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                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Saturday 1 July 2017
                   Trump’s crude tweets: Would anyone else be fired?

            By BARBARA ORTUTAY           nizing a union. But she said                                                           policy  reads,  “You  are  re-
            AP Technology Writer         that if “you take to Twitter                                                           sponsible  for  your  actions.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  If  Presi-  to call your boss a ‘psycho’                                                        We encourage you to get
            dent  Donald  Trump  were  or say that your CEO has a                                                               online  and  have  fun,  but
            anyone else, he’d be fired,  ‘low I.Q.’ that could abso-                                                            use  sound  judgment  and
            or  at  least  reprimanded,  lutely get you fired.”                                                                 common sense.” The com-
            for  his  latest  tweets  at-  That  applies  even  to  chief                                                       puter chip maker Intel also
            tacking  a  female  TV  host,  executives.                                                                          trusts  employees  to  use
            social  media  and  work-    “Any  good  outside  crisis                                                            their own judgment.
            place  experts  say.  And  if  adviser would tell the com-                                                          “What  do  our  policies
            he  were  to  look  for  a  job,  pany’s  board  that  they                                                         mean?  They  mean  that
            the experts say, these and  have  no  choice  but  to                                                               we  trust  you,”  the  guide-
            past  tweets  would  raise  terminate  the  CEO,”  said                                                             lines state. “We bring smart
            red  flags  for  companies  Kara  Alaimo,  a  public  re-                                                           people  into  the  Intel  fam-
            doing  social  media  back-  lations  professor  at  Hofstra                                                        ily  and  we  expect  you  to
            ground checks, an increas-   University  in  Hempstead,   In this Wednesday, June 28, 2017, file photo, President Donald   make smart decisions.”
            ingly  common  practice  New  York.  “Today,  more        Trump  speaks  during  an  energy  roundtable  with  tribal,  state   But  as  Sacco,  Hubbuch
                                                                      and local leaders in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, in
            as  tweets  and  Facebook  than  ever  before,  citizens   Washington.                                              and  Salem  learned,  with
            posts  become  a  daily,  expect  companies  to  es-                                               Associated Press  trust  comes  responsibility
            sometimes  hourly  part  of  pouse and uphold values.”                                                              and  if  you  tweet  first  and
            our lives. Of course, Trump  PLENTY OF EXAMPLES                                                                     think later, you could face
            is anything but typical.     In  2013,  Justine  Sacco,  a   Semitic  posts,  including  a  supervisors, suppliers, com-  dire consequences.
            Still,  experts  say  it’s  a  mis-  30-year-old public-relations   tweet  that  said  “kill  some  petitors  and  others  may   TWITTER’S SIDE
            take to think that because  executive  for  the  internet   Jews.”  Nancy  Salem  had  have access to your posts,”   Even  before  Thursday’s
            the  president  is  getting  company  IAC,  tweeted,      also   retweeted:    “How  General     Motors’   policy   tweets,  there  have  been
            away  with  calling  a  man  “Going  to  Africa.  Hope  I   many Jews died in the Ho-  states.  “Offensive  or  inap-  calls  for  Twitter  to  ban
            “Psycho  Joe”  and  saying  don’t  get  AIDS.  Just  kid-  locaust? Not enough!” ac-   propriate  remarks  are  as   Trump from the service. The
            a  woman  was  “bleeding  ding.  I’m  white!”  Though     cording to a news report at  out-of-place online as they   company’s  policies  pro-
            badly from a face-lift” and  it  was  on  a  personal  ac-  the time. Salem later apol-  are  offline.  Use  the  same   hibit  harassment,  inciting
            had “low I.Q.,” regular peo-  count with only 170 follow-  ogized.                     set of standards as you do   harassment  and  “hateful
            ple would get away with it,  ers, the tweet quickly went   BROAD  RANGE  OF  POLI-     in the physical workplace.”  conduct.” But there is a lot
            too.  “Mr.  Trump  would  be  viral.  She  didn’t  learn  she   CIES                   Government       agencies    of wiggle room as to what
            fired for his tweets of today,  had become a top “trend-  What happens when work-      such  as  the  General  Ser-  constitutes  such  behav-
            and  nearly  every  day,”  ing topic” — not in a good     ers send out crude, hateful  vices  Administration  pro-  ior.  While  Twitter  doesn’t
