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                    Saturday 1 July 2017
            GroceriesToGo Aruba Delivers Groceries and Travel Essentials to Island

            Vacationers, Time Share Rentals, Hotels, Homes and Anyone in Aruba!

            PALM BEACH - GroceriesTo-    Marilyn Pick is Marketing Di-                                                          living  or  staying  on  the  is-
            Go  Aruba  has  developed  rector.                                                                                  land  who  are  unable  to,
            a  convenient  service  that  GroceriesToGo      Aruba,                                                             or  simply  would  rather  not
            shops and delivers grocery  www.GroceriesToGoA-                                                                     grocery  shop  themselves.
            items and essentials to va-,  is  the  first  full                                                        We  will  take  orders  online
            cationers  and  anyone  on  service  online  grocery  de-                                                           and  fulfill  each  order  per-
            the  island,  allowing  them  livery  business  in  Aruba.                                                          sonally  before  delivering
            more  time  to  spend  with  “The need to fill the families                                                         the items to our customers
            family  and  friends  while  grocery order without hav-                                                             (at  Time  Share  Units,  Ho-
            here on vacation.            ing to take time away from                                                             tel  Rooms,  Beach  Houses,
            It  is  also  for  busy  people  your vacation to shop was                                                          Homes, Yachts etc.).
            who  do  not  have  time  to  our  motivation  to  start  our                                                       GroceriesToGo  Aruba  can
            spend  standing  in  line  at  delivery service.”                                                                   deliver  your  groceries  and
            the  grocery  store.  Jared  GroceriesToGo  Aruba  will                                                             travel  essentials  directly
            Pick,  CEO  and  founder  of  strive  to  provide  the  most                                                        whenever  and  whatever
            the  company  said,  “Our  affordable and convenient                                                                is  most  convenient  for  the
            mission is to provide quality  service  to  our  customers                                                          customer.
            products  and  convenient  across  the  island  who  will                                                           An  excellent  benefit  to
            services  to  our  customers  also  receive  the  highest                                                           an  online  delivery  service
            that  will  allow  them  more  quality  customer  service.                                                          is  that  you  can  order  on-
            time to enjoy their vacation  “We take the hassle out of                                                            line  prior  to  your  travels
            and the wonders of Aruba,  shopping in store, while still                                                           and have quality freshness
            One  Happy  Island!”  Pick’s  bringing  the  same  great                                                            waiting  for  you  upon  ar-
            family is originally from Aru-  quality  of  your  favorite                                                         rival,  as  well  as  order  from
            ba  where  his  grandfather,  products right to your front                                                          us anytime during your stay
            known as Chipi Chipi, start-  door.”                                                                                here in Aruba. Our motto is
            ed La Moderna.               Our company will offer the                                                             “Save  Time,  Grocery  Shop
            GroceriesToGo  Aruba  is  service of conveniently de-                                                               Online”
            a  family  owned  business  livering  groceries  to  island                                                         www.GroceriesToGoAru-
            where Karl Pick is CFO and  vacationers  and  anyone                                                      
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