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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 1 July 2017
               Hundreds flee Mosul as Iraqi forces squeeze extremists

                                                                                                   ernment forces are fighting  the caliphate in 2014.
                                                                                                   have been under siege for  During  the  evening,  al-
                                                                                                   months  as  grueling  urban  Abadi announced that the
                                                                                                   warfare  drew  out  the  op-  full  liberation of Mosul  was
                                                                                                   eration to retake Iraq’s sec-  near and that Iraq’s “brave
                                                                                                   ond-largest city.            forces will bring victory.”
                                                                                                   For  the  civilians  held  as  Lt.  Gen.  Abdul  Wahab  al-
                                                                                                   human  shields  by  the  ex-  Saadi  said  that  by  Friday
                                                                                                   tremists,  supplies  have  run  afternoon,   the   special
                                                                                                   low  and  drinking  water  forces were within 700 me-
                                                                                                   is  scarce,  according  to  ters (766 yards) of the Tigris
                                                                                                   residents  interviewed  at  River, which roughly divides
                                                                                                   screening centers and clin-  Mosul  into  eastern  and
                                                                                                   ics by The Associated Press.  western halves.
                                                                                                   The  battles  came  a  day  The  operation  to  retake
                                                                                                   after Iraqi forces made sig-  Mosul,  backed  closely  by
                                                                                                   nificant  gains  against  the  the  U.S.-led  coalition,  be-
                                                                                                   militants and Prime Minister  gan  in  October,  with  the
                                                                                                   Haider  al-Abadi  declared  Iraqi  government  initially
                                                                                                   an end to the group’s self-  vowing  the  city  would  be
                                                                                                   proclaimed caliphate.        liberated in 2016.
                                                                                                   After a dawn push on Thurs-  IS now holds a small patch
                                                                                                   day, Iraqi forces retook the  of  territory  in  Mosul’s  Old
            Iraqi civilians flee through a destroyed alley as Iraqi Special Forces move toward Islamic State   symbolic site where the al-  City  along  the  Tigris  that
            positions in the Old City of Mosul, Iraq, Friday, June 30, 2017.                       Nuri  Mosque  once  stood.  measures  less  than  two
                                                                            (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)  It  was  from  the  pulpit  of  square   kilometers   (0.8
             By FELIPE DANA              the  last  pockets  of  Islamic  People   climbed   over   the  12th  century  mosque,  square  miles).  The  terrain
             Associated Press            State  resistance,  and  the  mounds  of  rubble  and     which the militants blew up  is dense, and the U.N. esti-
             MOSUL,  Iraq  (AP)  —  Hun-  U.N.  warned  that  the  “in-  through   narrow   alleys   last week along with its fa-  mates tens of thousands of
             dreds  of  civilians  fled  Mo-  tense  and  concentrated”  as  gunshots  and  explo-  mous leaning minaret, that  civilians are trapped there.
             sul’s  Old  City  on  Friday  as  fighting  put  innocent  lives  sions rang out nearby. The   their  leader  Abu  Bakr  al-  “We don’t feel the end yet,
             Iraqi forces slowly squeezed  in even greater danger.    neighborhoods where gov-     Baghdadi had proclaimed  to be honest. q

             Lebanon: Suicide attackers

             near Syria border kill 1 girl

            Associated Press             security sweep earned the
            BEIRUT (AP) — Explosions, in-  Lebanese  military  much
            cluding five suicide bomb-   praise. But they also stirred
            ings,  shook  a  Lebanese  up  a  storm  among  Syr-
            border  town  early  on  Fri-  ian  activists  after  pictures
            day, killing a Syrian girl and  surfaced  of  rows  of  de-
            wounding seven Lebanese  tainees  with  their  faces  to
            soldiers  as  the  army  raid-  the  ground,  many  bare-
            ed  several  refugee  settle-  chested  and  their  hands
            ments, the military said.    cuffed.  The  Britain-based
            The  Lebanese  army  has  Syrian  Observatory  for  Hu-
            been battling militants who  man Rights called for their
            have thrived in the border  immediate release.
            area  with  Syria  during  its  The  military  said  one  sui-
            war, now in its seventh year.  cide attacker blew himself
            Tiny Lebanon of 4.5 million  up  among a  family  of  Syr-
            people has been grappling  ian refugees during the raid
            with an influx of over a mil-  in  al-Nour  settlement,  kill-
            lion  Syrian  refugees  who  ing the girl. Also in al-Nour,
            escaped violence at home  three soldiers were wound-
            to find refuge in the neigh-  ed when a suicide bomber
            boring country.              detonated  his  suicide  belt
            The raids and a subsequent  near them. q
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