            said Mike Driehorst, a social  way  —  as  her  phone  was   or  offensive  tweets  —  es-  hibit  “engaging  in  vulgar   comment  on  individual
            media  expert  at  the  mar-  off during an 11-hour flight   pecially if they fall in a gray  or  abusive  language,  per-  accounts, CEO Jack Dors-
            keting  agency  Weaving  to  South  Africa.  She  was     area  —  can  depend  on  sonal  attacks  of  any  kind,   ey told NBC that it’s “really
            Influence.  “Most  compa-    fired,  of  course.  Earlier  this   where they work.     or offensive terms targeting   important  to  hear  directly
            nies have a thin skin when  year,  the  New  York  Post   Many  policies  encourage  individuals  or  groups.”  The   from  leadership”  to  hold
            it comes to public criticism  fired  football  writer  Bart   common  sense,  such  as  White House didn’t respond   people  accountable  and
            and media reports.”          Hubbuch  for  comparing      refraining  from  posting  pri-  to  requests  for  comment.   have  conversations  out
            Nannina  Angioni,  an  em-   the  president’s  inaugura-  vate company information  Coca Cola’s policy, mean-       in  the  open,  not  behind
            ployment  attorney  at  the  tion  to  the  9/11  attacks.   or  speaking  on  behalf  of  while,  doesn’t  spell  out   closed  doors.  Trump  has
            Los   Angeles-based    law  He  has  since  deleted  the   the company unless autho-   that  employees  shouldn’t   also given Twitter a popu-
            firm  Kaedian,  said  certain  tweet and apologized.      rized. Hate speech and of-   harass others or post racist   larity  boost,  even  if  that
            speech  is  protected,  such  A month later, a preschool   fensive comments are also  rants,  yet  such  topics  can   hasn’t  exactly  translated,
            as  posts  about  a  work-   teacher  in  Texas  lost  her   frowned upon.             be construed as falling un-  at least not yet, to revenue
            place  grievance  or  orga-  job  over  a  series  of  anti-  “Customers,   colleagues,  der  “common  sense.”  The   growth. q
                      Germany passes law against online hate speech

            By FRANK JORDANS             a week, including defama-                                                              nal complaints.
            Associated Press             tory “fake news.”                                                                      Maas  claimed  that  14
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  German  “Freedom  of  speech  ends                                                                 months  of  discussion  with
            lawmakers approved a bill  where the criminal law be-                                                               major  social  media  com-
            on Friday aimed at crack-    gins,”  said  Justice  Minister                                                        panies  had  made  no
            ing  down  on  hate  speech  Heiko  Maas,  who  was  the                                                            significant  progress.  Last
            on  social  networks,  which  driving  force  behind  the                                                           week,  lawmakers  from  his
            critics say could have dras-  bill.  Maas  said  official  fig-                                                     Social  Democratic  Party
            tic  consequences  for  free  ures  showed  the  number                                                             and  Chancellor  Angela
            speech online.               of hate crimes in Germany                                                              Merkel’s center-right Union
            The  measure  approved  is  increased by over 300 per-                                                              bloc  agreed  a  number  of
            designed  to  enforce  the  cent in the last two years.                                                             amendments to give com-
            country’s   existing   limits  Social   media   platforms                                                           panies more time to check
            on  speech,  including  the  such as Facebook, Google                                                               whether  posts  that  are
            long-standing ban on Holo-   and  Twitter  have  become                                                             flagged to them are illegal,
            caust denial. Among other  a  battleground  for  angry                                                              delegate  the  vetting  pro-
            things,  it  would  fine  social  debates about Germany’s                                                           cess  to  a  third  party  and
            networking  sites  up  to  50  recent  influx  of  more  than    In this April 5,. 2017 file photo German Justice Minister Heiko   ensure  that  users  whose
            million euros ($56 million) if  1 million refugees, with au-  Maas attends the weekly cabinet meeting at the chancellery in   comments  are  removed
            they  persistently  fail  to  re-  thorities  struggling  to  keep   Berlin, Germany.                               can  appeal  the  decision.
            move illegal content within  up  with  the  flood  of  crimi-                                      Associated Press  q
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