P. 17
SPORTS Thursday 29 June 2017
Usain Bolt from Jamaica
celebrates his victory in the
100 meters men’s event at
the Golden Spike athletic
meeting in Ostrava, Czech
Republic, Wednesday, June
28, 2017.
Associated Press
Usain Bolt
wins 100
meters at
Golden Spike
Associated Press
OSTRAVA, Czech Republic
(AP) — Usain Bolt started
the European leg of his final
season before retirement
with a victory in the 100
meters at the Golden Spike
meeting on Wednesday.
At the meet where he has
most frequently competed
in his career, with nine ap-
pearances, Bolt reeled in
the rest of the field after
a trademark slow start to
cross the finish line in 10.06
However, he had to hold Rockets to acquire
off a strong challenge from
Yunier Perez of Cuba, edg-
ing him by 0.03. Jak Ali Har- Chris Paul from Clippers
vey of Turkey was third in
10.26. Bolt’s performance
fell short of his season
best of 10.03, which was In this Feb. 24, 2016, file photo, Los Angeles
clocked at the 100 and 200 Clippers guard Chris Paul (3) goes up under the
world record holder’s final basket, next to Denver Nuggets forward Kenneth
race in his native Jamaica Faried (35) during the first half of an NBA basketball
on June 11. game in Los Angeles.
“I’m not happy with the Associated Press
time,” he said. “It wasn’t Page 21
a good race, it was pretty
Continued on Page 22