P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                   Thursday 17 May 2018

            Trump rails against California for its immigration policies

            By JILL COLVIN                                                                                                      this  looks  like,"  said  Rep.
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi-                                                                                            Carlos  Curbelo,  R-Fla.,  a
            dent  Donald  Trump  on                                                                                             leader  of  the  lawmakers
            Wednesday       hammered                                                                                            trying to force the House to
            California  for  its  so-called                                                                                     address  the  issue.  Conser-
            sanctuary immigration poli-                                                                                         vatives  had  their  own  ses-
            cies,  in  what  appeared  to                                                                                       sion with party leaders and
            be  his  latest  push  to  em-                                                                                      also  suggested  there  had
            bolden  his  base  leading                                                                                          been  movement,  but  of-
            into the midterm elections.                                                                                         fered no specifics.
            As  the  debate  over  immi-                                                                                        Many  of  the  legislators
            gration heats up on Capitol                                                                                         demanding  action  face
            Hill, Trump surrounded him-                                                                                         potentially  competitive  re-
            self with mayors, sheriffs and                                                                                      election  races  in  congres-
            other  local  leaders  from                                                                                         sional  districts  with  large
            California who oppose the                                                                                           numbers of Hispanic, subur-
            state's  immigration  policies                                                                                      ban  or  agriculture-industry
            and  who  applauded  his                                                                                            voters with pro-immigration
            administration's   hard-line                                                                                        views. Earlier this year, com-
            efforts.                                                                                                            peting  bills  aimed  at  pro-
            "This  is  your  Republican  re-                                                                                    tecting  young  immigrants
            sistance  right  here  against                                                                                      and  toughening  border
            what they're doing in Cali-                                                                                         security  —  including  one
            fornia,"  said  California  As-  President Donald Trump speaks during a roundtable on immigration policy in California in the   backed  by  Trump  —  col-
            semblywoman Melissa Me-      Cabinet Room of the White House, Wednesday, May 16, 2018, in Washington.               lapsed  in  the  Senate.  The
            lendez,  coopting  a  term                                                                                          measures  never  received
            used  by  Democrats  op-     to  support  the  lawsuit  or  illegally  as  "animals,"  not  crats but opposed by most  House votes. The discussion
            posed to Trump's presiden-   passed their own anti-sanc-  people.                      Republicans,  an  outcome  also  comes  as  the  Trump
            cy. She, like others, said the  tuary resolutions.        Brown  responded  on  Twit-  that  could  anger  conser-  administration  is  under  fire
            president  and  his  policies  Republicans  see  backlash  ter,  writing  that  Trump  "is  vatives, according to Rep.  for a new policy that is ex-
            were  far  more  popular  in  to the law as a potentially  lying  on  immigration,  ly-  Jeff  Denham,  R-Calif.,  a  pected  to  increase  the
            the state than people real-  galvanizing issue during the  ing  about  crime  and  lying  leader of the effort to force  number  of  children  sepa-
            ize.                         midterm  elections,  espe-   about the laws of CA."       the immigration votes.       rated  from  their  parents
            "It's a crisis," Melendez said  cially  with  Trump's  anti-im-  The  Democratic  governor  House   Majority   Leader  when families cross the bor-
            of the situation.            migrant  base.  And  Trump  added:  "Flying  in  a  dozen  Kevin  McCarthy,  R-Calif.,  der  illegally.  Trump,  in  his
            They  were  responding  to  has  held  numerous  events  Republican  politicians  to  issued  the  warning,  said  a  remarks,  wrongly  blamed
            legislation  signed  into  law  in  recent  months  during  flatter  him  and  praise  his  second  person  who  was  Democrats  for  forcing  his
            by  Gov.  Jerry  Brown  last  which he's drawn attention  reckless  policies  changes  in the room and spoke on  administration's hand.
            year  that  bars  police  from  to California's policies.  nothing. We, the citizens of  condition  of  anonymity  to  "I  know  what  you're  go-
            asking  people  about  their  During  Wednesday's  ses-   the  fifth  largest  economy  describe  the  private  con-  ing  through  right  now  with
            immigration  status  or  help-  sion,  Trump  thanked  the  in  the  world,  are  not  im-  versation.              families  is  very  tough,"  he
            ing federal agents with im-  officials,  saying  they  had  pressed."                  Asked  about  his  remarks,  told  Homeland  Security
            migration     enforcement.  "bravely resisted California's  The  event  came  as  top  McCarthy  said  his  objec-  Secretary  Kirstjen  Nielsen,
            Jail officials can transfer in-  deadly and unconstitution-  House Republicans worked  tion  to  the  procedure  was  "but those are the bad laws
            mates  to  federal  immigra-  al  sanctuary  state  laws."  to head off an attempt by  that it would in effect "turn  that  the  Democrats  gave
            tion authorities if they have  He claimed those laws are  party  moderates  to  force  the  floor  over"  to  Demo-  us.  We  have  to  break  up
            been  convicted  of  one  of  forcing  "the  release  of  il-  roll  calls  on  four  immigra-  crats.              families  ...  because  of  the
            about  800  crimes,  mostly  legal  immigrant  criminals,  tion  bills.  Republican  lead-  House  Speaker  Paul  Ryan  Democrats. It's terrible."
            felonies,  but  not  for  minor  drug  dealers,  gang  mem-  ers  privately  warned  GOP  said the petition would be  Nielsen  on  Tuesday  de-
            offenses.                    bers  and  violent  predators  lawmakers    Wednesday  "a big mistake" that would  fended the practice, telling
            Brown insists the legislation,  into your communities" and  that  such  a  drive  could  "disunify  our  majority."  He  a  Senate  committee  that
            which  took  effect  Jan.  1,  providing  "safe  harbor  to  damage  the  party's  pros-  said the leaders were "work-  removing  children  from
            doesn't prevent federal im-  some  of  the  most  vicious  pects  in  the  fall's  congres-  ing with the administration."  parents   facing   criminal
            migration officials from do-  and  violent  offenders  on  sional  elections  by  dispirit-  The  moderates  said  later  charges  happens  "in  the
            ing their jobs. But the Trump  earth."                    ing  conservative  voters,  Wednesday  that  House  United States every day."
            administration  has  sued  to  Trump  also  claimed  oppo-  according to people at the  leaders were trying to end  Trump also told Nielsen that
            reverse  it,  calling  the  poli-  sition  to  the  policies  was  closed-door meeting.  the  immigration  standoff  she  was  "doing  a  good
            cies  unconstitutional  and  growing,  insisting,  "There's  The House leaders fear the  and  that  they  could  soon  job," one week after berat-
            dangerous.  Some  coun-      a  revolution  going  on  in  winning  legislation  would  see a specific proposal on  ing  her  during  a  cabinet
            ties,  including  San  Diego  California."  He  referred  to  be   a   compromise   bill  how to do that.           meeting  for  failing  to  halt
            and  Orange,  have  voted  some who cross the border  backed  solidly  by  Demo-       "We're  willing  to  see  what  border crossings.q
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