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Saturday leads
July 1, 2017 Red Sox
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Fatal Shooting
In The Bronx
Doctor Accused of Sex Harassment Kills 1 at NYC Hospital
Police help people cross the street outside the Bronx Lebanon Hospital in New York after a gunman opened fire there on Friday, June 30, 2017. The gunman,
identified as Dr. Henry Bello who used to work at the hospital, returned with a rifle hidden under his white lab coat, law enforcement officials said.
(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)
Page 3
Summer Looms with GOP Stuck on Health Care, Budget, Taxes
By ANDREW TAYLOR do congressional business — chief- that without an agreement with tax effort — is languishing as well,
Associated Press ly their core responsibilities of pass- Democrats on increasing agency as are the 12 annual spending bills
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans ing a budget and spending bills, spending, moderates will be “reti- that typically consume weeks of
are stuck on health care, can’t and keeping the government sol- cent to support any budget.” “It’s House floor time each summer.
pass a budget, and hopes for a vent — slide onto a daunting fall looking like they’re very disorga- But GOP leaders say all is going
big, bipartisan infrastructure pack- agenda that is looking more and nized. They got obviously a lot of well. Ryan told a Wisconsin ra-
age are fizzling. Overhauling the more like it’ll be a train wreck. conflict over spending preferenc- dio host on Thursday that “it’s the
tax code looks more and more like Friday brought more bad news es and it’s not just a two-way con- most productive Congress since
a distant dream. for Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and flict,” said top House Budget Com- the mid-’80s” and issued a news
The GOP-led Congress has yet to other House leaders as 20 GOP mittee Democrat John Yarmuth of release Friday titled “Despite What
salt away a single major legisla- moderates signaled a revolt on Kentucky. “It’s just a tough Rubik’s You May Hear, We Are Getting
tive accomplishment for President the budget, penning a letter to Cube they’re trying to solve.” Things Done.” The release cites a
Donald Trump — and a summer of Ryan announcing their opposi- So it’s not just the Senate effort bipartisan Department of Veter-
drift may lead to a logistical night- tion to an emerging plan to force to repeal and replace Democrat ans Affairs accountability measure
mare this fall. Instead, Trump’s al- cuts to government agencies and Barack Obama’s health care law and 14 bills repealing Obama-
lies appear both divided and in- benefit programs such as food that’s foundering. The annual con- era regulations as Congress’ top
decisive, unable to deliver on his stamps. The letter, authored by gressional budget measure — a achievements.
agenda while letting other must- Rep. Charlie Dent, R-Pa., warned prerequisite to this fall’s hoped-for Continued on Page 4