Page 10 - aruba-today-20170701
P. 10

                    Saturday 1 July 2017
              China flexes military muscle in Hong Kong during Xi’s visit

                                                                                                   the  Central  Military  Com-  all else fails the PLA will al-
                                                                                                   mission,  wore  a  buttoned-  ways be the last resort. This,
                                                                                                   up  black  jacket  in  the  I  think,  would  get  people
                                                                                                   steamy  heat  during  his  quite  worried,”  Lam  said.
                                                                                                   10-minute review of troops  “The implications are quite
                                                                                                   at  the  Shek  Kong  base  in  scary.”  Xi’s  three-day  visit
                                                                                                   Hong    Kong’s   suburban  to mark the anniversary in-
                                                                                                   New  Territories.  It  was  part  cludes  presiding  at  the  in-
                                                                                                   of  a  visit  to  mark  the  20th  auguration Saturday of the
                                                                                                   anniversary of Hong Kong’s  city’s  new  leader,  Carrie
                                                                                                   handover,    when    Britain  Lam.
                                                                                                   gave  up  control  of  the  Security  has  been  tight  for
                                                                                                   Asian financial hub to Chi-  his visit as authorities brace
                                                                                                   na on July 1, 1997.          for protests.
                                                                                                   Hong  Kong  was  granted  Police  arrested  26  people,
                                                                                                   the freedom to run most of  including  young  activist
                                                                                                   its affairs after it came un-  leader Joshua Wong, after
                                                                                                   der  China’s  control  under  they climbed onto a giant
                                                                                                   the  “one  country,  two  sys-  flower sculpture symbolizing
                                                                                                   tems”  principle.  However,  Hong Kong’s “reunification”
                                                                                                   Beijing  is  in  charge  of  the  with China on Wednesday.
                                                                                                   city’s  defense  and  foreign  The  department  said  they
                                                                                                   affairs.  Troops  deployed  were later released on bail
            Chinese President Xi Jinping inspects Chinese troops of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Hong   from  the  mainland  are  without charge but are re-
            Kong Garrison at the Shek Kong Barracks in Hong Kong, Friday, June 30, 2017. Xi landed in Hong   typically confined to bases  quired  to  report  back  to
            Kong Thursday to mark the 20th anniversary of Beijing taking control of the former British colony,   scattered across town and  police in September. Some
            accompanied by a formidable layer of security as authorities showed little patience for pro-
            democracy protests.                                                                    at  headquarters  down-      were held for more than 30
                                                                            (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)  town. Hong Kongers aren’t  hours. Pro-democracy sup-
            By KELVIN CHAN               Xi rode in an open-top jeep  er  pieces  of  military  hard-  allowed to join up.      porters  fear  Beijing  is  tight-
            Associated Press             past  rows  of  soldiers  lined  ware were arrayed behind  Apart  from  trying  to  drum  ening its grip on Hong Kong
            HONG KONG (AP) — Presi-      up on an airstrip on his visit  the troops.               up Chinese national pride,  and  undermining  guaran-
            dent  Xi  Jinping  inspected  to  the  People’s  Liberation  It was a rare display of the  the  military  display  also  tees of wide autonomy un-
            troops based in Hong Kong  Army  garrison.  He  called  Chinese  military’s  might  in  served  as  a  warning  to  der  “one  country,  two  sys-
            on  Friday  as  he  asserted  out  “Salute  all  the  com-  Hong  Kong,  where  it  nor-  groups expressing anti-Chi-  tems.”
            China’s  authority  over  the  rades” and “Salute to your  mally  maintains  a  low-key  na sentiment or pushing for  Nathan  Law,  a  former  stu-
            former British colony, where  dedication”  as  he  passed  presence.  China’s  first  air-  independence,  said  Willy  dent  protest  leader  elect-
            anti-China  sentiment  has  3,100  soldiers  arranged  in  craft  carrier,  the  Liaoning,  Lam,  a  political  analyst  at  ed to Hong Kong’s
            been on the rise since Bei-  20 formations.Armored per-   is expected to make a port  Chinese University of Hong  semi-democratic       legisla-
            jing  took  control  20  years  sonnel carriers, combat ve-  call next month.          Kong.                        ture  last  year,  was  among
            ago.                         hicles, helicopters and oth-  Xi,  who’s  also  chairman  of  The message is that “when  those arrested.q

              Pakistan PM condemns US-India ‘silence’ on Kashmir violence

            By MUNIR AHMED               during  a  visit  to  the  For-  sued by Sharif’s office.  atrocities being committed  Pakistan  and  India  who
            Associated Press             eign  Ministry  in  Islamabad,  It  said  Sharif  expressed  his  by the Indian forces against  have fought two wars over
            ISLAMABAD  (AP)  —  Paki-    where  officials  briefed  him  satisfaction  over  Pakistan’s  Kashmiris,”  the  statement  control of the region since
            stani  Prime  Minister  Nawaz  about the recent Gulf Crisis,  strategic  ties  with  China,  said. It said Sharif asked the  1947.
            Sharif  on  Friday  expressed  the situation in Afghanistan  revival  of  the  strategic  ministry  to  highlight  the  In-  Friday’s  briefing  for  Sharif
            his  disappointment  over  where  the  Taliban  have  dialogue  with  the  United  dian human right violations  was held a day after Paki-
            what  he  termed  Washing-   stepped up attacks against  States  and  Islamabad’s  in Kashmir.                      stan  summoned  an  Indian
            ton’s  “silence”  despite  hu-  government forces, as well  strong relations with Russia.  Sharif’s  remarks  came  on  diplomat  and  lodged  a
            man  right  violations  in  the  as  Pakistan’s  relations  with  He  praised  China’s  recent  the  heels  of  Modi’s  meet-  complaint  over  Wednes-
            disputed Himalayan region  the  United  States,  China,  efforts  aimed  at  defusing  ing with U.S. President Don-  day’s shooting in Kashmir.
            of Kashmir, where scores of  Russia and other countries.  tension  between  Pakistan  ald Trump.                    India  accuses  Pakistan  of
            youths have been killed or  He was also briefed about  and Afghanistan, it said.       The  two  sides  later  issued  backing  Kashmiri  rebels.
            wounded  in  months-long  Indian  Prime  Minister  Na-    Sharif  expressed  his  disap-  a  statement  in  which  they  Pakistan denies the charge,
            violent clashes with the In-  rendra  Modi’s  visit  to  the  pointment  over  “the  com-  made no reference to vio-  saying it only provides mor-
            dian forces.                 United States this week, ac-  plete  silence  in  the  US-In-  lence  in  Kashmir,  which  is  al  and  political  support  to
            Sharif  made  his  remarks  cording  to  a  statement  is-  dia  joint  statement  on  the  divided between archrivals  Kashmiris. q
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