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P. 48
Thursday 26 November 2015
Redskins could play twice
in London next season
CHRIS LEHOURITES Will Blackmon said. “You the Miami Dolphins in a In this Sept. 13, 2015 file photo, Miami Dolphins defensive end
AP Sports Writer can’t really enjoy it. You regular-season game in
LONDON (AP) — The Wash- get there, first of all, (and) 2007. In Wednesday’s an- Derrick Shelby (79) and middle linebacker Kelvin Sheppard
ington Redskins could be- you’ve got to get ad- nouncement, the NFL only
come the first NFL team to justed to (the time) dif- said the Rams would face (52) tackle Washington Redskins running back Alfred Morris
play two games in London ference. That alone. And an NFC East opponent.
in one season — in consec- it is a business trip.” In the “Washington may play (46) during the first half of an NFL football game in Landover,
utive weeks, no less. first of the three London in consecutive weeks in
The Redskins will face the games scheduled for next London in 2016, depend- Md. Associated Press
Cincinnati Bengals on season, the Indianapolis ing on the final standings,”
Oct. 30 at Wembley Sta- Colts will take on the Jack- the NFL said. “At minimum, the Giants, Philadelphia coming back to beat the
dium, the NFL announced sonville Jaguars at Wem- they will face the Bengals Eagles or Dallas Cowboys, Buffalo Bills 34-31.
Wednesday. Washington bley on Oct. 2. The NFL in Week 8.” Redskins de- instead of Washington. Earlier this month, the NFL
also could wind up facing has been playing regular- fensive lineman Ricky Jean The Bengals and Colts will said it would stage at least
the St. Louis Rams a week season games in London Francois’ take? “I just hope also be playing in London one game per season
earlier at Twickenham Sta- since 2007, with every one we don’t leave London, for the first time, while the starting next year at Twick-
dium, depending on the played at Wembley, the then fly back here and go Jaguars will be returning for enham, which recently
Redskins’ finish in the NFC home of England’s na- back,” he said. “Let’s just the fourth straight year. hosted the Rugby World
East this season. tional soccer team. But stay over there and have This season, the Jags won Cup final between New
“Really? Two? In one year? next year will start a new a good time, that’s all. Just for the first time in London, Zealand and Australia.q
Really? Hmmmm. I never deal to hold games at treat it like home. London
heard of that,” Redskins Twickenham, the home of will be like a new home for
safety Dashon Goldson England’s national rugby us.” The Rams might face
said after practice in Ash- team. The Redskins will
burn, Virginia, on Wednes- travel to London for the first
day. While some of Wash- time since 1992, when they
ington’s players sounded played the San Francisco
eager to play a game in 49ers in the American Bowl,
Britain, including those a preseason game held at
who’ve never been over- the old Wembley Stadium.
seas, the prospect of a But they could end up in
pair of weeks there did England for a bit longer
not sound all that entic- than any other team that
ing to everyone. “I don’t has been heading across
want to be out there that the Atlantic Ocean since
long, man,” cornerback the New York Giants beat
AP source: Rams’ Bailey
in critical condition after
R.B. FALLSTROM This Aug. 8, 2013, file photo
AP Sports Writer shows St. Louis Rams wide
ST. LOUIS (AP) — Suspend- receiver Stedman Bailey
ed St. Louis Rams wide re- watching from the bench
ceiver Stedman Bailey is in in the fourth quarter of a
critical but stable condi- preseason NFL football
tion after being shot Tues- game against the Cleveland
day, a person familiar with Browns, in Cleveland.
the situation told The Asso-
ciated Press. Associated Press
The Rams said in a state-
ment they were “aware for four games earlier this
Stedman Bailey was in- month for violating the
volved in an incident” late NFL’s substance abuse
Tuesday and that they had policy. He has two games
spoken with him. The per- remaining on the ban.
son who spoke to the AP Bailey has 12 receptions for
on condition of anonymity 182 yards with one touch-
because details have not down this season.q
been released by the Rams
did not specify where the
shooting took place.
Bailey, the eighth over-
all draft pick by the Rams
in 2013, was suspended