Page 51 - MIN VOS 26 NOV 2015
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SPORTSThursday 26 November 2015

Olympic medalist and world champion Steven Langton retires 


Steven Langton has retired

from bobsledding, ending

his career with two world

championship gold med-

als and two bronze medals

from the Sochi Olympics.

The two-time Olympian

made the announcement

Wednesday through USA

Bobsled and Skeleton.

Considered one of the

best push athletes in

the  sport  throughout his

international career, the

32-year-old Langton had

not competed for the U.S.

since the Sochi Games

more than 19 months ago.

He took last season off and

left the window open for a

potential return to chase a

third Olympic spot, but de-

cided in recent weeks his

time in a sled was over.

“Competing for Team USA

will forever be one of the

most memorable times in

my life and I will forever

be grateful for that oppor-

tunity,” Langton said. “As

much as I love the sport of

bobsled, competing with

my teammates against the

world’s best, and as hard

as this decision has been, I

know that I’m making the  In this Sept. 30, 2013, file photo, bobsledder Steven Langton poses for a portrait at the 2013 Team USA Media Summit in Park City,

right one.”                   Utah. 													                                                                                                                     Associated Press

                                                                                                                    Langton is a former winner anybody,” Holcomb said.

                                                                                                                    of the world push champi- “To be able to get him on

Los Angeles Angels sign                                                                                             onship.                               the podium, that was a big
                                                                                                                    A native of Melrose, Mas-             goal of mine personally.”
                                                                                                                                                          Langton was enormously
                                                                                                                    sachusetts, Langton went              popular among sliders
                                                                                                                                                          around the world. A pair
veteran catcher Geovany Soto  to Northeastern where he
                                                                                                                                   competed in track and  of U.S. teammates made a
                                                                                                                    field. He saw bobsled-                video — “Push Track Hero,”
ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) —                                                                                              ding in the 2006 Olympics             they called it — highlight-
Free-agent catcher Geo-                                                                                             and tried the  sport  for the         ing his workout regimen
vany Soto and the Los An-                                                                                           first time a year later after         that including squatting
geles Angels have agreed                                                                                            sending an email to long-             more than 500 pounds and
to a one-year contract.                                                                                             time U.S. bobsled pilot Ste-

The team announced the                                                                                              ven Holcomb asking how pulling off 62-inch standing

move Tuesday night, one                                                                                             to get started.                       box jumps.

day after losing catcher                                                                                            Eventually, Holcomb and “Steve Langton made an

Chris Iannetta to the Seat-                                                                                         Langton were paired and immediate impact on the

tle Mariners in free agen-                                                                                          became dominant — win- team,” said USA Bobsled

cy. ning nearly two dozen and Skeleton Chief Execu-

Soto has played for four                                                                                            World Cup medals to- tive Officer Darrin Steele.

teams in 11 major league                                                                                            gether and thriving at “His work ethic and disci-

seasons. The former Chi-                                                                                            the  sport’s  biggest events. pline rubbed off on the

cago Cubs backstop                                                                                                  They won the 2012 world other athletes and made

spent last season on the                                                                                            two-man championship everyone better. He is

other side of town with                                                                                             together, Langton was also a heck of a nice guy.

the White Sox, batting .219 In this Sunday, May 3, 2015 file photo, Chicago White Sox                               also in Holcomb’s four- I have no doubt that he’ll
with nine homers and 21 catcher Geovany Soto gestures to the pitcher during the                                     man sled that won the find success in the next

RBIs in 78 games.             eighth inning a baseball game against the Minnesota Twins in                          world title that same year,           chapter of his life as well.”
A solid defender, Soto also   Minneapolis.                                                                          and two years later at So-            The U.S. bobsled team, with
has played for Texas and                                                                                            chi they combined to end              no returning Olympians
Oakland. He was the NL                                                                            Associated Press  a 62-year American Olym-              on its push-athlete roster,
Rookie of the Year and                                                                                              pic drought in two-man by             opens World Cup competi-
an All-Star in 2008 with the  Soto will team with Carlos  Iannetta, whose offensive                                 winning bronze.                       tion for the season Friday in
Cubs.                         Perez behind the plate for  production plummeted in                                   “He’s worked harder than              Germany.q
                              Los Angeles. Perez shared   his fourth season with the
                              the job last season with    Angels.q
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