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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 1 July 2017

            Roads blocked, transportation affected by strike in Brazil

            By LILIANA MICHELENA         labor  and  pension  reforms
            Associated Press             because  it  is  the  return  of
            RIO  DE  JANEIRO  (AP)  —  A  slavery,”  said  Iran  de  Pau-
            general  strike  disrupted  la, a lawyer and part of a
            major  cities  across  Brazil  group  called  “Movement
            on Friday, as union workers  for Roofless Workers.”
            protested  President  Michel  ‘’Your company will lay you
            Temer’s proposal to loosen  off  whenever  they  want,
            labor laws and trim pension  you  won’t  have  any  rights
            benefits.                    and  you’ll  have  to  work
            In  Sao  Paulo,  protesters  until you are 100, 200 years
            blocked some of the city’s  old.”
            main  roads  and  highways  Protesters  in  Rio  also  gath-
            and  hindered  access  to  ered  in  front  of  the  Gua-
            Guarulhos  Airport,  the  big-  nabara Palace, seat of the
            gest in the country.         state  government.  Univer-
            In  Rio  de  Janeiro,  down-  sity  teachers  demanded
            town  access  was  halted  the government pay back  Demonstrators protest against Brazil’s President Michel Temer and his proposed changes
            early  in  the  morning,  with  wages owed them.          to labor laws and the pension system, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, Friday, June 30, 2017. Unions
            lines  that  stretched  miles  Thousands  of  public  work-  representing transportation workers and others called for the shutdown to protest proposals
            (kilometers)  behind  strikers  ers in the state of Rio de Ja-  in Congress to loosen labor rules and trim pension benefits in Latin America’s largest nation.
            and  rows  of  burning  tires.  neiro haven’t been paid in                                                             (AP Photo/Andre Penner)
            Many  people  were  seen  months thanks to an acute
            getting  off  the  buses  and  budget crisis. The strike also   Horizonte  and  the  capital,  day. The labor proposal be-  pay  fewer  benefits.  The
            walking  or  biking  to  their  affected other big cities, in-  Brasilia.   Demonstrations  fore Congress would make  pension reform would raise
            jobs.  “We  must  defeat  the  cluding  Porto  Alegre,  Belo   were  expected  to  inten-  it  easier  for  employers  to  the retirement age and trim
                                                                      sify towards the end of the  hire temporary workers and  payments. q
            Report: Venezuela’s defiant chief

            prosecutor requesting protection

            By FABIOLA SANCHEZ           sidelined congress — chal-
            CHRISTINE ARMARIO            lenging  Maduro’s  push  to
            Associated Press             rewrite the constitution and
            CARACAS,        Venezuela  pressing charges against of-
            (AP)  —  Venezuela’s  chief  ficers responsible for deaths
            prosecutor asked the Inter-  during    anti-government
            American  Commission  on  protests.On  Friday,  Ortega
            Human  Rights  for  protec-  Diaz’s  office  announced  it
            tion  Friday,  days  after  the  was  summoning  the  chief
            Supreme Court barred her  of Venezuela’s intelligence
            from  leaving  the  country  agency,  Gustavo  Gonza-
            and ordered her bank ac-     lez, to appear on suspicion
            counts frozen.               of  “committing  grave  and
            Tensions  between  Luisa  systemic  violations  of  hu-
            Ortega Diaz and President  man rights.”
            Nicolas  Maduro’s  social-   Prosecutors  said  they  are
            ist   administration   have  investigating  incidents  of
            been  steadily  escalating  illegitimate     detentions,
            since  she  contested  a  Su-  arbitrary  raids  and  cases
            preme  Court  decision  in  in  which  people  have  re-
            late  March  that  dissolved  mained imprisoned despite
            the  opposition-controlled  court  orders  that  they  be
            National   Assembly    and  freed.
            sparked a deadly wave of  “The  Public  Ministry  will
            unrest.                      continue safeguarding the
            Since  then,  she  has  be-  protection  and  defense
            come one of the few criti-   of  Venezuelans’  human
            cal  voices  within  the  gov-  rights,”  her  office  said  in  a
            ernment — other than the  statement.q
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