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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 1 July 2017

                   Plane crashes in flames on California freeway, 2 injured

            By MICHAEL BALSAMO           the airport.”
            Associated Press             The  exchange  was  cap-
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  The  tured on a recording of air
            pilot of a small twin-engine  traffic  controller  commu-
            plane that dropped out of  nications,  posted  on  the
            the  sky  and  exploded  in  website
            flames  on  a  busy  freeway  After  an  air  traffic  control-
            near  a  Southern  Califor-  ler  tells  the  pilot  a  gear  of
            nia  airport  Friday  morning,  the  plane  appears  to  be
            injuring  the  two  people  up, the pilot says he’s trying
            aboard,  declared  a  may-   to gain altitude.  “I lost my
            day and told air traffic con-  right engine,” he said.
            trollers  he  had  lost  an  en-  The two people who were
            gine before the crash.       aboard  the  plane,  a  man
            The  Cessna  310  aircraft  and  a  woman  in  their  50s
            crashed  on  Interstate  405,  and  60,  were  alive  when
            just  short  of  a  runway  at  they  were  pulled  from  the
            John Wayne Airport in Cos-   fiery  wreckage  and  were
            ta Mesa around 9:30 a.m.,  taken  to  a  hospital  with
            said Ian Gregor, a spokes-   traumatic  injuries,  Orange
            man  for  the  Federal  Avia-  County  Fire  Capt.  Larry
            tion  Administration.  The  Kurtz said.
            pilot  declared  an  emer-   The  plane  clipped  a  blue   Emergency responders gather round the crash of a Cessna 310 aircraft on Interstate 405, just short
                                                                      of a runway at John Wayne Airport in Costa Mesa, Calif., Friday, June 30, 2017. Two people were
            gency  shortly  after  taking  pickup  truck  as  it  crashed   injured in the small plane crash.
            off  from  the  airport  and  on  the  freeway,  but  the                                                                (AP Photo/Chris Carlson)
            was  trying  to  return  when  driver   suffered   only   a
            the crash occurred, Gregor  bruised  elbow,  Kurtz  said.   engulfed  in  flames  and  tinguish the blaze.          An  off-duty  fire  captain,
            said.                        “The fact that a plane was   plumes of black smoke bil-   “The  plane  collided,  spun  John  Meffert,  said  he  saw
            “Hey,  we  got  a  mayday!”  able to land and only strike   lowing  into  the  sky.  Traffic  across  the  freeway  and  the plane flying low before
            the pilot told air traffic con-  a single vehicle is extraordi-  was backed up for miles on  burst  into  flames,”  Kurtz  it  came  crashing  down
            trollers  before  the  crash.  nary,” he said.            the  major  route  between  said.  The  wreckage  saw  on  the  freeway  and  was
            “Mayday,  mayday  ...  I’m  Video  posted  on  social     Los Angeles and San Diego  strewn across several lanes  immediately  engulfed  in
            trying  to  make  it  back  to  media  showed  the  plane   as fire crews worked to ex-  of the freeway, he said.   flames. Meffert.q

              Utah wildfire evacuees return, ready for quieter July 4th

            By LINDSAY WHITEHURST        but  left  other  parts  of  the  more  than  a  dozen  others  area  about  100  miles  (160  fire  that  killed  19  elite  fire-
            Associated Press             mountainous  area  green  caught  in  the  fire’s  path  kilometers)  north  of  Phoe-  fighters  near  the  Arizona
            SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Hun-   and untouched.               as  it  radiated  out  from  Bri-  nix.                   town  of  Yarnell,  about  45
            dreds  of  people  forced  “The  damage  just  takes  an  Head  were  destroyed.  Authorities  were  also  ex-      miles (72 kilometers) south-
            from  their  southern  Utah  your breath away,” said Ju-  Started  June  17  by  some-  pected to lift more evacu-  west of the current blaze.
            homes  near  the  coun-      lie Saemisch,                one burning weeds, the fire  ations  after  that  blaze  In  New  Mexico,  a  light-
            try’s  largest  active  wildfire  who  was  at  her  grand-  is  now  about  20  percent  forced   thousands   from  ning-sparked  fire  co  grew
            headed  home  Friday  and  daughter’s      fifth   grade  contained  and  is  one  of  their homes, campgrounds  to  nearly  11  square  miles
            prepared  for  a  subdued  graduation  when  she  was  several fires burning in west-  and summer camps ahead  (28  square  kilometers)  on
            Fourth  of  July  celebration  told  she  could  not  return  ern U.S. states.         of  the  long  Fourth  of  July  Friday  and  threatened  at
            after  nearly  two  weeks  of  to  her  home  in  the  ski  re-  In Arizona, crews on Friday  holiday  weekend,  though  least one railroad bridge.
            fear and uncertainty.        sort  town  of  Brian  Head  reopened  a  major  route  some people could be pro-        The  fire  is  burning  grass
            The fire cut a wide swathe  and  was  evacuated  to  a  through  the  small  town  of  hibited from returning for a  and  brush  on  private  land
            of  destruction,  blackening  campground  a  few  miles  Mayer that barely escaped  few more days.                  south of Albuquerque and
            more than 92 square miles  (kilometers) away.             destruction  when  a  mas-   Friday  also  marks  the  four-  was  about  40  percent
            (238  square  kilometers),  Her  home  was  saved,  but  sive wildfire threatened the  year anniversary of a wild-  contained.q
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