Page 47 - MIN VOS 26 NOV 2015
P. 47


SPORTSThursday 26 November 2015

  Packers’ Rodgers
 looking forward to
returns of Favre, Starr 

GENARO C. ARMAS                day. At halftime, former      in July, when the Packers           In this Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015 file photo, Green Bay Packers
AP Sports Writer               quarterback Brett Favre’s     held ceremonies to induct           quarterback Aaron Rodgers warms up before an NFL football
GREEN BAY, Wisconsin           name and retired number                                           game against the Detroit Lions in Green Bay, Wis.
(AP) — Aaron Rodgers           will be unveiled inside the
often speaks with pride        stadium in a ceremony                                                                                                                 Associated Press
about the history of the       that Hall of Fame quarter-
Green Bay Packers, a           back Bart Starr is hoping to
team that has been fortu-      attend.
nate to have three of the      “It will be a great day for
NFL’s best quarterbacks        all Packer fans,” Rodgers
on its side.                   said Tuesday.
All three of them could be     It’s the completion of a
at Lambeau Field for one       season-long reconciliation
memorable Thanksgiving         between Favre and the
night.                         team he helped revive
Rodgers is a definite with     when he arrived in 1992.
the Packers facing the         Favre made a triumphant
Chicago Bears on Thurs-        return to Lambeau Field

 Gifford                       In this Sept. 15, 2013 file photo, former New York Giants player  him into the Packers’ Hall        gers loves the stories that
                                                                                                 of Fame, and to retire his        Starr relates about his trips
 Continued from Previous Page  Frank Gifford looks on before an NFL football game between        jersey.                           to the Super Bowl or NFL
                                                                                                 The sides had a messy             championships.
A running back, defensive      the New York Giants and the Denver Broncos in East Rutherford,    split in 2008. Favre was re-      “It’s always fun being
back, wide receiver and                                                                          placed by Rodgers, a first-       around him, but he’s such
special teams player, Gif-     N.J.					                     Associated Press                    round NFL draft pick who          a positive, encouraging
ford was the NFL MVP in                                                                          was the backup for three          person. It’ll be great to see
1956 when his New York Gi-     and research of an issue we   tably on ABC’s “Monday              years.                            him,” Rodgers said.
ants won the league cham-      take very seriously.”         Night Football,” where he           “I think it’s been a good         What isn’t as much fun for
pionship. A crushing hit by    The NFL declined com-         famously served as a buffer         proper healing process for        the Packers is the quick
Eagles linebacker Chuck        ment. Gifford later had a     between fellow announc-             everybody,” Rodgers said.         turnaround after playing
Bednarik in November 1960      successful second career      ers Don Meredith and How-           The general assumption is         on Sunday. The Packers
flattened Gifford and likely   in broadcasting, most no-     ard Cosell.q                        that Favre will be elected        have 16 players with vari-
shortened his football ca-                                                                       to the NFL Hall of Fame in        ous injuries, though Rodg-
reer. Bednarik was pictured                                                                      his first year of eligibility in  ers is back at practice af-
standing over the uncon-                                                                         February.                         ter recovering from a sore
scious Gifford, pumping                                                                          Starr, 81, is already in the      right shoulder.
his fist in celebration. Gif-                                                                    hall. One of the most be-         “Aaron’s good. He’s sore,
ford was in the hospital for                                                                     loved players in Packers          just like everybody is,”
10 days and sidelined until                                                                      history is recovering from        coach Mike McCarthy
1962.                                                                                            two strokes and a heart           said.
“We have great respect                                                                           attack, and his family has        Green Bay returned to
and sympathy for the Gif-                                                                        said it is hopeful he will be     practice Tuesday after
ford family,” the Giants                                                                         at Lambeau on Thursday.           taking a day off follow-
said in a statement. “We all                                                                     Rodgers said Starr has            ing the team’s 30-13 win
miss Frank dearly. We sup-                                                                       been a “great encour-             over Minnesota that end-
port the family’s decision to                                                                    agement” to him since he          ed a three-game losing
contribute to the discussion                                                                     was drafted in 2005. Rod-         streak.q
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