P. 16

                   Thursday 29 June 2017
               How vacationing business owners cope with being unreachable

                                                                                                                                them and helps your team
                                                                                                                                to  grow,”  says  Kupfer,
                                                                                                                                who’s based in New York.
                                                                                                                                Kupfer  has  traveled  in
                                                                                                                                recent  years  to  Ecuador,
                                                                                                                                the   Utah   desert   and
                                                                                                                                the  West  Bank,  had  no
                                                                                                                                cellphone  service  and  no
                                                                                                                                worries  because  his  staff
                                                                                                                                and  partners  can  handle
                                                                                                                                the  business  without  him.
                                                                                                                                His  mantra:  “I’m  not  that
                                                                                                                                Owners    of   brand-new
                                                                                                                                companies are less likely to
                                                                                                                                disconnect.  In  May,  Brad
                                                                                                                                Weber was ready to leave
                                                                                                                                his  laptop  home  and  his
                                                                                                                                10-year-old  mobile  app
                                                                                                                                development  company  in
                                                                                                                                the hands of his 15 staffers.
                                                                                                                                “The business had matured
                                                                                                                                to  a  point  and  the  team
                                                                                                                                jelled  to  a  point  where  I
                                                                                                                                felt  comfortable  doing  it.
                                                                                                                                I  knew  they’d  be  able  to
                                                                                                                                handle  whatever  came
                                                                                                                                up,” says Weber, owner of
                                                                                                                                Boulder,  Colorado-based
                                                                                                                                InspiringApps.  He  went  on
                                                                                                                                a weeklong sailboat trip off
                                                                                                                                Grenada where he had to
            In this Sept. 23, 2015, photo, provided by small business owner Mike Scanlin, Scanlin poses for a photo on Easter Island in the South
            Pacific, a Chilean territory. Changes in technology have made it possible for vacationing small business owners to never be out of   focus on the sailing.
            touch, unless they decide to go to a part of the world without enough cellphone towers, bandwidth or electricity.   “There  was  not  much
                                                                                                           (Mike Scanlin via AP)  energy  left  to  think  about
                                                                                                                                the office,” he says.
            By JOYCE M. ROSENBERG        losing  their  tether  to  their  where   cellphone   and  weeks  is  a  long  time  to   Still, for some owners, being
            AP Business Writer           companies.  Some  leave  internet service were often  disconnect,”  says  Hockel,      out  of  touch  isn’t  part  of
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  While  the  business  in  the  hands  unavailable.                 whose  company  is  based    the plan.
            hiking  in  the  Himalayas  for  of  trusted  employees,  or  Checking in is the norm for  in Glen Burnie, Maryland.  “There   was   a   bit   of
            three  weeks,  Mike  Scanlin  have projects and pressing  most owners. With tablets or  At   places   like   Machu   a   gulp,”   recalls   Chris
            had  no  cellphone  service  matters dealt with so being  smartphones in hand, many  Picchu,  the  historic  Incan   Brantner  about  his  Rocky
            much  of  the  time  and  no  out of contact won’t be a  set  aside  time  on  a  trip  to  mountain  fortress,  there   Mountain   backpacking
            way  to  charge  his  phone.  problem.                    at  least  read  important  wasn’t  any  connectivity.    trip  this  spring  when  he
            Running  his  business  —  a  Scanlin was able to check  emails  or  touch  base  with  But even at a hotel with Wi-  had virtually no cellphone
            one-man     operation    —  emails  when  the  hiking  employees  and  important  Fi, Hockel ignored his email      service.   His    brothers,
            became  a  very  sporadic  group  made  it  to  the  top  clients. In a recent survey of  inbox.                    who  work  with  him  at  his
            proposition.                 of  inclines  during  his  2012  700  small  business  owners  “I  knew,  if  I  open  this,  I’m   Houston-based  company,
            It  was  a  calculated  risk.  trip.  But  in  valleys  where  and managers released by  opening a Pandora’s box,”,
            “I  felt  I  was  going  to  lose  they  camped,  there  was  American Express, the vast  Hockel  says.  When  he   were  doing  their  jobs,
            customers,    lose   some  no  service.  And  even  majority said they check in  returned  home,  he  found         but  “I’m  the  guy  who
            business  if  they  couldn’t  when  Scanlin  could  get  a  by phone or email while on  he’d made the right choice:   gets  the  call  at  8  p.m.  if
            get  a  response  for  three  connection,  he  couldn’t  vacation. More than half of  “Our staff did an incredible   the  website’s  down.  That
            days,”  says  Scanlin,  owner  download      documents  those  do  so  at  least  once  job  communicating  and     was  probably  the  most
            of  Born  to  Sell,  a  business  or  photos,  and  the  nine  a day. But nearly a quarter  tackling issues.”       worrisome  part,  if  things
            software  company  based  hour-plus  time  difference  don’t check in.                 Corey  Kupfer,  an  attorney   stopped functioning.”
            in Las Vegas.                with  the  U.S.  meant  a  Aaron Hockel knew before  for  30  years  who  also  has    Brantner,  whose  website
            “But  it’s  worth  maybe  lag  between  emails  and  he  left  on  his  two-week  a speaking and consulting         provides information about
            losing  a  bit  of  business  to  replies.  He  couldn’t  go  honeymoon  to  Peru  last  business,  called  his  office   cable TV alternatives, was
            accomplish  the  items  on  online  to  fix  any  problems  summer  he  would  have  several  times  a  day  from   able to give one brother a
            your bucket list.”           that might come up with his  minimal   access    to   a  vacations in the early years   heads-up that he wouldn’t
            Changes  in  technology  website, and there was no  cellphone  network  or  the  of his practice. By about 15       be  able  to  access  the
            have  made  it  possible  one back home who could  internet. So he decided to  years  ago,  he  was  calling        website  if  needed.  After
            for    vacationing    small  do it.                       just be offline and leave the  just once a day, and Kupfer   that, with nothing more he
            business  owners  to  never  It did make Scanlin, whose  digital marketing company,  realized  the  problems  his   could do, he went back to
            be  out  of  touch  —  unless  company was a year-and-    AltaVista Strategic Partners,  staff  talked  to  him  about   hiking.
            they  decide  to  go  to  a  a-half-old  when  he  made  in  the  care  of  his  three  were  things  they  could   “It  was  nice  to  get  away
            part  of  the  world  without  the trek, a little uneasy. Born  business  partners  and  15  handle  on  their  own.  He   for a few days and turn off
            enough  cellphone  towers,  to  Sell  survived,  however,  staffers.  They  would  deal  told them he wouldn’t call   my  brain,”  Brantner  says.
            bandwidth  or  electricity.  and  he  has  since  visited  with  customers  and  issues  in on his next vacation.   When he reconnected, he
            Sometimes  they  find  out  places like Peru and Easter  that were his domain.         “People  figure  things  out   found  the  website  hadn’t
            by   surprise.   But   many  Island, located nearly 2,200  “It was a scary proposition  when they don’t have you    crashed and no harm was
            understand  that  they’re  miles off the coast of Chile,  at   first   because   two  as  a  crutch.  It  empowers   done.q
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