P. 2

                   Thursday 17 May 2018

             AP analysis shows how Bill Gates influences education policy

            By SALLY HO                                                                                                         in terms of what they need
            SEATTLE  (AP)  —  Billionaire                                                                                       to know so that they're pre-
            philanthropist Bill Gates saw                                                                                       pared for success after high
            an opportunity with a new                                                                                           school,"  said  Cohen,  who
            federal education law that                                                                                          was  a  member  of  a  local
            has  widespread  repercus-                                                                                          stakeholders  group  in  Ten-
            sions  for  American  class-                                                                                        nessee  focused  on  stan-
            rooms.                                                                                                              dards and assessments. He
            His  nonprofit  Bill  and  Me-                                                                                      also  gave  a  presentation
            linda  Gates  Foundation                                                                                            to New York's Board of Re-
            has  given  about  $44  mil-                                                                                        gents  urging  the  state  to
            lion to outside groups over                                                                                         adopt  high  standards  as
            the past two years to help                                                                                          part  of  its  new  education
            shape new state education                                                                                           plan.  Tennessee  said  Co-
            plans  required  under  the                                                                                         hen had a seat at the table
            2015 law, according to an                                                                                           because it sought national
            Associated  Press  analysis                                                                                         experts in addition to state
            of  its  grants.  The  spending                                                                                     officials,  community  ad-
            paid  for  research  aligned                                                                                        vocacy  groups  and  tradi-
            with Gates' interests, led to                                                                                       tional and charter schools.
            friendly  media  coverage                                                                                           Eve  Carney,  who  led  the
            and  had  a  role  in  helping                                                                                      plan's development for the
            write one state's new edu-                                                                                          Tennessee  Department  of
            cation system framework.                                                                                            Education,  said  it  was  im-
            The  grants  illustrate  how                                                                                        possible  to  quantify  the
            strategic  and  immersive                                                                                           specific impact of each of
            the  Microsoft  founder  can                                                                                        the  67  stakeholders  across
            be  in  pursuit  of  his  educa-                                                                                    six working groups.
            tion  reform  agenda,  qui-                                                                                         "It's  important  to  have  di-
            etly  wielding  national  in-  In this Feb. 1, 2018 file photo, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda take part in an   versity  in  voice  and  differ-
            fluence  over  how  schools   AP interview in Kirkland, Wash.                                                       ent  points  of  view,  how-
            operate.  Gates'  carefully                                                                                         ever,  the  influence  of  one
            curated  web  of  influence  standards,  which  means  lions  of  dollars  to  protect  of school reform in the Unit-  over the other is not there,"
            is  often  invisible  but  allows  that the backbone for most  Common Core as the new  ed  States.  The  foundation  Carney said.
            his foundation to drive the  state  education  systems  is  law unfolded.              since 2001 has contributed  Another example of Gates'
            conversation  in  support  of  Common Core — a symbol  Some  Common  Core  and  more  than  $6  billion  to-        reach can be found in The
