P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 17 May 2018

            DA: 10 kids were strangled, shot with crossbow, waterboarded

            By  JONATHAN  J.  COOPER                                                                                            Solano County's Child Wel-
            and JANIE HAR,                                                                                                      fare  Services  department
            FAIRFIELD, Calif. (AP) — The                                                                                        officials  did  not  immedi-
            10  children  rescued  from                                                                                         ately  provide  information
            a  filthy,  abusive  Califor-                                                                                       on details about the visit or
            nia  home  were  strangled,                                                                                         other interactions they may
            punched,  shot  with  cross-                                                                                        have had with members of
            bows and subjected to wa-                                                                                           the household.
            terboarding by their father                                                                                         Rogers  says  she  home-
            and their mother did noth-                                                                                          schooled  the  children,  but
            ing  to  stop  it,  prosecutors                                                                                     the two-story Fairfield, Cali-
            said.                                                                                                               fornia,  home  was  not  reg-
            The  details  of  alleged                                                                                           istered as a private school
            abuse  were  included  in  a                                                                                        and neither were three prior
            motion to increase the bail                                                                                         addresses where the family
            of Ina Rogers, 31, who was                                                                                          lived in Fairfield and Valle-
            charged  with  nine  counts                                                                                         jo,  according  to  the  Cali-
            of   felony   child   abuse                                                                                         fornia  Department  of  Edu-
            Wednesday  in  Solano  Su-                                                                                          cation.  The  Fairfield-Suisun
            perior Court. Rogers did not                                                                                        Unified  School  District  had
            enter  a  plea,  but  has  pre-                                                                                     no record that the students
            viously  denied  allegations                                                                                        attended any school in the
            her children were harmed.    This photo combo of booking mugs provided by the Solano County Sheriff's Office in Fairfield, Ca-  district,  said  Tim  Goree,  a
                                         lif., shows Jonathan Allen and his wife, Ina Rogers. Police said Monday, May 14, 2018,
            "On  a  continuous  basis                                                                                           district spokesman.q
            the  children  were  getting  littered  with  feces  and  Solano  County  court  re-
            punched, strangled, bitten,  trash.                       cords  show  that  Allen  was
            shot with weapons such as  "The  children  appeared  to  charged  with  four  felonies
            crossbows and bb guns, hit  be  skittish  and  spoke  with  in  2011,  including  corporal
            with weapons such as sticks  speech  impediments,"  she  injury,  assault  with  a  fire-
            and bats, subjected to 'wa-  said.   Officers   removed  arm  and  criminal  threats
            terboarding'  and  having  the  10  children,  ages  12  in a case involving his wife,
            scalding  water  poured  on  years to 4 months, from the  identified by her initials, I.R.
            them," Solano County Dep-    house. Juarez alleges Rog-   Prosecutors  alleged  Allen
            uty District Attorney Veroni-  ers  assisted  in  the  abuse  used a .22 caliber revolver
            ca Juarez wrote.             and  "dissuaded  the  chil-  in some of the crimes.
            Prosecutors  have  refused  dren" from reporting their in-  He  pleaded  no  contest  to
            to discuss details of the al-  juries, which include broken  corporal injury as part of a
            legations  against  Rogers  arms.    Prosecutors  would  deal  with  prosecutors.  He
            and her husband Jonathan  not elaborate on the accu-      was sentenced to 180 days
            Allen, 29, who has pleaded  sations or children's injuries.  and  three  years  of  proba-
            not guilty to multiple counts  On Wednesday, Judge Wil-   tion.  Prosecutors  dropped
            of  torture  and  felony  child  liam  J.  Pendergast  set  bail  the other charges.
            abuse.  He  is  in  Solano  at $495,000 for Rogers, say-  Rogers  told  reporters  that
            County  Jail  on  $5.2  million  ing she "may not be a dan-  she  had  one  prior  interac-
            bail.                        ger  to  the  public  at  large,  tion with child welfare offi-
            The  motion  states  that  but  these  charges  make  cials when her mother "had
            when  Fairfield  Police  ar-  clear she is a danger to the  mentioned something" that
            rived at the two-story house  children."                  prompted a home visit. Of-
            in a suburb 46 miles (74 ki-  It's  unclear  whether  any  ficials  took  pictures  of  the
            lometers)  northeast  of  San  California   government  children  and  interviewed
            Francisco  on  March  31,  agencies had an opportu-       them individually, she said.
            they  found  the  children  nity  to  intervene  sooner  or  "Nothing was founded, my
            "huddled  together  on  the  knew  of  the  turmoil  in  the  kids were placed back with
            living room floor" in a home  household.                  me," she said.
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