P. 19
SPORTS Thursday 29 June 2017
NL Capsules: Scherzer sharp as Washington beats Cubs
WASHINGTON (AP) — Max Arizona 10th with a single
Scherzer pitched six sharp and advanced on a sacri-
innings, Trea Turner had fice by pinch-hitting pitch-
four of Washington’s sev- er Zack Godley. Herrmann
en steals and the Nation- singled off Matt Bowman
als beat Jake Arrieta and (1-3).
the Chicago Cubs 6-1 on Diamondbacks closer
Tuesday in a showdown of Fernando Rodney (2-2)
the past two NL Cy Young pitched a 1-2-3 10th inning
Award winners. for the win.
Scherzer (9-5) struck out six, DODGERS 4, ANGELS 0
walked none and retired LOS ANGELES (AP) —
16 of his final 17 batters. The Dodgers right-hander Ken-
right-hander allowed an ta Maeda pitched four-hit
earned run in the first inning ball over seven innings in a
for the first time since April spot start, and Joc Peder-
and his streak of 10-plus son hit a three-run homer.
strikeout games ended at Maeda (6-3) was moved
six, but he was in control al- to the bullpen earlier this
most all night. month, but filled in Tuesday
Arrieta (7-6) issued a sea- to give the rotation an ex-
son-high six walks and al- tra day of rest. He stuck out
lowed five earned runs, six and walked none.
getting the hook two bat- Angels starter Jesse Chavez Washington Nationals starting pitcher Max Scherzer delivers a pitch during the first inning of a
ters into the fifth inning. Ar- (5-8) was pulled in the sixth baseball game against the Chicago Cubs, Tuesday, June 27, 2017, in Washington.
rieta and catcher Miguel after getting into a jam, Associated Press
Montero allowed seven and Cody Bellinger greet-
steals, matching the Mon- ed Jose Alvarez with an RBI
treal Expos/Nationals fran- single. Pederson hit his sev- pitched around a leadoff victory. With Souza at first helping the last-place Reds
chise record. enth home run two batters single in the ninth for his base and no outs, Wilson get the win.
Michael Taylor had two hits later. 13th save. Ramos hit a hard grounder Billy Hamilton, Adam Duvall
and two RBIs for Washing- The Dodgers have won New York’s Robert Gsell- off Felipe Rivero (3-2) that and Eugenio Suarez also
ton, and Scherzer washed 17 of 19 and lead the Na- man left with a strained left Freese missed while try- connected for Cincinnati,
out the RBI triple he allowed tional League with a 52-27 hamstring after he pulled ing to backhand. Adeiny which scored its most runs
to Kris Bryant in the first by record. up trying to beat out a Hechavarria added a sac- in 19 games since Scooter
driving in a run with an in- MARLINS 6, METS 3 grounder in the third in- rifice fly, giving him two RBIs Gennett hit four homers in
field single in the fourth. MIAMI (AP) — Ichiro Suzuki ning. The injury-plagued in his first game since be- its 13-1 win over St. Louis on
DIAMONDBACKS 6, CARDI- had a pinch-hit RBI single Mets have already had five ing traded from the Miami June 6. Tim Adleman (5-4)
NALS 5 in the seventh inning to put starting pitchers on the dis- Marlins on Monday. pitched five innings and
PHOENIX, Arizona (AP) — Miami ahead, and Chris- abled list this year. Tommy Hunter pitched the Raisel Iglesias got three
Chris Herrmann hit a game- tian Yelich collected three Curtis Granderson and Tra- 10th for his first save of the outs for his 13th save.
ending RBI single in the 10th hits for the Marlins. vis d’Arnaud homered for season. Milwaukee slugger Ryan
inning as Arizona Diamond- Suzuki poked a pitch to the New York. Neil Ramirez (0- The Pirates were no-hit Braun returned after miss-
backs rallied to beat St. opposite field against Jerry 1) got the loss. through six innings by Alex ing 31 games with a
Louis Cardinals. Blevins for a 4-3 lead. The RAYS 4, PIRATES 2, 10 IN- Cobb, but Andrew Mc- strained left calf, but the
The surging Diamondbacks 43-year-old Suzuki leads NINGS Cutchen forced extra in- NL Central-leading Brewers
scored two in the eighth the majors with 12 pinch PITTSBURGH (AP) — Da- nings with a two-run double lost for the third time in four
and one in the ninth to hits. vid Freese misplayed a in the ninth. games. Braun went 1 for 5
force extra innings. They Yelich added a two-run grounder at third base, al- REDS 8, BREWERS 6 with a double.
have won four in a row and single in the seventh. Kyle lowing Steven Souza Jr. to CINCINNATI (AP) — Joey Travis Shaw, Manny Pina
13 of 15. Barraclough (4-1) got score in the 10th inning and Votto hit a tiebreaking two- and Orlando Arcia hom-
Rey Fuentes opened the the win and A.J. Ramos sending Tampa Bay to the run homer in the fifth inning, ered for Milwaukee.q
Cubs cut Montero after critical comments
WASHINGTON (AP) — The lowing seven stolen bases Joe Maddon spoke Tues-
Chicago Cubs cut ties in Tuesday’s loss to the day after hearing of Mon-
with Miguel Montero on Washington Nationals. tero’s comments. The 6-1
Wednesday after the vet- Montero, who turns 34 on loss dropped Chicago to
eran catcher blamed July 9, was designated for 39-38 on the season. “Right
pitcher Jake Arrieta for al- assignment, and the World now through 77 games, we
Series champions recalled haven’t gotten it going yet.
Chicago Cubs starting catcher Victor Caratini We haven’t come togeth-
pitcher Mike Montgomery, from Triple-A Iowa. Mon- er as a team,” Hoyer said.
left, talks with catcher Miguel tero is batting .286 with “We’re fighting to come
Montero during the first in- four homers and eight RBIs together and I think those
ning of a baseball game in 44 games. President of comments were a detri-
against the Miami Marlins,
Sunday, June 25, 2017, in baseball operations Theo ment to what we’re trying
Miami. Epstein, general manager to accomplish right now at
Associated Press Jed Hoyer and manager this point in the season.”q