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                    Saturday 1 July 2017
            Trump, Moon show resolve on North Korea                                                 Trump, Putin facing high-stakes

            By MATTHEW PENNINGTON        national  agenda,  Trump  South Korea.”                    meeting in Germany next week
            Associated Press             highlighted      America’s  To rub it in, Trump called on
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-     trade    imbalance     with  his  top  economic  officials   By KEN THOMAS             fense  Department  official
            dent  Donald  Trump  and  South       Korea.   Two-way  to address their grievances     VIVIAN SALAMA               under  President  Barack
            South  Korea’s  new  leader  trade in goods and servic-   to Moon in front of journal-  Associated Press            Obama.  “He  wants  the
            showed  joint  resolve  on  es was $144 billion last year,  ists.                       WASHINGTON       (AP)   —  meeting  and  the  photo
            North  Korea  on  Friday  de-  with the U.S. running a $17  Commerce  Secretary  Wil-   Meeting face-to-face with  more than the discussion.”
            spite  their  divergent  phi-  billion  deficit.”The  fact  is  bur Ross said the trade im-  Russian President Vladimir  Putin’s  spokesman  Dmitry
            losophies  for  addressing  that  the  United  States  has  balance had grown sharp-    Putin,  President  Donald  Peskov  told  Russian  news
            the nuclear threat, yet the  trade  deficits  with  many,  ly since the trade deal took   Trump’s  “America  First”  agencies  after  the  White
            U.S. opened up a new front  many  countries,  and  we  effect  due  to  unfair  “rule-  policy  will  be  put  to  the  House’s   announcement
            of  discord  by  demanding  cannot  allow  that  to  con-  making”  governing  U.S.  in-
                                                                                                    test if he opts to confront  that  Putin  is  expecting  to
                                                                                                    Russia  over  intelligence  meet with Trump in Ham-
                                                                                                    that  Moscow  meddled  burg.  They  “will  meet  at
                                                                                                    in  the  2016  presidential  the summit in one way or
                                                                                                    election.  National  secu-  another.  We  have  said
                                                                                                    rity adviser H.R. McMaster  it  before,”  he  told  state-
                                                                                                    said  Thursday  that  Trump  owned  RIA  Novosti  news
                                                                                                    will meet with Putin along  agency.
                                                                                                    the sidelines of the annual  McMaster    and    White
                                                                                                    Group  of  20  meeting  in  House  economic  adviser
                                                                                                    Hamburg,  Germany,  part  Gary Cohn would not say
                                                                                                    of an itinerary that will in-  whether  the  president  in-
                                                                                                    clude  meetings  with  sev-  tends to address accusa-
                                                                                                    eral world leaders.         tions that Russia interfered
                                                                                                    Trump  will  face  the  chal-  in  the  2016  presidential
                                                                                                    lenge of working with Rus-  election, saying the agen-
                                                                                                    sia toward common goals  da is “not finalized” for this
                                                                                                    in Syria and Ukraine, while  or any other meeting.
                                                                                                    also  potentially  broach-  “Our relationship with Rus-
                                                                                                    ing   allegations   about  sia  is  not  different  from
                                                                                                    Moscow’s interferences in  that with any other coun-
                                                                                                    the U.S. elections and ac-  try in terms of us communi-
                                                                                                    cusations that some of his  cating to them really what
                                                                                                    associates may have had  our  concerns  are,  where
            President Donald Trump meets with South Korean President Moon Jae-in in the Oval Office of the   contact  with  Russian  offi-  we see problems with the
            White House in Washington, Friday, June 30, 2017.                                       cials during the 2016 cam-  relationship  but  also  op-
                                                                            (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)   paign and the transition.   portunities,”   McMaster
                                                                                                    All  17  U.S.  intelligence  said. Many administration
            a  renegotiation  of  a  land-  tinue,”  Trump  said.  “And  dustrial  products  entering   agencies  have  agreed  officials  believe  the  U.S.
