Page 6 - aruba-today-20170701
P. 6
Saturday 1 July 2017
Prosecutors charge man with 9 Phoenix serial killings
victims were shot by a man scene of a July 2016 shoot-
who prowled the neighbor- ing — the last in the series
hood in a car and opened — helped them determine
fire from inside it or stepped that the shooter’s car was
out briefly to shoot before a 5-series BMW. That’s the
driving away. same model that Saucedo
Among those who died drove. Police said Sauce-
were a 21-year-old man do stopped using the BMW
whose girlfriend was preg- and changed his appear-
nant with their son and a ance after police pub-
12-year-girl who was shot licly released a composite
to death along with her sketch of the suspect and
mother and a friend of the a description of the attack-
woman. er’s car.A black 2001 5 Se-
Saucedo’s lawyer, Dean ries BMW was seized by in-
Roskosz, did not immedi- vestigators from Saucedo’s
ately respond to phone home in April. Police have
message seeking com- said a 9mm shell casing
ment. Saucedo, who is found inside the car was
jailed for lack of $8 million fired from the same gun as
bail, made a brief court the shells found in the after-
This photo shows an intersection in the Maryvale section of Phoenix where one victim was shot to appearance Thursday to math of nine of the 12 at-
death in a string of shootings that terrorized area residents. Aaron Saucedo, 23, accused in serial be notified of the charges, tacks.
killings that terrorized a Phoenix neighborhood, was formally charged with murder Friday, June but was asked questions Saucedo knew only the first
30, 2017. The indictment came nearly two months after police said he was responsible for killing only about his name and victim, and the other killings
nine people. date of birth. He said ‘I’m were random, authorities
(AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
innocent’ at a May court said. Police have provided
hearing following his initial not details about a pos-
By JACQUES BILLEAUD came nearly two months formed of the charges. arrest. sible motive. Saucedo had
Associated Press after police he was respon- Saucedo, dubbed the Seri- Police have previously no prior criminal record or
PHOENIX (AP) — A former sible for fatally shooting al Street Shooter by author- said in court records that visible presence on social
city bus driver accused in nine people and wounding ities, has been jailed since Saucedo left behind bul- media and he lived with his
a string of deadly nighttime two others during a nearly he was indicted in April in let casings at each crime mother. Before working as
shootings of people out- one-year period that end- one of the first killings in the that authorities tested and a bus driver, Saucedo at-
side their homes or sitting ed in July 2016. series. In all, he has now linked him to the shoot- tended a high school spe-
in cars that kept residents He was indicted Tuesday been charged with nine ings. In one of the shoot- cializing in helping troubled
of a Phoenix neighborhood but news of the indictment murders. ings, police said, he got out youth. He has held various
inside after dark has been did not emerge until Friday, The attacks terrified people of his car in January 2016 jobs over the years, includ-
formally charged with nine when court officials sent living in Maryvale, a mostly and kicked a victim after ing working as a laborer
counts of murder. reporters a link to a video Latino neighborhood in shooting the man. Authori- for a home remodeling
The indictment this week of appearance of Saucedo Phoenix where all but two ties also have said video company and as a city bus
Aaron Juan Saucedo, 23, in court Thursday to be in- of the killings occurred. The footage captured near the driver. q
Texas officer shot while investigating vehicle break-in dies
SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A on Moreno and his part- Friday. The gunman died in Manus said. a weapon and has been
police officer in San Anto- ner, Officer Julio Cavazos, the shootout. The gunman was shot in cooperating with investi-
nio died Friday of wounds as they stepped out of The officers were patrolling the buttocks and as he at- gators. He was arrested on
suffered when he and his their patrol car. Cavazos north of downtown when tempted to flee he suffered outstanding municipal war-
partner were shot by a man also was shot but returned they decided to question a head wound that may rants but released.
they intended to question fire and attempted to pull two men because they have been self-inflicted. “All they were going to do
about a vehicle break-in, Moreno out of the line of were near the vehicle that Police identified the gun- was contact these two in-
police said. fire. had been broken into, Mc- man Friday as Andrew Bice, dividuals, contact them to
Officer Miguel Moreno, a Cavazos underwent sur- Manus said. He said the of- 34. McManus said he might get their identification, in
nine-year veteran of the gery and is expected to ficers didn’t consider the have come from Louisiana. the event that anything did
police force, was shot in the recover, police Chief Wil- men suspects. McManus said the second happen ...,” McManus said.
head during the encounter liam McManus said during “I’m at a loss to describe man was unaware that “And things went bad real
Thursday. The gunman fired a news conference earlier what a tragedy this is,” Mc- his companion would pull quick.”q