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                    Saturday 1 July 2017

            Germany legalizes same-sex marriage after Merkel U-turn

            By DAVID RISING                                                                                                     Brandt, standing alongside
            Associated Press                                                                                                    her  partner  and  their  son.
            BERLIN (AP) — German law-                                                                                           “We are happy and proud
            makers  voted  Friday  to  le-                                                                                      that we are now equal and
            galize  same-sex  marriage,                                                                                         we can live our love.”
            a  move  widely  supported                                                                                          After years of lukewarm op-
            across  the  country  that                                                                                          position  to  gay  marriage
            brings Germany in line with                                                                                         following  her  party’s  line,
            many of its Western peers.                                                                                          Merkel  said  Monday  that
            Chancellor  Angela  Merkel                                                                                          lawmakers  could  take  up
            voted  against  the  mea-                                                                                           the  issue  as  a  question  of
            sure,  but  paved  the  way                                                                                         “conscience,”     allowing
            for its passage by allowing                                                                                         members  of  her  conserva-
            members  of  her  conserva-                                                                                         tive coalition to individually
            tive  party  to  vote  accord-                                                                                      vote for it if they wanted.
            ing to their conscience.                                                                                            That prompted her center-
            Lawmakers  voted  393-226                                                                                           left rivals to call for a quick
            to  legalize  “marriage  for                                                                                        vote  on  the  issue,  adding
            everybody,”  with  four  ab-                                                                                        it to the agenda Friday on
            stentions.  Underlining  the                                                                                        parliament’s  last  regular
            delicate  political  tightrope                                                                                      session  before  Germany’s
            that  Merkel  walked,  the                                                                                          Sept. 24 national election.
            “no”  votes  came  entirely                                                                                         Berlin  Christian  Democrat
            from her conservative bloc,                                                                                         Jan-Marco  Luczak,  one  of
            although  some  prominent                                                                                           75 lawmakers from Merkel’s
            party  members,  including   German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, gestures as a lawmaker raising a “No”-polling card   bloc  who  voted  for  the
                                         during a meeting of the German Federal Parliament, Bundestag, at the Reichstag building on
            Defense Minister Ursula von   same-sex marriage in Berlin, Germany, Friday, June 30, 2017.                          measure,  urged  his  fellow
            der Leyen and her chief of                                                                 (AP Photo/Michael Sohn)  party members to join him.
            staff  Peter  Altmaier,  voted   and  was  showered  with  Gay  couples  outside  the  signs  saying  “Marriage  for   “It  would  be  absurd  to  try
            for it. “This is a historic day,”   confetti by supporters.   chancellery,  not  far  from  everybody.”             and  protect  marriage  by
            said   Greens    lawmaker    “It is really an amazing vic-  parliament,   kissed   and  “We’ve been happily mar-    preventing people to mar-
            Volker  Beck,  who  leapt  to   tory,”  said  Beck,  who  has  hugged  after  the  decision  ried for eight years, but we   ry,”  he  told  lawmakers  in
            his  feet  to  applaud  once   campaigned  around  Eu-    was  announced,  waving  could  never  call  it  that,”   the  debate  ahead  of  the
            the  result  was  announced   rope for gay rights.        rainbow flags and carrying  said  38-year-old  Shoshana   vote.q

            French far-right leader charged with alleged EU funds misuse

            By ELAINE GANLEY             the  far-right  National  Front  right  National  Front  par-  pean deputy.”           The  preliminary  charges
            Associated Press             party.                       ty.    Griset  was  charged  in  Le  Pen  plans  to  file  an  ur-  are thrown out if investiga-
            PARIS  (AP)  —  French  far-  The prosecutor’s office said  February  for  allegedly  re-  gent  demand  Monday  at  tors  fail  to  come  up  with
            right leader Marine Le Pen  Le  Pen  was  summoned  ceiving  money  through  a  the  Appeals  Court  asking  convincing             evidence.
            was charged Friday with al-  and  handed  preliminary  breach of trust.                that the preliminary charg-  The  case  goes  to  trial  if
            legedly  misusing  European  charges  of  breach  of  trust  Le Pen is also charged with  es be annulled due to “the  they  do.  A  conviction  for
            Parliament  funds  to  pay  and  complicity  in  breach  complicity  in  breach  of  violation of the principle of  breach of trust charge car-
            two  parliamentary  aides  of  trust  concerning  two  trust in connection with her  separation of powers,” her  ries  a  potential  penalty  of
            who  also  work  at  her  Na-  parliamentary  aides  when  role as president of the Na-  lawyer,  Rodolphe  Bosselut,  up  to  three  years  in  prison
            tional  Front  headquarters.  she served at the European  tional Front from 2014-2016.  said in a statement. She will  and a fine of 375,000 euros
            Her lawyer said she denies  Parliament.                   That  charge  could  not  im-  also  seek  a  suspension  of  ($428,000).
            the  charges  and  will  fight  Le Pen is suspected of using  mediately be clarified.  the investigation.           Le  Pen  had  twice  refused
            to get the investigation sus-  parliamentary funds to pay  Le Pen denies the charges.  His  reference  to  “separa-  summonses  from  authori-
            pended.                      Catherine Griset from 2009  “It  makes  no  sense,”  Na-  tion  of  powers”  may  re-  ties while campaigning, first
            Investigators  suspect  some  to  2016  and  bodyguard  tional  Front  vice  president  late  to  a  contention  that  for  the  French  presidential
            National  Front  lawmakers  Thierry  Legier  from  2014  to  Florian  Philippot,  Le  Pen’s  the  French  justice  system  election which she lost May
            used  legislative  aides  for  2016  for  allegedly  work-  top lieutenant, said on the  should  not  interfere  in  the  7  to  Emmanuel  Macron,
            the  party’s  political  activi-  ing  as  aides  in  Strasbourg,  BFM-TV  station.  “She  is  ob-  affairs  of  political  parties.  then for a lawmaker’s seat
            ties while they were on the  seat  of  the  European  Par-  viously  24  hours  out  of  24  Bosselut could not immedi-  in  the  French  National  As-
            European  Parliament  pay-   liament, even though they  both  the  president  of  the  ately be reached for com-    sembly  which  she  won  on
            roll.  Le  Pen  is  president  of  also  have  roles  in  her  far-  National Front and a Euro-  ment.              June 18. q
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