P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 17 May 2018
            Lawyer says Rapper T.I. 'wrongfully arrested' near his home

            By JONATHAN LANDRUM Jr.      T.I.  is  one  of  the  biggest  "The guard continued to re-
            ATLANTA  (AP)  —  The  rap-  names  in  hip-hop,  with  fuse  entry  without  justifica-
            per  T.I.  was  arrested  early  multiple platinum-selling al-  tion," Sadow said in a state-
            Wednesday  as  he  tried  to  bums  and  singles,  produc-  ment, referring to T.I. as Tip.
            enter his gated community  tion credits and roles in films  "Words  were  exchanged
            outside  Atlanta  and  was  like  "ATL"  and  "American  and  apparently  the  guard
            charged  with  disorderly  Gangster."                     and/or  a  supervisor  called
            conduct,  public  drunken-   His  attorney,  Steve  Sa-   the  police.  When  the  po-
            ness  and  simple  assault  —  dow,  said  in  a  statement  lice arrived, they were not
            but the artist's lawyer called  Wednesday  that  the  rap-  interested  in  hearing  Tip's
            it a wrongful arrest.        per  was  "wrongfully  arrest-  side of the story and wrong-
            Henry  County  Deputy  Po-   ed."  He  claims  the  guard  fully chose to end the situa-
            lice Chief Mike Ireland said  was asleep when his client  tion by arresting Tip."
            T.I.  was  arrested  around  arrived  at  the  guardhouse  The  rapper  served  about
            4:30 a.m. after he got into  and  it  took  "some  time  seven  months  in  prison  in
            an argument with a securi-   to  wake  up  the  sleeping  2009 after his arrest on fed-
            ty guard. Media reports say  guard."                      eral gun charges.            In this Jan. 27, 2018 file photo, T.I. attends the Roc Nation pre-
            the Grammy-winning artist,  Sadow  said  T.I.  identified  He  also  spent  about  10   Grammy brunch in New York.
            whose real name is Clifford  himself  and  sought  entry,  months  in  federal  prison                                          Associated Press
            Harris, had lost his key and  but the guard refused. The  on a probation violation in
            the guard wouldn't let him  rapper  contacted  his  wife  2010 after he was arrested  illegally  possess  any  con-  he only planned to release
            into the community.          Tameka  "Tiny"  Cottle,  who  on drug charges in Los An-  trolled  substances  —  and  about  two  or  three  more
            Ireland said T.I. and a friend  confirmed  that  her  hus-  geles.  The  drug  arrest  vio-  led  to  an  11-month  prison  albums,  telling  The  Associ-
            were  arrested.  The  rapper  band  should  be  allowed  lated  his  probation  —  he  sentence  at  an  Arkansas  ated  Press  in  an  interview
            has been released on bail.   inside the community.        had  been  ordered  not  to  prison.                      that  it  was  "definitely  time
                                                                      commit a crime and not to  A year ago, the rapper said  to transition."q
            After  assault  tweets,  Pauley

            Perrette of 'NCIS' thanks CBS

            In this May 21, 2016 file photo, Pauley Perrette attends "An Eve-
            ning with Women" held at the Hollywood Palladium in Los An-
                                                     Associated Press
            Associated Press             the  matter  seriously  and
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Ac-   worked  with  her  to  find  a
            tress   Pauley     Perrette  resolution. We are commit-
            thanked  CBS  for  its  treat-  ted to a safe work environ-
            ment of her, days after say-  ment on all our shows."
            ing  she  suffered  "multiple  Neither  Perrette  nor  CBS
            physical  assaults"  without  have offered any specifics
            describing  them  before  on what happened to her
            leaving "NCIS" after 15 sea-  or  who  was  responsible.  A
            sons.                        CBS  spokesman  declined
            "I  want  to  thank  my  stu-  further  comment  Wednes-
            dio and network CBS They  day,  and  Perrette's  publi-
            have always been so good  cist did not immediately re-
            to me and always had my  spond to an email seeking
            back,"  Perrette  tweeted  more information.
            late Tuesday just after CBS  The network on May 8 aired
            issued its own statement.    the final "NCIS" episode for
            "Over  a  year  ago,  Pauley  Perrette's character, Abby,
            came  to  us  with  a  work-  drawing more than 15 mil-
            place  concern,"  CBS  Tele-  lion  viewers  who  made  it
            vision Studios said. We took  the  second  highest  rated
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