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                                                                                                                              Thursday 26 November 2015

                       NHL Capsules 

 Anaheim wins 21st straight
home game against Calgary 

The Associated Press           NHL’s longest in a two-      Ottawa was outshot 37-20
ANAHEIM, California (AP)       team series since Philadel-  but scored three unassist-
— Rickard Rakell and Co-       phia won an NHL-record       ed goals after takeaways,
rey Perry scored two goals     23 straight over Pittsburgh  one on the power play
apiece as the Anaheim          in the 1980s.                and another short-hand-
Ducks rallied from a third-    Michael Frolik scored two    ed, by Pageau.
period deficit for their 21st  goals and Sam Bennett        Craig Anderson made 33
straight home victory over     had a goal and an as-        saves in his third straight
the Calgary Flames, 5-3 on     sist for the Flames, who     win, including two shut-
Tuesday.                       couldn’t complete their      outs.
Captain Ryan Getzlaf tied      first three-game winning     Pageau scored on two
a team record with five        streak of the season. Karri  breakaways, including his
assists for the Ducks, who     Ramo stopped 27 shots for    league-leading third short-
haven’t lost a regular-sea-    Calgary.                     handed, and added an
son game to Calgary at         SENATORS 7, STARS 4          assist. He has six goals this
Honda Center since Jan.        DALLAS (AP) — Jean-Ga-       season.
19, 2004.                      briel Pageau scored two      NHL leader Jamie Benn
The Ducks’ home streak         third-period goals and Ot-   scored his 15th and 16th
against the Flames is the      tawa held off Dallas.        goals for Dallas.q

Manning’s absence extended as                                                                   Anaheim Ducks celebrate a goal by Ryan Kesler
    he’s fitted with walking cast                                                               as Calgary Flames’ Johnny Gaudreau, front, skates past them
                                                                                                during the third period of an NHL hockey game Tuesday, Nov.
ARNIE STAPLETON                                                                                 24, 2015, in Anaheim, Calif. The Ducks won 5-3. 
AP Pro Football Writer
ENGLEWOOD, Colorado (AP) — Denver                                                                                                                                   Associated Press
quarterback Peyton Manning will spend
the next week in a walking cast and is                                                           Forbes: Rangers
expected to miss at least two more NFL                                                          most valuable NHL
games with a torn plantar fascia in his left                                                    franchise at $1.2B 
Manning missed the Broncos’ 17-15 win         In this Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015 file photo, Denver  NEW YORK (AP) — The New       New York Rangers
at Chicago last week when his longtime        Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning (18)           York Rangers are the most     forward Rick Nash (61) is
backup Brock Osweiler won his first NFL       smiles and acknowledges the crowd after           valuable NHL franchise at     congratulated by forward
start. Manning stayed in Denver to con-       setting the new passing recored against the       $1.2 billion, taking the top  Mats Zuccarello (36) after he
tinue getting treatment.                      Kansas City Chiefs during the first half of an    spot on the Forbes list for   scored the game-winning
On Monday, Manning flew to Charlotte,         NFL football game in Denver. Associated Press     the first time since 2004.    goal during the overtime
North Carolina, to seek a second opinion                                                        The magazine said on          period of an NHL hockey
from renowned foot and ankle specialist       back did attend Friday’s workout.                 Tuesday the Montreal Ca-      game against the Florida
Dr. Robert Anderson, who recommended          The Broncos have only one other quarter-          nadiens were second at        Panthers, Saturday, Nov. 21,
the five-time league MVP spend at least       back on the roster, rookie Trevor Siemian.        $1.18 billion, followed by    2015, in Sunrise, Fla.
the next week in a walking cast before be-    With Manning’s absence being extended,            the Toronto Maple Leafs
ginning additional rehab.                     they’re planning to work out former Vikings       at $1.15 billion. The Maple                      Associated Press
“We expect him to be unavailable for at       quarterback Christian Ponder on Wednes-           Leafs had been the most
least a couple of games,” coach Gary Ku-      day. Manning has had a difficult season.          valuable team since 2005,     Stanley Cup finals in 2014,
biak told the team’s website on Tuesday.      After taking a $4 million pay cut over the        but they’ve reached the       and the conference fi-
That means Manning, who was benched           winter, he and Kubiak spent all offseason         playoffs only once since      nals in 2015. Madison
after throwing his fourth interception        and the first two months of the season try-       2006, and their 13-year       Square Garden recently
against Kansas City on Nov. 15, will miss     ing to mesh offensive philosophies, and it        home sellout streak ended     underwent a $1 billion
Denver’s game against New England on          usually wasn’t very pretty.q                      in March.                     renovation.q
Sunday, and the game at San Diego on                                                            The Chicago Blackhawks,
Dec. 6, at the very least.                                                                      winners of three of the
Kubiak had already said Osweiler was his                                                        last six Stanley Cups, were
starter this week when the Broncos host                                                         fourth at $925 million, with
the unbeaten New England Patriots. That                                                         the Boston Bruins next at
was both a reflection of Osweiler’s perfor-                                                     $750 million. Completing
mance and Manning’s health. Osweiler                                                            the top 10 were Vancou-
threw for 250 yards, two touchdowns and                                                         ver, Philadelphia, Detroit,
no interceptions at Chicago — Denver’s                                                          Los Angeles, and Washing-
first game without a turnover all season.                                                       ton.
Manning will be able to attend meetings                                                         The Rangers reached the
and some workouts this week, Kubiak said.
He excused Manning from practices and
meetings last week although the quarter-
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