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                                                                                                       SPORTS Saturday 1 July 2017

                  Price, Betts, Ramirez lead Red Sox over Twins 6-3

            BOSTON (AP) — David Price  Andrew  Romine  homered  Castillo,  hit  an  RBI  single
            won for the second time in  off Jakob Junis (2-2).        off J.A. Happ (2-5), who al-
            three  starts,  Mookie  Betts  ASTROS 6, ATHLETICS 1      lowed eight hits in 6 1/3 in-
            and Hanley Ramirez hit solo  HOUSTON  (AP)  —  Carlos  nings.
            home runs, and Boston ral-   Correa  homered  twice  off  Brad  Brach  finished  the
            lied from a three-run deficit  rookie  Daniel  Gossett  (1-3)  three-hitter for his 15th save.
            to beat Minnesota.           and  drove  in  four  runs  as  WHITE SOX 4, YANKEES 3
            Tzu-Wei  Lin  singled  and  AL  West-leading  Houston  CHICAGO (AP) — Following
            tripled  for  his  first  multihit  improved  to  10-2  against  a  frightening  moment  for
            game.  Jackie  Bradley  Jr.  Oakland this season.         Yankees  outfielder  Dustin
            had three hits and an RBI.   Brad  Peacock  (5-1)  al-    Fowler  in  the  first  inning  of
            Price (3-2) threw a season-  lowed two hits, one run and  his  major  league  debut,
            high 112 pitches over seven  struck out seven but lasted  Melky  Cabrera  and  David
            innings, allowing three runs  only five innings after tying  Robertson combined to foil
            and six hits with seven strike-  a  career  high  by  walking  Aaron Judge as the White
            outs  and  no  walks.  Craig  six.                        Sox edged the Yankees.
            Kimbrel  pitched  a  one-    METS 6, MARLINS 3            Fowler was set to have sur-
            hit  ninth  for  his  AL-leading  MIAMI  (AP)  —  Jay  Bruce  gery  for  an  open  rupture
            22nd  save  in  23  chances,  had  a  pair  of  RBI  hits  and  of  the  patellar  tendon  in
            finishing Boston’s last home  scored  twice,  and  New  his  right  knee  after  being
            game  before  the  All-Star  York took the rubber game  carted  off  the  field.  The
            break.                       of its series against Miami to  22-year-old  started  in  right
            Kyle  Gibson  (4-6)  allowed  finish 5-5 on a road trip that  field  and  slammed  into
            five runs — three earned —  started badly.                the short sidewall near the   Boston Red Sox starting pitcher David Price delivers during the
            and six hits in 5 2/3 innings.  Seth  Lugo  (3-1),  making  corner trying to catch Jose   first inning of the team’s baseball game against the Minnesota
            INDIANS 5, RANGERS 1         his fourth start of the year,  Abreu’s  foul  ball  with  one   Twins at Fenway Park in Boston, Thursday, June 29, 2017.
            CLEVELAND  (AP)  —  Corey  allowed  three  runs,  two  out.  Fowler  calmly  tried  to                                          Associated Press
            Kluber  (7-2)  allowed  three  earned, in six innings.    stand and walk after hitting
            hits  and  struck  out  12  in  Addison  Reed,  New  York’s  the wall,
            eight  innings,  tying  a  fran-  fourth   pitcher,   pitched  but  his  right  leg  buckled
            chise  record  held  by  Bob  around  a  leadoff  single  in  twice  before  he  sat  down
            Feller with four consecutive  the  ninth  to  earn  his  12th  on  the  warning  track  and
            games  with  double-digit  save.                          waited for help.
            strikeouts.                  Jose  Urena  (6-3)  gave  up  Cabrera  robbed  Judge  of
            Pinch-hitter  Lonnie  Chisen-  five  runs,  three  earned,  in  what would have been his
            hall had a two-run double  six innings.                   major league-leading 28th
            in a three-run sixth inning as  ORIOLES 2, BLUE JAYS 0    homer  in  the  fifth  inning.
            the Indians beat the Rang-   TORONTO  (AP)  —  Ubaldo  Cabrera leapt at the wall,
            ers for the sixth time in sev-  Jimenez (3-3) pitched two-  reeled in the high drive and
            en meetings this season.     hit  ball  over  eight  innings,  then momentarily pretend-
            Andrew Cashner (3-7) was  and Jonathan Schoop had  ed he hadn’t caught it be-
            struck  on  the  right  elbow  two hits and sacrifice fly as  fore pulling the ball from his
            by a broken bat in the sixth  Baltimore has won consec-   glove.
            inning and was removed a  utive  road  series  after  go-  Robertson   then   halted
            batter later.                ing more than two months  Judge  in  the  ninth,  striking
            The  Rangers  said  he  sus-  without one.                out  the  slugger  with  Brett
            tained a bruise and X-rays  Caleb  Joseph,  a  late  add  Gardner at first base to cap
            were negative.               to  the  lineup  in  place  of  his 12th save.q
            TIGERS 7, ROYALS 3           injured  catcher  Welington
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Michael
            Fulmer  (7-6)  came  within
            one  out  of  a  shutout,  but
            Ramon  Torres  and  Jorge
            Bonifacio   singled,   then
            Drew Butera drove them in
            with a double.
            Justin Upton, Ian Kinsler and
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