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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 1 July 2017

               Sex misconduct revisits elite prep school already under fire

                                                                      that requires him to register  people  are  being  harmed  “Very painful for our family
                                                                      as a sex offender for life.  because of the students’ ir-  to learn sexual assault and
                                                                      Although  sentenced  to  a  responsible and damaging  sex  competition  continue
                                                                      year in jail, the 21-year-old  actions and the administra-  at  SPS  despite  what  was
                                                                      Labrie  has  remained  free  tion’s  inaction.  When  will  exposed  during  the  senior
                                                                      under curfew while he ap-    school  administrators  and  salute criminal trial. Girls as
                                                                      peals  his  convictions.  He  trustees  show  real  leader-  conquest  targets,  not  hu-
                                                                      was  18  at  the  time  of  the  ship that truly puts the well-  man  beings....  what  is  go-
                                                                      assault.                     being of students ahead of  ing  on?”  Alexander  Prout
                                                                      “St.  Paul’s  School  is  oper-  their own reputation?”   wrote.
                                                                      ating  in  a  bubble  of  de-  Prout’s  father,  who  is  also  The  AP  typically  doesn’t
                                                                      nial, and their students are  a  graduate  of  the  school,  identify  victims  of  sexual
                                                                      paying  the  consequenc-     reacted  to  the  latest  alle-  assault  unless  they  come
                                                                      es,”  Prout  told  the  AP  in  a  gations  Thursday  on  Face-  forward publicly, as Chessy
                                                                      statement  Friday.  “Real  book.                          Prout has done.q

            This Feb. 26, 2016 photo, shows the entrance to St. Paul’s School
            in Concord, N.H. New Hampshire police say they’ve learned of
            a new game of sexual conquest at the elite prep school where
            a student was charged in 2014 over a game called the “Senior
            Salute.”  The  Concord  Monitor  reported  Friday,  June  30,  2017,
            that boys in a St. Paul’s School dorm apparently competed to
            have their names put on a crown. The school said Friday that
            it’s investigating “improper behavior” by students, but it didn’t
                                                  (AP Photo/Jim Cole)
            By HOLLY RAMER               gating a report of a sexual
            Associated Press             assault  on  campus  involv-
            CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — An  ing students. But police said
            elite  New  Hampshire  prep  the  competition  wasn’t
            school  is  facing  new  reve-  linked  to  their  ongoing  in-
            lations about another com-   vestigation at the school.
            petition of sexual conquest  “If  that  conquest  game  is
            two  years  after  a  student  existing at St. Paul’s or any-
            was  convicted  of  sexually  where, it’s extremely alarm-
            assaulting  a  freshman  as  ing  to  us,”  said  Lt.  Sean
            part  of  a  tradition  called  Ford.  “I  would  assume  the
            “Senior Salute.”             school  would  be  vigilant
            Eight  boys  in  a  St.  Paul’s  in  monitoring  of  that  con-
            School  dorm  in  Concord  cerning behavior if it is go-
            apparently  competed  to  ing on.”
            have  their  names  put  on  The  allegations  appear
            a crown, according to the  similar to those in the case
            Concord  Monitor,  which  of Owen Labrie, prompting
            first reported on the matter.  criticism  that  the  school’s
            The school it learned about  efforts  to  change  the  cul-
            the  game  from  students  ture at St. Paul’s have fallen
            just before the June 4 com-  short.
            mencement and has hired  Labrie,  of  Tunbridge,  Ver-
            an outside investigator.     mont,  was  acquitted  in
            “Kids will be disciplined in a  2015  of  raping  a  15-year-
            swift and appropriate way  old     classmate,    Chessy
            should  that  investigation  Prout, the previous year as
            find  any  violation  of  our  part of the Senior Salute, in
            code of conduct. We take  which  boys  competed  to
            these things very seriously,”  take the virginity of younger
            Rector  Michael  Hirschfeld  girls before getting their di-
            told  The  Associated  Press  plomas. He was convicted
            on Friday.                   of misdemeanor sexual as-
            Concord  police  said  they  sault,  child  endangerment
            learned  of  the  conquest  and  using  a  computer  to
            competition  while  investi-  lure the girl for sex, a felony
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