            its vision on how to reshape  for  many  critics  during  the  Gates  critics  said  they  ward  reshaping  American  74  Media,  Inc.,  which  last
            America's struggling school  Obama  years  of  federal  weren't aware of the foun-     schools,  including  nearly  year published an exclusive
            systems.                     overreach in schools. Gates  dation's interest in the edu-  $300  million  on  Common  story  featuring  the  analysis
            Critics call it meddling by a  was influential in supporting  cation  law  or  the  millions  Core by some estimates.  of state plans done by the
            foundation with vast wealth  the  Common  Core  aca-      of  dollars  it  has  continued  The  groups  receiving  the  Collaborative  for  Student
            and  resources.  The  Gates  demic standards, and now  to pour into supporting the  recent  education  grants  Success and quoting an ex-
            Foundation  says  it's  simply  is doing the same as states  standards.  "They're  doing  said the money from Gates  pert voice from the Council
            helping  states  navigate  a  sort  out  the  best  ways  to  it  in  a  quiet  way  because  and other like-minded phi-  of  Chief  State  School  Offi-
            "tectonic"  shift  in  responsi-  implement their education  they  don't  want  the  gen-  lanthropies  —  such  as  the  cers.  Gates  gave  all  three
            bility for education — from  policies under the 2015 law.  eral public to know they're  Carnegie  Corporation  of  groups  money  to  work  on
            the federal government to  And that is how the world's  still  meddling  in  education  New York and William and  Every  Student  Succeeds
            more local control.          largest  philanthropy  works:  policy,"  said  Carol  Burris  of  Flora  Hewlett  foundations  Act.
            "For  50  states  with  varying  funding  everything  from  the Network for Public Edu-  —  was  used  to  develop  The publication said Gates
            sets  of  capacities  and  ca-  policy work on the ground  cation.                     expertise  in  the  education  doesn't influence the direc-
            pabilities  and  readiness,  it  to  broader  research  and  And  long  before  thou-  law  so  that  they  could  be  tion  of  its  coverage  and
            was  both  an  opportunity  analysis, as well as national  sands  of  fed-up  teachers  a  resource  to  states.  Most  that  the  money  funded  its
            and  also  a  concern  that  advocacy  groups,  com-      walked  off  the  job  in  four  of those same groups have  broader  operation.  After
            states and partners in those  munity  leaders  and  me-   unprecedented  statewide  been  funded  by  Gates  in  the AP's inquiry, the educa-
            states  needed  support,"  dia  coverage  both  main-     strikes  this  year  over  pay  other  initiatives,  including  tion  news  outlet  acknowl-
            said  Allan  Golston,  presi-  stream and niche.          and    school   conditions,  prominent     Washington-    edged an oversight by up-
            dent of the Gates Founda-    In  Tennessee,  a  Gates-    education  union  officials  based  policy  players  who  dating  the  nearly  year-old
            tion's U.S. work.            funded  advocacy  group  had sounded alarm about  developed Common Core  story to add a Gates fund-
            The    Gates    Foundation  had a say in the state's new  Gates' influence. The Amer-  in 2009.                     ing disclosure.
            spent about $44 million fo-  education  plan,  with  its  ican  Federation  of  Teach-  Achieve, Inc., collaborated  Golston  said  it's  necessary
            cused on the 2015 federal  leader sitting on an impor-    ers  in  2014  broke  ties  with  with  local  leaders  to  com-  to take a multidimensional
            education  law  called  the  tant advising committee. A  Gates over Common Core  pile information about new  approach  to  play  at  the
            Every  Student  Succeeds  media outlet given money  after initially supporting the  state education plans. Mike  system-wide level.
            Act.  The  law  gives  states  by Gates to cover the new  standards.                   Cohen, Achieve's president  "We're thoughtful about the
            flexibility  to  create  their  law then published a story  To  be  sure,  the  Seattle-  who helped write Common  programmatic  dimensions
            own    education    system  about research funded by  based foundation's educa-        Core,  also  had  more  no-  and  advocacy  and  com-
            framework  defining  what  Gates.  And  many  Gates-      tion spending is just a small  table roles in states such as  munications   dimensions.
            a "good school" is — and in  funded  groups  have  be-    fraction of its philanthropy,  Tennessee and New York.    That's just the nature of be-
            turn states get federal dol-  come the de facto experts  which  is  primarily  focused  "Our focus has always been  ing in education and we've
            lars for complying with their  who  lead  the  conversa-  on  global  health  and  de-  about  standards,  about  learned over time that you
            own rules.                   tion  in  local  communities.  velopment. Still, in terms of  helping states set the right  have  to  be  thoughtful,"
            The law requires academic  Gates  also  dedicated  mil-   dollars,  it  is  the  top  funder  expectations  for  students  Golston said.q
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