P. 25

BUSINESS                 Thursday 17 May 2018

            US stocks on course to rebound in afternoon trade

            By ALEX VEIGA                and  health  care  sector
            AP Business Writer           companies  notched  solid
            U.S.  stock  indexes  moved  gains.  Micron  Technology
            higher  in  late-afternoon  rose 4.9 percent to $56.66,
            trading  Wednesday,  led  while  Cerner  added  3.3
            by gains in big technology  percent to $60.20.
            names,  health  care  com-   RETAIL    RALLY:    Macy’s
            panies and retailers. Macy’s  jumped  10.9  percent  to
            led  a  rally  among  retailers  $33.20 after reporting quar-
            after  reporting  surprisingly  terly  results  that  were  far
            strong  results.  Small-com-  better  than  analysts  were
            pany  stocks  fared  better  expecting.  The  company
            than the rest of the market.  said   its   Bloomingdale’s
            Safe-play stocks like utilities  and  Bluemercury  divisions
            and real estate companies  as  well  as  its  flagship  store
            lagged.                      brand  all  did  well.  Several
            KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P  other  retailers  also  moved
            500  index  rose  15  points,  higher.  Nordstrom  added
            or  0.6  percent,  to  2,727  as  2 percent to $50.86, while L
            of 3 p.m. Eastern Time. The  Brands gained 3.1 percent
            Dow  gained  87  points,  or  to  $34.33.  Target  shares
            0.4 percent, to 24,794. The  picked  up  2.9  percent  to
            Nasdaq composite added  $75.21.
            59 points, or 0.8 percent, to  ENCOURAGING      UPDATE:
            7,411. The Russell 2000 index  Office  Depot  climbed  6.2   In this April 26, 2018, file photo, Vincent Pepe enjoys some fresh air outside the New York Stock
            of  smaller-company  stocks  percent  to  $2.49  after  the   Exchange where he works in the Financial District in New York.
            picked up 20 points, or 1.3  office   supply   company                                                                          Associated Press
            percent, to 1,620.           maintained its forecasts for  $117.43  after  the  Berkshire  ENERGY:  Benchmark  U.S.  an ounce. Copper gained
            THE    QUOTE:     “Earnings  the year.                    sold about half of its invest-  crude  oil  recovered  from  1 cent to $3.07 a pound.
            growth has shown through  FIDO  APPROVED:  Abaxis  ment  in  the  oil  and  gas  an  early  slide,  adding  18  MARKETS  OVERSEAS:  Ma-
            and  that’s  been  primar-   vaulted  16.2  percent  to  company.                      cents  to  settle  at  $71.49  a  jor  indexes  in  Europe  rose.
            ily  based  on  strong  funda-  $83.38  after  the  veterinary  BOND  YIELDS:  Bond  prices  barrel  in  New  York.  Brent  Germany’s  DAX  gained
            mental  growth  from  U.S.  diagnostic  products  com-    fell. The yield on the 10-year  crude,  used  to  price  inter-  0.2 percent, while France’s
            companies,”  said  Jamie  pany  agreed  to  be  ac-       Treasury  rose  to  3.09  per-  national  oil,  rose  85  cents  CAC 40 added 0.3 percent.
            Lavin,  global  investment  quired by Zoetis.             cent from 3.07 percent late  to close at $79.28 a barrel  Britain’s  FTSE  100  rose  0.1
            specialist  at  J.P.  Morgan  WARREN’S WAY: Teva Phar-    Tuesday,  when  the  yield  in London.                    percent.  In  Asia,  Japan’s
            Private  Bank.  “And  when  maceutical Industries add-    climbed to its highest level  CURRENCIES: The dollar fell  Nikkei  225  stock  index  lost
            equity markets are able to  ed  3.3  percent  to  $20.97  in nearly seven years.       to  110.22  yen  from  110.38  0.4  percent  following  new
            look  through  to  that  and  after Warren Buffett’s com-  Utilities  and  other  high-div-  yen  on  Tuesday.  The  euro  data showing that Japan’s
            we  don’t  have  any  major  pany  Berkshire  Hathaway  idend  paying  stocks  de-     weakened to $1.1804 from  economy  contracted  in
            geopolitical  headlines,  we  more  than  doubled  the  clined Wednesday, added  $1.1847.                           the first quarter. The Kospi in
            tend to have stronger days  size of its investment in the  to losses from a day earlier.  METALS: Gold rose $1.20 to  South  Korea  was  essential-
            in the market.”              Israeli  drugmaker.  Phillips  Sempra Energy fell 1.4 per-  $1,291.50  an  ounce.  Silver  ly  flat.  Hong  Kong’s  Hang
            BIG  GAINERS:  Technology  66  slipped  0.8  percent  to  cent to $103.79.             added  10  cents  to  $16.37  Seng slipped 0.1 percent.q

            Amazon to give Prime members extra discounts at Whole Foods

                                                                      will  expand  nationwide
                                                                      this  summer.  Prime  mem-
                                                                      bers  get  an  additional  10
                                                                      percent off sale items and
                                                                      exclusive  deals  on  certain
                                                                      items.  This  week  in  Florida,
                                                                      for  example,  Prime  mem-
                                                                      bers can get $2 off a pound
                                                                      of  organic  strawberries  or
                                                                      save  $10  a  pound  on  wild
                                                                      halibut steaks.
                                                                      Amazon  wouldn’t  say  if  it
                                                                      plans  to  add  the  benefits
                                                                      to  Whole  Foods  stores  in
                                                                      Canada  and  the  United
            In this Monday, Aug. 28, 2017, file photo, a sign at a Whole Foods   Kingdom.
            Market greets shoppers in Tampa, Fla.                     In bringing Prime to Whole
                                                     Associated Press  Foods,  Amazon  is  trying
            By JOSEPH PISANI             members  extra  discounts  to  give  members  another
            AP Retail Writer             at the grocery chain.        reason  to  stay  on  as  sub-
            NEW YORK (AP) — It’s Prime  The  new  benefits  started  scribers — even as it raises
            time at Whole Foods: Ama-    Wednesday      at   Whole  the price — and try to lure
            zon said it will give its Prime  Foods stores in Florida and  those who aren’t to join.q
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