 44 - MIN VOS 26 NOV 2015
P. 44


LOCALThursday 26 November 2015

PWA Slalom Airwaves Noumea Dream Cup:

  Half a World Away for Sarah-Quita Offringa’s Last Event for 2015!

ORANJESTAD/NOUMEA -                                                                                                        race.
The world’s fastest sailors                                                                                                Sarah-Quita Offringa took
head for the tropical par-                                                                                                 a giant step towards sla-
adise of New Caledonia                                                                                                     lom world title No.2 as she
for the grand stand finale                                                                                                 made a solid start to the
of the 2015 PWA Slalom                                                                                                     event with two 2nd plac-
World Tour. Here the Tour                                                                                                  es. The Aruban gem only
will reach its nail biting cli-                                                                                            needs a 7th place finish or
max and this year’s world                                                                                                  better to achieve just that
champions will be decided                                                                                                  and after an excellent first
and crowned. The event                                                                                                     day it looks somewhat of
runs from November 24th                                                                                                    a formality that she will be
to 29th.                                                                                                                   regaining her slalom world
Noumea, New Caledonia,                                                                                                     crown for the first time
is part of French Polynesia,                                                                                               since 2011 come the end
located deep in the south-                                                                                                 of the event.
west Pacific Ocean - 750                                                                                                   The forecast for tomorrow
miles east of Australia. New                                                                                               looks promising and should
Caledonia boasts the big-                                                                                                  result in another enthralling
gest lagoon in the world                                                                                                   day of racing. The skippers’
spanning an impressive                                                                                                     meeting has been called
44,000km and has been                                                                                                      for 9am with the action
listed as a UNESCO World
                                                                                                                           commencing from 9:30am
Heritage Site since 2008.        season. The 24 year old has     her career. Barring disaster  wind, which was packed      — if conditions allow. Af-
Anse Vata beach will pro-        returned to the full slalom     you can expect to see Of-     with drama and massive      ter an astonishing first day
vide the perfect, pristine,      tour for the first time since   fringa completing 2015 in     upsets that could have      of racing make sure you
stage for the conclusion of      winning it in 2011, due to      style.                        massive repercussions with  don’t miss any of the dra-
the 2015 PWA World Tour.         finishing her studies, in sci-  Behind Offringa there is      regard to the men’s title   ma by tuning into www.
With the trade winds fre-        ence an innovation man-         a ferocious battle for the                       — here
quently blowing all day be-      agement, and is firmly on       remaining places on the                                   you’ll be able to follow ev-
tween 10 and 30 knots. This      course to collect slalom        overall podium with 4                                     erything as it happens via
is as much a test of stamina     world title No.2 — know-        women — Lena Erdil , Ca-                                  the PWA live stream and
as it is of top speed sailing    ing that a 7th place finish     gla Kubat , Fulya Ünlü, from                              live ticker. Will Sarah-Quita
causing the sailors to be on     or better will guarantee        Turkey and Delphine Cous-                                 Offringa continue to hold
their toes.                      her the title and cap an        in from France all currently                              her nerve? Find out tomor-
The ones to Watch in the         outstanding year for her,       tied for 2nd place with                                   row right here.
women’s division are             which has seen her collect      4,002 points each. Hopes                                  Women’s Current Stand-
Aruba’s own Sarah-Quita          an incredible 8th freestyle     and expectations were                                     ings After Elimination 2 —
Offringa enters the final        world crown, while also                                                                   1st Delphine Cousin
event of the year with a         securing her place on the       high on the inaugural day,                                2nd Sarah-Quita Offringa
commanding lead having           prestigious podium in the       although several attempts                                 3rd Lena Erdil
won both events so far this      waves for the first time in     were made to begin the                                    4th Cagla Kubat
                                                                 opening elimination of the                                5th Marion Mortefon .q
                                                                 week but unfortunately
                                                                 the breeze remained too
                                                                 unstable for competition
                                                                 meaning the sailors spent
                                                                 the first day on hold mak-
                                                                 ing use of the time to fine
                                                                 tune their kits.
                                                                 After a low key start to the
                                                                 event yesterday the trade
                                                                 winds returned with a ven-
                                                                 geance on Day 2 to pro-
                                                                 vide an exhilarating day
                                                                 of racing in 20-30 knots of
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