Page 13 - aruba-today-20170701
P. 13

                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 1 July 2017

                        Flying the 101 Years-Old Jenny (Curtiss JN4)

            By Clyde Harms               ing  plane  at  the  Whiting   ron  for  two  years  at  Scott
            ORANJESTAD - Lt. Col Mat-    Field  near  Pensacola.  The   Air  Force  Base.  As  Scott
            thew  Getty,  a  U.  S.  Air   Stearman, a bi-plane, was   AF  Base  was  celebrating
            Force  pilot  who  served  in   a direct descendant of the   its  100th  anniversary  as  a
            Iraq and Afghanistan flying
            a  Lockheed  C-5  Galaxy
            plane,  is  the  grandson  of
            Bill  Hochstuhl  who,  as  Edi-
            tor of the Aruba Esso News
            wrote  the  book  “German
            U-Boat 156 Brought War To
            Aruba  February  16,  1942”.
            During  the  Second  World
            War,  Bill  Hochstuhl  served
            as  a  U.  S.  Navy  pilot  in
            Greenland on patrol duties                                                             “I can tell you it was an in-  has  told  me  about  flying
            in  the  North  Atlantic  flying                                                       credibly  neat  moment  to  in  biplanes  and  you  can
            the PB2Y2. Bill had learned                                                            be in the open cockpit of a  imagine  it  was  a  special
            to fly as a young recruit as-                                                          hundred  year  old  airplane  moment”.
            signed  to  the  naval  base                                                           (it’s  actually  a  replica  but  Grandma  Eileen  watched
            in Pensacola. His instructor                                                           built to exact specifications  the flight on video and was
            was  the  “Link  Trainer”  Miss   Bill Hochstuhl learned to fly in a Stearman bi-plane like this   of  the  original  with  some  filled  with  pride  as  her  el-
            Eileen Sivori, who would lat-                                                          original  hardware)  over  a  dest grandson piloted that
            er become Mrs. Hochstuhl,                                                              100 year old field that I had  101 year old Jenny. Grand-
            Matthew’s  grandmother.      famous  Curtis  JN-4,  popu-                              the opportunity to lead the  dad  Bill  Hochstuhl  would
            (Mrs.  Hochstuhl  received   larly known as “Jenny”.      pilot  training  base  where   operation  of  for  the  past  have  loved  the  moment.
            her own pilot’s license after   Until  last  week,  Matthew   they  trained  pilots  in  the   two  years.  Add  that  to  re-  Send  your  comments  to
            the war in 1946).            had  been  Wing  Com-        Curtis  Jenny  and  the  Jen-  living the stories Granddad
            Following his “Link” training,   mander  of  the  375th  Op-  ny  was  also  in  its  Centen-
            Bill spent many hours actu-  erations  Support  Squad-    nial year, the base invited
            ally flying a Stearman train-                             the  Jenny  to  participate
                                                                      in  the  airshow  scheduled
                                                                      for  the  festivities  around
                                                                      the  change  of  command
                                                                      of  the  base.  Due  to  very
                                                                      gusty conditions, the Jenny
                                                                      was unable to perform and
                                                                      had to stay at the base for
                                                                      almost a week.
                                                                      When Dorian Walker, own-
                                                                      er  of  the  Jenny  came  to
                                                                      get  his  plane,  he  offered
                                                                      to  do  a  few  fly-bys  of  the
                                                                      field prior to departure. At
                                                                      that  point,  the  new  Wing
                                                                      Commander who had just
                                                                      replaced  Matthew  sug-
                                                                      gested to Matthew to take
                                                                      up  Mr.  Walker  on  his  offer
                                                                      for a flight. He did.
                                                                      Matthew,  who  had  spent
                                                                      hundreds of hours flying the
                                                                      C 5, a plane big enough to
                                                                      carry as many as 130 Jen-
                                                                      nies, who used to perform
                                                                      mid-air  refueling  opera-
                                                                      tions at altitudes of over 40
                                                                      thousand  feet,  was  asked
             Lt. Col. Matthew Getty with Dorian Walker, owner of the Jenny.  how he had felt taking the
                                                                      spin in the Jenny.                     As the pilot, Matthew sat in the front seat.
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