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                    Saturday 1 July 2017
               After doping age, Tour start in Germany is a ‘Grand Return’

            By ANDREW DAMPF                                                                                                     German cycling, the sport
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    quickly  disintegrated  in
            DUESSELDORF,     Germany                                                                                            the    country   following
            (AP) — The Tour de France                                                                                           doping  scandals  involving
            calls  its  start  the  “Grand                                                                                      prominent riders like Patrick
            Depart.”  This  year  it  feels                                                                                     Sinkewitz   and     Stefan
            more  like  the  “Grand                                                                                             Schumacher.     Even   Erik
            Return.”                                                                                                            Zabel,  the  popular  rider
            Six  years  after  German                                                                                           who  still  holds  the  record
            TV  stopped  broadcasting                                                                                           of  six  green  jerseys  in  the
            cycling’s showpiece event                                                                                           Tour’s  points  classification,
            because  of  a  series  of                                                                                          admitted  to  doping  after
            doping scandals and three                                                                                           he  retired.  These  days,  a
            decades after it last rolled                                                                                        new generation of German
            off in the country, the Tour                                                                                        riders   led   by   Martin,
            opens  this  weekend  with                                                                                          sprinters   Andre   Greipel
            two stages in Duesseldorf.                                                                                          and  Marcel  Kittel  —  who
            The race starts Saturday with                                                                                       have won 11 and nine Tour
            a  mostly  flat  14-kilometer                                                                                       stages, respectively — plus
            (8.7-mile)  individual  time                                                                                        classics   specialist   John
            trial  in  Duesseldorf  that                                                                                        Degenkolb,  have  drawn
            seems tailor made for four-                                                                                         local fans back to cycling.
            time world champion Tony                                                                                            German  TV  station  ARD
            Martin  to  grab  the  yellow   Germany’s Andre Greipel signs autographs during the team presentation of the Tour de France   began  broadcasting  the
            jersey  in  front  of  his  home   cycling race in Duesseldorf, Germany, Thursday, June 29, 2017.                   Tour again in 2015 and the
            fans.                                                                                              Associated Press  Tour  of  Germany  is  slated
            Stage  2  on  Sunday  goes                                                                                          to return next year after it,
            from  Duesseldorf  to  Liege,                                                                                       too, was canceled in 2009.
            Belgium.                     point  when  Jan  Ullrich  Ullrich also fell into disgrace  program of Spanish doctor   “A lot of people are looking
            The  last  time  the  three-  became  the  first  and  still  and  was  suspended  in  Eufemiano Fuentes.           forward to have the Tour de
            week  race  started  from    only  German  rider  to  win  2006 in the fallout from the  Ullrich  did  not  contest  the   France  back  in  Germany,
            Germany  was  in  1987,      the Tour.                    Operation  Puerto  blood-    ruling  by  the  sports  court   and we want to give fans
            when  the  Grand  Depart     Ullrich  also  finished  runner-  doping  scandal  in  Spain.  and remains unwelcome in   reasons to be proud of us,”
            took  place  in  West  Berlin   up  five  times  in  the  Tour,  He retired a year later, and  cycling circles. He was not   said  Kittel,  who  is  aiming
            —  when  the  city  was  still   three  times  behind  Lance  the Court of Arbitration for  invited  to  Duesseldorf  by   to  win  Stage  2.  “Having
            divided.                     Armstrong,     who     was  Sport  then  banned  him  Tour organizers.                 the  Grand  Depart  here  is
            A  decade  later,  German    eventually  stripped  of  his  for  two  years  in  2012  for  While  Ullrich’s  Tour  victory   an  important  step  for  the
            cycling  reached  its  high   seven titles for doping.    involvement  in  the  doping  set  off  a  golden  age  of   German community.”q

                Eastbourne                                                                         (7), 7-6 (4). Monfils finished  ment,  Caroline  Wozniacki
                      final                                                                        the  match  with  strapping  played through an abdom-
                                                                                                                                inal  injury  to  beat  Heather
                                                                                                   on his left leg after appear-
              Continued from Page 17                                                               ing  to  twist  his  knee  when  Watson  6-2,  3-6,  7-5  and
            Near the end of the match,                                                             he slipped just after serving  advance to a final against
            seagulls  overheard  were                                                              late in the second set.      Karolina  Pliskova,  who  got
            making  loud  squawking                                                                He  finally  secured  victory  a  walkover  after  Johanna
            noises.  Djokovic  paused,                                                             with  a  strong  serve  that  Konta  pulled  out  of  their
            looked  up  and  said:  “We                                                            Gasquet  returned  long  at  semifinal  match  because
            hear you,” drawing laugh-                                                              full  stretch,  improving  to  of a spine injury.
            ter  from  the  crowd  as  a                                                           9-7 against Gasquet in their  The  seventh-ranked  Konta
            smile  cracked  over  his                                                              career meetings.             had  a  hard  fall  near  the
            face.                                                                                  “It was very tough mental-   end  of  her  win  over  top-
            “I  actually  love  seagulls,”                                                         ly.  I  twisted  my  knee  a  bit  ranked Angelique Kerber in
            Djokovic  said  after  the                                                             and he saved some match  the  quarterfinals  on  Thurs-
            match.                                                                                 points,”  Monfils  said,  add-  day. It jeopardizes Konta’s
            He  sealed  victory  on  his                                                           ing  that  he  still  felt  pain  in  participation  at  Wimble-
            second match point, when                                                               his knee at the end. “Right  don,  where  she  is  seeded
            Medvedev  could  only  re-   Denmark’s Caroline Wozniacki in action against Britain’s Heath-  now  it’s  a  little  bit  pain-  No.  6  and  was  drawn  to
            turn  his  second  serve  into   er Watson at the AEGON International at Devonshire Park, East-  ful. Hopefully it will be bet-  play Su-Wei Hsieh in the first
            the net.                     bourne England Friday June 30, 2017.                      ter  tomorrow,  it’s  tough  to  round on Monday.
            In  a  well-contested  first                                          Associated Press  say.”                       “We  made  the  decision
            set,  the  former  No.  1  ex-                                                         It  looked  like  Monfils  may  based  on  the  fact  I’m  still
            changed early breaks with    sent a forehand return into  only other final since was in   have  to  quit  after  losing  quite  sore  through  my
            the 21-year-old Medvedev     the net.                     Rome, where he lost to Al-   the tiebreaker but he con-   thoracic  spine,”  the  British
            and clawed his way back      Djokovic,  who  has  relin-  exander  Zverev  in  straight   tinued  following  a  second  player said.
            from 0-40 to stay on serve   quished  all  four  of  the  sets in May.                 round of treatment.          “I didn’t sleep too well but
            at  one  point.  Djokovic    grand-slam  titles  that  he  Monfils  squandered  three   Djokovic has won all 13 of  I heard that’s normal. It just
            made  fewer  errors  in  the   owned  after  last  year’s  match  points  in  the  sec-  his  ATP  matches  against  didn’t  feel  quite  right.  The
            second set, which he took    French Open, won the Qa-     ond set before winning an    Monfils, although they have  most important thing is I rest
            on  his  third  match  point   tar  Open  in  January  in  his  all-French semifinal against   never played on grass.  well  for  the  next  24  hours
            when his Russian opponent    first  event  of  2017  but  his  Richard  Gasquet  6-2,  6-7   In  the  women’s  tourna-  and then we’ll see.” q
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