            mark  2012  trade  pact  be-  we’ll start with South Korea  South  Korea,  particularly   that  Russia  was  behind  needs  to  maintain  its  dis-
            tween the two countries.     right now.”                  autos.                        last  year’s  hack  of  the  tance from Russia at such
            Concluding  two  days  of  Ahead  of  their  first  face-  It  all  amounted  to  an  un-  Democratic  Party’s  email  a  sensitive  time  —  and
            meetings  at  the  White  to-face  discussions,  South  usual  display  of  one-up-     systems and tried to influ-  interact  only  with  great
            House,  Trump  and  Presi-   Korean    companies    an-   manship  in  a  meeting  be-  ence the 2016 election to  caution.
            dent  Moon  Jae-in  each  nounced  plans  to  invest  tween close allies. After the     benefit Trump.              Some  advisers  have  rec-
            delivered tough talk oppos-  US$12.8  billion  in  the  U.S.  talks,  Moon  largely  skirted   Trump will  be  under pres-  ommended that the pres-
            ing North Korea’s develop-   over the next half-decade.  the  differences  on  trade,   sure  to  side  with  the  U.S.  ident  instead  do  either
            ment  of  atomic  weapons  Nevertheless, Trump wasn’t  calling  the  U.S.-South  Ko-    intelligence agencies and  a  quick,  informal  “pull-
            that  could  soon  threaten  placated. He said the two  rean economic partnership       press Putin on the issue of  aside”  on  the  sidelines  of
            both allies.                 sides  would  renegotiate  a  an  “essential  pillar”  of  the   election meddling, some-  the  summit,  or  that  the
            The  “reckless  and  brutal  2012 free trade agreement,  alliance.                      thing he has thus far been  U.S.  and  Russian  delega-
            regime”  requires  a  deter-  calling  it  a  “rough  deal”  Such language is tradition-  reluctant  to  do.  Trump’s  tions hold “strategic stabil-
            mined  reply,  Trump  said.  for  America,  echoing  the  ally  reserved  for  their  joint   promise  of  closer  coop-  ity  talks,”  which  typically
            And  Moon,  who  has  long  sentiments  he  has  voiced  effort in the 1950-53 Korean   eration  with  Russia  has  don’t  involve  the  presi-
            advocated  outreach  to  about the North American  War and the ongoing pres-            prompted  concerns  that  dents,  according  to  cur-
            Pyongyang,     vowed     a  Free    Trade   Agreement  ence of 28,000 U.S. forces in    the  U.S.  will  have  dimin-  rent  and  former  adminis-
            “stern  response”  to  provo-  with Canada and Mexico.  South Korea.                    ished leverage over glob-   tration officials.
            cation,  promising  to  coor-  The White House later con-  After  the  flood  of  accu-  al issues and he could be  The  officials  spoke  on
            dinate  closely  with  Trump  firmed Trump has asked his  sations  of  South  Korean    more sympathetic to Rus-    condition  of  anonymity
            as  he  looks  to  intensify  trade representative to be-  wrongdoing,  Moon  said      sia.                        because they weren’t au-
            economic  and  diplomatic  gin the process of renego-     through   an    interpreter:   Trump  has  staunchly  de-  thorized to discuss private
            pressure on North Korea.     tiation.                     “Economic growth and job      nied  that  he  had  any  policy matters by name.
            While  they  avoided  a  po-  Trump  accused  Seoul  of  creation  will  be  promoted   contacts  with  Russia  dur-  The  U.S.-Russian  relation-
            tential conflict on the most  helping steel reach the U.S.  to ensure our peoples enjoy   ing his campaign. Russian  ship  deteriorated  during
            burning  national  security  at unfairly low prices. It was  greater mutual benefits.”  officials have denied any  Obama’s  eight  years  in
            crisis  facing  each  country,  an apparently reference to  South  Korea  is  America’s   meddling in the 2016 elec-  office  when  the  Obama
            they showed little harmony  Chinese  steel.  Trump  also  seventh  largest  market  for   tion. “Putin is all about op-  administration   slapped
            on trade.                    demanded  that  market  exported  goods  such  as          tics  and  symbolism,”  said  sanctions   on   Moscow
            Summoning  the  econom-      barriers to U.S. auto makers  U.S.  electrical  machinery,   Julianne Smith, a National  over  its  annexation  of
            ic  nationalism  that  has  be  lifted  to  give  them  “a  aircraft,   medical   instru-  Security  Council  and  De-  Crimea  from  Ukraine.q
            marked  much  of  his  inter-  fair  shake  at  dealing  with  ments and beef. q
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